Getting dental veneers is a multi-step process that requires precise preparation of the teeth beforehand. Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or composite resin that are bonded to the front of teeth to improve their appearance. Part of what makes veneers look natural is the special tooth preparation needed prior to placing them. So what exactly do dentists do to prep teeth for veneers?
The first step is to meet with your local cosmetic dentist for an initial veneer consultation. They will examine your teeth to determine if you are a good candidate for veneers. Ideal candidates have healthy teeth and gums with enough natural enamel to allow for the removal of a thin layer. If decay or other issues are present, these need to be addressed first before veneer prep can begin.
During the consultation, impressions, and photos of your teeth will be taken. Your dentist will use these models and images to determine the ideal shape and color for the veneers. Multiple shades may be matched to create a natural-looking veneer. A diagnostic mock-up is sometimes created from the impressions so you can preview the planned changes.
On the day the teeth are prepped, the first step is applying anesthesia to the treatment area. This numbs the teeth so you will not feel any sensitivity or discomfort during the preparation process. Typically a topical gel is applied, followed by some local anesthetic injections around the teeth.
Once numb, the dentist will use a small drill to remove approximately 0.5mm of enamel from the front surface of the teeth getting veneers. This is done to create room for the veneer shells to be bonded onto the teeth. More enamel may need to be removed if discolored spots need to be covered by the veneer. This enamel removal is permanent.
In addition to removing some enamel thickness, the dentist will also shape and contour the teeth during the prep phase. The goal is to create an ideal tooth form for the veneers to be placed over. Reshaping may involve slimming wide teeth, closing gaps, or adjusting uneven teeth. The end result should be smooth and well-proportioned tooth preparations.
After the teeth are properly prepped, final impressions will be taken. These accurate molds are used by the dental lab technician to fabricate custom veneer shells for your teeth. A bite registration is also taken to record your precise bite alignment.
Following the prep work, temporary veneers are placed on the teeth. These provide protection and shape until the permanent veneers are ready, usually within 2-3 weeks. Temp veneers are simple plastic shells that clip onto the prepared teeth.
It is normal for some sensitivity and mild pain to occur in the hours after the prep work. The teeth may also feel slightly different. This should subside within a few days as the teeth adjust and heal. Proper oral care is vital during this time to avoid damaging the prepared teeth.
To protect the prepped teeth before getting your veneers, follow these guidelines:
The tooth preparation phase is an important part of the veneer process. While it may involve some sensitivity and discomfort, listen closely to your dentist's instructions on properly caring for your prepped teeth. With good oral hygiene and smart food choices, you can protect your teeth as you await your custom veneers. Be sure to see your dentist immediately if any problems with the temporary veneers arise. When done correctly under the expertise of a skilled cosmetic dentist like those at Relate Dental Care near Sunkist Park, the veneer tooth prep paves the way for a smile transformation.
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