What You Should Know About Dental bonding restorations

May 18, 2022, Langley Dental Practice

The dentist possesses a vast amount of treatment options and materials to solve any case that you may have. Whether you have a small cavity that is hard to see or a broken tooth with severe pain, there is always a tailor-made solution.

The treatment option will vary depending on the severity of the lesion. However, dental bonding restorations are usually the most common solution.

Ranging from composite to Inlay and Onlay restorations, a dental is probably the solution you need if you have a cavity.

Therefore, we will talk in this article about dental bonding restorations and their types.

What is dental bonding? 

As its name suggests, it is a procedure where a composite resin is bonded to your teeth to fill a cavity or fix chipped edges. Therefore, its principal goal is to repair damaged teeth without compromising the aesthetics.

Composite resin is the material of choice to perform most traditional dental restorations. However, unlike its predecessor, the dental amalgam, composite will dislodge from the tooth if a bonding agent is not used to fix it in place.

Dental bonding restorations allow you to restore your tooth functionality and prevent further damage, helping you to eat and speak normally. Moreover, it is essential to understand that dental bonding is not as strong as your enamel. Thereby, you should still be cautious not to damage them.

Furthermore, the dentist can choose a color that perfectly matches that of your tooth, creating a restoration that mimics it in both shape and color.

How does dental bonding work?   

For dental bonding to work, a bonding agent must be used to act as a bridge between the tooth and the composite.

This allows fixing the composite to the tooth, as it lacks self-adherent properties. As composite comes in different shades and colors, the dentist can choose one that matches your tooth or even use different tones in the same restoration to achieve a more natural-looking result.

However, the tooth needs to be prepared before performing the dental bonding. The dentist will eliminate caries, remove any damaged tissue, and clean the tooth to prevent bacteria from interfering with the restoration.

How is dental bonding done?

Once the tooth has been prepared properly, the dentist can proceed with the bonding. A special acidic gel is placed for a few seconds on the surface where the restoration will be placed. This creates micropores that help the bonding agent penetrate and firmly attach to the enamel or dentin.

Afterward, a thin layer of bonding agent is placed over the tooth preparation and light-cured using a special UV light.

Lastly, the composite resin is placed on top of the bonding agent and shaped to mimic the missing portion of the tooth. This composite resin possesses a soft texture that allows the dentist to manipulate and shape it freely. After the desired shape has been managed, the composite is light-cured to harden it and secure it.

The dentist will polish the restoration using polishing discs to make the surface smooth and brilliant.

Types of dental bonding

There are different types of dental bonding restorations. However, the most common ones are direct restorations and Inlay and Onlay restorations:

● Direct restorations:

The dentist does everything directly on your mouth. Dental composite is highly sensitive to moisture, and contact with saliva prevents it from bonding and hardening properly. Therefore, A rubber dam might be used to isolate the tooth and prevent saliva from contaminating the area.

● Inlay restorations:

These types of restoration are done when the tooth damage is extensive and can be done using composite or porcelain. A dental impression is taken after the tooth has been prepared. Afterward, the restoration is made on the model outside the mouth and taken to the tooth, where it will be bonded with a different bonding agent.

This technique allows the material to distribute better the biting forces and prevent it from breaking.

● Onlay restorations:

This type of restoration is done the same way as Inlays, with the difference that Onlay is done on teeth with a more extensive compromise where a cusp is involved.

Dental bonding is the most common way to rehabilitate a tooth. It is a simple procedure that can be done in a single session and helps restore both aesthetics and function.

Whether you have a cavity or broken tooth, dental bonding could be the solution you need to improve your oral health.

Bridgewater Family Dental practices a full scope of general and cosmetic dentistry in Bridgewater, NJ, with expertise ranging from porcelain veneers to dental implants, crowns, bridges, and clear braces. Our experts can correct a wide variety of so-called permanent cosmetic dental problems, and can literally redesign your smile!


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