5 Facts About Teeth Whitening You Should Know

August 08, 2023, New England Dental LLC

5 Facts About Teeth Whitening You Should Know
5 Facts About Teeth Whitening You Should Know
Planning to get teeth whitening, and what to know more about it. Then you are at the right place read further to know more about teeth whitening.

An attractive smile with white teeth is associated with good dental health. Teeth whitening is becoming more and more well-known as a cosmetic dentistry procedure, especially among the youth. It has grown in popularity due to its promise to boost confidence and restore the natural brightness of teeth.

However, it is essential to approach tooth bleaching with well-informed judgment. Choosing the best strategy for a person's requirements and ensuring a safe and victorious end may be made easier with the help of a dental expert. New England Dental LLC’s experienced team ensures patients should get proper and appropriate guidance.

Common Cause of Teeth Discoloration
There are several reasons why teeth discoloration can be caused. Here are some of the elaborated reasons:

Food and Drinks:
Consumption of foods and beverages that stain often, can cause teeth to progressively tarnish. These substances include chromogens, powerful pigments with the ability to adhere to the outer layer of enamel and stain teeth in an unattractive manner. While it is not essential to totally avoid certain meals and beverages, moderation and good dental hygiene techniques.

Tobacco Use:
Dental health is negatively impacted by smoking and other tobacco use, especially with regard to comes to the look of teeth. Tar and nicotine present in tobacco introduce stubborn stains that can cause teeth to become unsightly yellow or brown. These stains are not only ugly but also difficult to remove with simple brushing.

Poor Oral Hygiene:
The look of teeth can be significantly affected by improper oral hygiene practices. Plaque and tartar can build up on the surface of the teeth when brushing, flossing, and routine dental exams are not emphasized. Tartar is a hardened plaque that cannot be eliminated by simple brushing alone.

Age and Genetics:
The enamel that covers our teeth gradually deteriorates as we age due to the effects of continuous use and natural wear and tear. Almost 90% of adults aged between 20 to 64     have tooth decay in their health. The dentin layer beneath is evident as a result of the enamel's thinning since it is naturally yellow. Genetic differences may cause some individuals to have enamel that is thicker or more porous, making them more prone to stains and discoloration.

Are Teeth Whitening Safe for Everyone?

Even though the process of teeth whitening is safe for every age, group, and size of people. But still, it is a top most priority to check with a professional dentist like New England Dental LLC for proper guidance before begging of the procedure. Although teeth whitening is a successful dental procedure that helps to remove stains and yellowness, there could be a potential area where it can prove to be harmful.

A person with a dental disease like swollen gum, tooth decay, or untreated dental disorder must take care of these concerns before going for any teeth whitening therapy to get the best outcome. To assess oral health, identify potential hazards, and ensure a safe and effective tooth whitening procedure personalized to each individual's needs, it is essential to seek the advice of a dental specialist.

Facts About Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Methods:

Teeth whitening is available in multiple forms, catering to different preferences and budgets. The most common options include:

• Professionally By Dentist
It is conducted by a professional and utilizes 40% of bleaching agents to achieve rapid and prominent outcomes. With the expertise of a dental professional, the treatment ensures a safe and effective process, enhancing the brightness of teeth for a visibly whiter and more confident smile.

• At-Home Whitening Kits
Teeth whitening kits typically provide custom-fit trays and a milder bleaching gel. While they offer convenience and can be used at home, the lower concentration of the bleaching agent may require more time for noticeable results. Nevertheless, consistent use and adherence to instructions can lead to effective teeth whitening over time.

• OTC Products
Over-the-counter whitening products like strips, gels, and toothpaste, available at drugstores, offer a more affordable alternative. However, their lower potency may result in less dramatic whitening results compared to professional treatments.
Precautions For Teeth Whitening:
Teeth whitening duration can be exceeded with proper care and precautions follow up such as:

• Avoid Over-Whitening
Overusing whitening products can cause adverse effects like tooth sensitivity and enamel damage. Excessive exposure to bleaching agents weakens the tooth enamel, making teeth more prone to sensitivity and potential long-term harm.

Oral Hygiene
Regular brushing and flossing are essential for removing surface stains and maintaining optimal oral health. Proper oral hygiene practices help prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar, which can cause teeth discoloration and contribute to various dental issues. Consistent care promotes a clean, healthy, and dazzling smile.

Regular Checking
Periodic touch-ups, supervised by a dentist, preserve teeth whitening results over time. These touch-ups help combat new stains and maintain a bright smile for longer-lasting effects. Dental supervision ensures safe and effective touch-ups tailored to individual needs.

Potential Side Effects:
While teeth whitening is generally safe when done correctly, some individuals may experience temporary side effects, such as:

• Tooth Sensitivity
The enamel that protects our teeth increasingly deteriorates as we age as a result of normal deterioration and the consequences of regular use. As the enamel thins, the dentin, an underlayer with a naturally yellowish color, becomes visible. Therefore, as we age, our teeth may seem less dazzling and more yellow.

• Gum Irritation
Over-the-counter teeth whitening products or poorly fitting trays can cause gum irritation when the bleaching gel comes into contact with the sensitive gum tissues. Properly fitted trays and professional supervision during whitening can help prevent such irritation. To help New England Dental LLC make sure that no problem should persist.

• Uneven Results
Uneven teeth whitening can occur if the whitening agent is not applied evenly on all teeth surfaces. Proper technique and professional guidance can help ensure uniform whitening for a more aesthetically pleasing result.

Longevity of Results:
The longevity of the result can be decided by the care and precaution followed for aftercare. Such as:

• Lifestyle Habits:
The longevity of teeth whitening results is affected by lifestyle choices such as diet, smoking, and oral hygiene. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper dental hygiene can help prolong the brightness of the smile.

• Touch-Ups:
Periodic touch-ups or using at-home maintenance treatments are valuable for preserving a bright smile and extending teeth whitening results. Regular touch-ups maintain the desired level of whiteness achieved through the initial treatment.

• Avoiding Staining Substances:
Limiting the intake of teeth-staining foods and beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine can significantly reduce the likelihood of new stains. By avoiding such substances, individuals can maintain a whiter smile for a prolonged duration.

Limitations of Whitening:
With all the benefits come some drawbacks as well, same happens with teeth whitening with all the benefits it also has some drawbacks such as:

• Intrinsic Stains:
Teeth whitening may not effectively eliminate intrinsic stains that arise from inside the tooth due to factors such as medication use or dental trauma. These deep stains may require alternative cosmetic solutions.

• Dental Restorations:
Whitening treatments cannot change the color of dental restorations like crowns or veneers, leading to potential discrepancies in tooth color. It's crucial to consider existing restorations before whitening to avoid an uneven smile appearance.

• Tooth Sensitivity:
Temporary tooth sensitivity is common during or after teeth whitening, but it typically resolves shortly after the treatment. Using toothpaste for sensitive teeth can alleviate discomfort during this period.

Teeth whitening can be an effective way to enhance your smile and boost your self-confidence. By being aware of the different whitening methods, causes of teeth discoloration, potential side effects, and the importance of professional guidance, you can make informed decisions about your teeth whitening journey. Remember that a healthy, radiant smile is achievable with proper care and maintenance, and consulting with your dentist is always a wise first step.



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