Composite Bonding Aftercare Dos and Donts

May 17, 2023, NY Dental Boutique

A woman checks her reflection in a dentist’s chair.
A woman checks her reflection in a dentist’s chair.
Composite or dental bonding is an excellent way to fix your teeth and get desired results. It is typically used to restore your teeth to their original condition.

Composite or dental bonding is an excellent way to fix your teeth and get desired results. It is typically used to restore your teeth to their original condition by using a material called a composite resin. However, it is worth noting that this material isn't as durable as your natural teeth. Therefore, you must exercise caution to ensure your composite bonding remains in excellent condition.

The procedure is fairly simple, and your dentist will give you tips on things to do and not do. But if you're unsure and want to double-check, this guest blog will cover everything you need about composite bonding aftercare.

How Likely is it for Dental Bonding Problems to Occur?

Issues with dental bonding are classified as either rare or common.

Some people might experience an allergic reaction to the bonding material, which is pretty rare. It is also possible for them to develop an infection, but this is extremely unlikely.

It would only occur if the patient already had an infection and the bond was applied to it. This can be pretty nasty, and the infection may spread underneath the bonding. In this case, your dentist or endodontist will likely perform a root canal surgery.

Since bonding isn’t as sturdy as natural teeth, it will experience wear and tear over time. However, you don’t need to worry about this since it would take years. Changing your oral habits can also stain your bonding, which is preventable.

In short, there are hardly any problems with dental bonding, and it is an easy and convenient option.

Composite Bonding Aftercare – Dos

Composite bonding aftercare can be divided into the post-treatment phase and long-term care. Many are curious about aftercare because they do not know much about dental bonding and what to expect.

In most cases, hardly any aftercare is involved after a composite bonding treatment. This is good news for everyone since they don’t have to worry about eating certain things or avoiding their regular oral routine. However, a small percentage of people might experience tooth sensitivity for some days.

If you notice this, you should avoid hot and cold foods and drinks. For example, you should not drink coffee or eat ice cream until your teeth feel completely normal. This is not a big deal for most people who can resist their favorite foods for a few days until the discomfort passes. If the pain is more than you can bear, you can ask your closest pharmacy for pain relief medication.

  • Long-term care after your composite bonding requires you to make some changes. Let’s explore what you need to do to ensure your dental bonding remains perfectly intact.
  • Start using soft toothbrushes instead of harder ones. If you never paid attention to the bristle hardness of your toothbrush, you can read the label the next time you buy one.
  • Start flossing your teeth regularly. The ideal time is to do it at night since you can remove any food material from your teeth before going to bed.
  • Visit the dentist twice a year. This should be a compulsory practice if you wish to keep your teeth in good condition. Many people are lazy about this and develop dental problems because they don’t prioritize their oral health. Brushing your teeth thrice a day doesn’t mean you don’t need to get your teeth checked occasionally.
  • Wear mouth guards if you grind your teeth at night or play contact sports. This protects your teeth against damage and is a good dental habit to have. You can buy these from a local shop or ask your dentist to make you custom mouth guards.

Composite Bonding Aftercare – Don’ts

Although composite bonding is fairly safe and convenient, you should still consider some aftercare tips. These can prevent any problems from occurring down the road, such as needing to visit your dentist again.

Let’s explore some don’ts following a composite bonding treatment.

  • You should avoid problematic foods as part of your short-term aftercare. These include hard foods, such as nuts and candy. You might break your composite bonding if you bite too hard on these foods. You may also avoid drinking foods that could stain your teeth, like coffee and energy drinks. Drinking too much juice containing citrus and acids is also not recommended since it could eat away the resin and enamel.
  • Don't use mouthwashes that contain alcohol. You should also not rely solely on using mouthwash. Brushing your teeth and flossing regularly should always come first. Some people think using mouthwash is a good substitute for brushing your teeth or flossing, but this is wrong.
  • Avoid using hard-bristled toothbrushes. Only softer ones should be used since mediums can also cause wear and tear.
  • Don’t use your teeth for anything other than chewing food. Some people tend to bite their nails or pop bottles, which is something to avoid at all costs.

Will my Composite Bonding Last a Lifetime?

Composite bonding will not last a lifetime. At best, it will last between five and ten years. By prioritizing the aftercare we have described above, you can get the most out of its material. However, you cannot make it last a lifetime and shouldn’t expect it to. If you notice any chips in your bonding, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist so they can look at it. The repair is usually pretty simple and doesn’t take any time at all.

New York Dental Boutique offers composite bonding services for your dental needs. You can visit them for Brooklyn dental care as part of your bi-annual checkup. They also offer a variety of services like pediatric, preventive, and restorative dentistry.

Contact them today at (718)484-1560 to book your appointment.


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