Are you dealing with the discomfort and self-consciousness that comes with missing teeth? Fortunately, modern dentistry offers a reliable solution: dental bridges. In Seattle, you can find a skilled dental bridge specialist near you.
Dental bridges play a vital role in restoring your smile's aesthetics and oral health. When you lose a tooth from injury, decay, or other factors, nearby teeth can shift, causing misalignment and potential bite issues. It is where a dental bridge comes into play.
A dental bridge occupies the gap left by one or more missing teeth. It has two main components: the artificial tooth (pontic) and two dental crowns. The crowns are placed on the adjacent healthy teeth, anchoring the pontic in cases with only one healthy adjacent tooth. A cantilever bridge, which involves a single crown securing the artificial tooth, can be used.
The process of getting a dental bridge usually involves two visits. During the first visit to your dentist in Seattle, The crowns are accommodated by removing a small portion of the enamel from the adjacent tooth. Impressions are then taken to create a precise mold for the bridge. A temporary bridge protects the prepared teeth while the permanent bridge is fabricated.
On your second visit, the temporary bridges are removed, and the custom-made permanent bridge is carefully checked and adjusted for fit. Once satisfied, your dental bridge specialist will cement the bridge in place. The result? A beautifully restored smile that functions as naturally as your teeth.
Not only do dental bridges enhance your appearance, but they also restore your ability to speak and chew properly. Moreover, they help distribute bite forces evenly, preventing the strain on surrounding teeth.
If you're in an area, our dentist in 98104 is here to provide expert dental bridge services. Don't let missing teeth hold you back – schedule a consultation with our dental bridge specialist near you and take the first step toward regaining your confident smile and optimal oral health.
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