How to get rid of numbness after a dentist s visit

May 12, 2022, Dental Marketing

How to get rid of numbness after a dentist's visit?
How to get rid of numbness after a dentist's visit?
Numbing the area during the procedure makes it easy for the dentist to perform complicated surgeries and helps you avoid feeling pain.

Numbing the area during the procedure makes it easy for the dentist to perform complicated surgeries and helps you avoid feeling pain. The dentist uses sedation or sleep dentistry to numb the surgical site, so you don’t feel discomfort. But once the procedure is over and you want to go home, the numbing effect can make you spend more time at the dentist’s office for your own safety. If your treatment requires anesthesia, you will feel numbness for 1-2 hours in your teeth and 3-5 hours on your tongue, face, or lips. San Antonio, TX dentist, understands that this can be frustrating for patients. So, we have listed five effective ways to get rid of numbness after your procedure.

5 Ways to Reduce Numbness after Sedation

Some people avoid going to the dentist and have untreated dental conditions because of the fear of anesthetics and sedation. Here are some practical ways to lower the numbness and manage discomfort faster:

Do physical activity

Physical activity is beneficial for your overall health and wellness, and it improves healing and blood circulation. You can go for a walk or ride biking to reduce the numbing effects naturally. But ask your dentist whether it’s safe to do such activities after the procedure. If the dentist gives you the green signal, consider participating in some physical activity. The idea is to help your body stimulate blood flow and carry anesthesia away from the surgical site.

Falling asleep can help

You might wonder if falling asleep is almost a turnabout compared to being active. But to your surprise, taking a nap can help you get rid of the numbness. Sit back and let the numbing effect pass until the sensation goes away naturally. Don’t fight off the numbness. Instead, get past it and don’t worry about it.

Massage your skin

Massaging the face near your jaw can help with better blood circulation after getting an anesthetic. You can apply a warm compress and massage your lips. Make sure to avoid touching the surgical area directly to prevent irritation. Also, always wash your hands before as well as after massaging your facial skin. It’s essential if you have open wounds or stitches from the procedure.

Another injection can reverse the effects

This tip could be news to some people. Sometimes, another injection can reverse the numbness caused by general anesthesia. This can even help dissipate the sensation twice as fast as not doing anything. Keep in mind that most insurance companies don’t usually cover this injection. So, the typical price range to expect for a reversal injection is $25-75.

Patience is the key

Various types of dental procedures require different amounts of sedation. Moreover, multiple factors will determine the duration of numbness a patient experiences, including weight, age, metabolism, etc. it’s better to ask your dentist about how long you should expect to feel numb after the procedure. This will help keep your mind at ease.

Contact Rio Dental today for more tips and information about dental sedation and sleep dentistry. Our team is ready to help you in every step of the procedure.



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