5 Tips for a Dental Emergency

October 11, 2023, Maple Ridge Family Dental

5 Tips for a Dental Emergency
5 Tips for a Dental Emergency

Anyone can experience dental emergencies at any time.  Such an event, which can range from a toothache to a cracked tooth, can be excruciatingly uncomfortable and distressing. But being prepared might help you remain composed and control the situation until you can see a dentist near you.

What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is when a patient needs urgent care to treat pain, avoid infection, or save a tooth. Some common dental emergencies include the following:

Toothache: A strong toothache could indicate gum disease, an infection, or a cavity. It can result in more significant health issues if neglected.

Broken tooth: Trauma or biting down on anything hard can break a tooth. It can lead to discomfort, irritation, or infection.

An accident, a sports injury, or dental trauma can all result in a knocked-out tooth. To save the tooth, it is essential to seek out immediate dental care from our dentist in London.

Lost filling or crown: Pain and sensitivity may be brought on by a missing filling or crown. To prevent further damage, it's crucial to visit a dentist as soon as possible.

Abscess: An abscess, often known as a pus-filled pocket, can form in the gums or teeth. It could cause a fever, edema, and severe pain. It requires immediate dental care in order to prevent the condition from spreading.

Tips that Will Help You in The Event of a Dental Emergency

Keep calm and assess the situation
Any dental emergency should start with a calm assessment of the situation. Assess the issue's seriousness and decide whether it has to be fixed immediately or if a future appointment is sufficient. Ask our dentist for guidance if you're unsure, or visit emergency dentistry in London immediately.
Control bleeding
Apply pressure with a fresh cloth or gauze pad to the area if there is bleeding. Till the bleeding stops, maintain pressure for 10 to 15 minutes. Seek quick medical assistance if the bleeding continues.
Address toothaches
In order to get rid of any food debris that can be the source of your toothache, carefully floss after rinsing your mouth with warm water. Aspirin and other medicines should not be used directly on the gums or teeth, as this can lead to damage.
Handle broken or knocked-out teeth
If you have a fractured tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water and place a cool compress on the affected area to lessen swelling. When a tooth is knocked out, it should be rinsed with water and, if at all feasible, put back into the socket. If this isn't an option, put the tooth in a glass of milk, schedule an appointment with a dentist immediately, and visit an emergency dentistry near you.
Prevent future emergencies
Future dental emergencies can be avoided with proper prevention. By frequently brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist for checkups and cleanings, you may maintain proper dental hygiene. To prevent injury, stay away from hard foods, and use a mouthguard when playing contact sports.


One of my fillings fell out, do I need a same-day appointment?
You may not require a same-day appointment. With that said, if you’re experiencing bleeding that won't stop or acute sensitivity, we advise you to call your dentist right away so they can examine your teeth and offer appropriate dental treatment.

How can I manage sudden dental pain at home until morning?
You should definitely call your dentist in the morning, but in the meantime, consider these suggestions for getting through a nighttime toothache.
Use a cold compress
Watch what you eat
Rinse your mouth
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever
Elevate your head

I’ve got a lump in my mouth that doesn’t hurt – is that an emergency?
Any persistent lump or swollen area on the gums should be examined by a dentist. A gum or tooth abscess, inflammation, or a combination of the two can lead to this lump. However, a doctor or dentist should check the growths as soon as possible because any abnormal growths in or close to the mouth could be cancer.

Dental emergencies can be frightening, but with the correct information and planning, you can handle the situation successfully. Always remember to seek dental care as quickly as you can from our experts here at Maple Ridge Family Dental. 


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