9 Natural And Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Tooth Decay

August 17, 2018, Beauty Talk

9 Natural And Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Tooth Decay
9 Natural And Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Tooth Decay
Among the oral health problems, tooth decay is considered the most overwhelming one. It can happen in kids, teenagers and even adults. Tooth decay can cause cavities, which is much more severe and presented by the holes on the teeth. Many reasons are leading to this health issue such as bacterial infection, inflammation caused by leftover foods, poor hygiene habits, etc.

Among the oral health problems, tooth decay is considered the most overwhelming one. It can happen in kids, teenagers and even adults. Tooth decay can cause cavities, which is much more severe and presented by the holes on the teeth. Many reasons are leading to this health issue such as bacterial infection, inflammation caused by leftover foods, poor hygiene habits, etc. Therefore, treating tooth decay is an urgent problem, especially for children to prevent the further damage. Our article following will introduce you some natural and effective ways to get rid of tooth decay fast.
1. Giving Up Bad Eating Habits
Giving up the bad eating habits and planning for a healthy diet is good for both your teeth and your overall health. The British Medical Journal claimed that changing the diet is helpful in treating tooth decay. If you consume a significant amount of sugary food, you have the higher risk of getting tooth decay as the phytic acid in this food will prevent the penetration of calcium, which plays an essential role in keeping your teeth healthy. Also, if you drink sweetened beverages, your teeth will be harmed. So, instead of drinking soda, you should choose fresh water, and unsweetened juice or tea.
Besides getting rid of unhealthy foods, you should consider adding more calcium to your dishes. Fortunately, calcium, the main components of the teeth, is rich in foods such as yogurt, milk, cheese, etc. These foods are not only available but also very cheap. Therefore, change your diet immediately if you do not want your cavities to become severe.
2. Making Plan For A Dental Care Routine
This familiar advice on planning a dental care routine is constructive. The International Dental Health Association claimed that forty-two percent of adults do not floss but brush their teeth for dental care only; this can increase the risk of tooth decay. They also pointed out that brushing teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime, is exceptionally essential. If you forget to floss your teeth usually, you are at the high risk of cavities and gums diseases as brushing can clean the tooth surface only. The toothbrush cannot reach the place where the leftover foods are often located. Also, use mouthwash, which is produced with antibacterial properties, after brushing teeth to remove all of the remaining germs and bacteria from your mouth.
3. Regularly Changing Your Toothbrush
Not many people know that changing the toothbrush is very important to protect the oral health. After a long time of using, many bacteria may inhabit in your toothbrush, and they will move to your mouth while brushing. After a long time of using, the bristles will be deteriorated. In this cases, change a new toothbrush instead of trying to clean the old one. Remember to not cover your toothbrush; if you do so, it creates a humid environment for the virus to grow. Therefore, rinse your toothbrush each time you use with water and let it dry. Also, choose a toothbrush with soft bristles so that they can reach every place in your mouth, between the teeth.
4. Using Sea Salt and Baking Soda Toothpaste
Using toothpaste made of sea salt and baking soda is a natural and effective way to treat the tooth decay. Salt has antibacterial and antiseptic properties so it can help to heal the inflammation and soothe a toothache. Also, this is an excellent way to prevent the bacteria and virus from growing.  As you buy the ingredients and prepare the paste by yourself, you do not have to worry about its side effects. Here are the directions on how to make sea salt and baking soda toothpaste:
• Firstly, you have to prepare 1 tablespoon of sea salt and 2 tablespoons of baking soda
• Secondly, add the above two ingredients to a bowl and mix them well
• Then, add to the above mixture 4 tablespoons of calcium powder and 1 tablespoon of stevia
• Mix them well and then add to this bowl 1/4 cup of coconut oil to make a smooth and thick paste
• Finally, use this mixture as toothpaste in a month (or less) to treat the tooth decay quickly.
5. Applying Garlic To The Infected Tooth
Garlic can help to reduce the inflammation and tooth decay thanks to its antibacterial and antibiotic properties. Not only treating the cavities, but garlic can also help to maintain your dental health. You can eat several cloves of raw garlic per day or follow these directions:
• Firstly, prepare 3 - 4 cloves of garlic and crush them into small pieces
• Secondly, add to the crushed garlic 1/4 teaspoon of rock salt
• Then, apply the above mixture to the affected tooth and wait for 10 minutes
• Finally, rinse it off with mouthwash
• Apply this remedy twice a day in some week; you will achieve the result soon.
• Note: If the garlic oil is available, you can place some drops of this oil on the infected tooth to relieve the pain quickly.
6. Using Turmeric For Tooth Decay
Similar to garlic, turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is potent in treating the tooth decay and other gum diseases. It will help to remove all of the bacteria, virus, and germs, which cause tooth decay from your mouth and keep your teeth and gum healthy.
Remedy 1: Turmeric Powder
• Place turmeric powder to the affected area
• Wait for several minutes
• Wash off with warm water
Remedy 2: Turmeric And Mustard Oil
• Mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder with a suitable amount of mustard oil
• Massage your teeth and gums with this mixture
• Spit it out after 10 minutes
• Repeat this remedy once or twice every day in several days to get the best result.
7. Treating Tooth Decay Using Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass has antibacterial properties, so it can help to both soothe the pain from cavities and treat tooth decay. Also, wheatgrass is rich in vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc., which are all essential to maintaining healthy teeth. The simplest way is to drink a half glass of wheatgrass juice per day when you are hungry to fight the cavities effectively. Or, do as the following directions:
• Firstly, you have to prepare 1 tablespoon of wheatgrass juice and add it to a cup
• Add to this cup 6 tablespoons of water and stir to mix them well
• Swish this mixture in your mouth for 60 seconds and then spit it out
• Do this at least twice per day until you see the improvement
• Note: Chewing wheatgrass is also an excellent method. It will make your gums and teeth stronger and healthier.
8. Indian Gooseberry For Tooth Decay Treatment
Indian gooseberry, which is also called amla, is also useful for tooth decay treatment. This herb is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which can both fight bacteria and clean your mouth. Also, using gooseberry can promote the healing process to help you recover from tooth decay and get rid of bad breath very fast. You can eat a fresh Indian gooseberry per day or apply this remedy:
• Add 1/2 teaspoon of dried Indian gooseberry to a half cup of water
• Drink it every day to improve your dental health.
9. Using Neem
Having antibacterial properties, neem (both leaves and oil) can help to treat the tooth decay very quickly. Moreover, it promotes the tooth and gum's health. Therefore, using neem for tooth decay treatment is never a wrong choice.
• Firstly, extract the juice from neem leaves
• Secondly, rub this juice on your teeth and gums
• Wait for several minutes
• Rinse it off with lukewarm water
• Apply this remedy every day, once or twice.
Above are ten natural and effective remedies to help you get rid of tooth decay fast. All content provided is for informational and educational purposes. We recommend you consult a healthcare professional to determine which method is appropriate for you.
Author Bio:
This guest post is by Emily Pham, a blogger with many years of experience in searching the best natural & effective remedies for health and beauty issues. 


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