8 Natural And Effective Remedies To Treat Bad Breath At Home

September 07, 2018, Beauty Talk

Natural And Effective Remedies For Bad Breath Treatment
Natural And Effective Remedies For Bad Breath Treatment
It is such a terrible thing that you get a bad breath on the first date or interview. Although this situation is prevalent, not many people understand its causes. Also, they often use mouthwash to get rid of bad breath fast. However, is this method effective?

Continue to read this article to understand more about this dental issue and know how to treat it with natural and effective remedies.
What Causes Breath Breath?
Bad breath is caused by many different factors, but the most common reasons are:
• Tooth and gum issues
• Dry mouth
• Foods and drinks such as garlic, onion, alcohol, etc.
• Smoke
• Meditation
• Bad hygiene habits
• Mouth bacteria or infection
• Acid reflux
8 Natural And Effective Remedies To Treat Bad Breath At Home
1. Green Tea For Bad Breath Treatment

If you have trouble with bad breath, it is better for you to enjoy a cup of green tea in the morning instead of coffee or other tea.
Green tea contains phytochemicals, so it can help to fight against halitosis effectively. Also, drinking green tea is an excellent way to remove the bacteria that cause bad breath in your mouth. Here are the directions:
• Firstly, steep one green tea bag into a cup of hot water
• Secondly, remove the bag after waiting for several minutes
• Finally, add some honey (depend on your taste) and enjoy your cup of tea.
• Follow these directions twice or thrice per day to get the best result.
2. Cinnamon And Lemon For Bad Breath Treatment
Cinnamon has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties; thereby it helps to cleanse your teeth and mouth to treat bad breath. Also, lemon can balance the oral pH level and provide your mouth with acid to remove harmful bacteria from your mouth. Adding honey makes this remedy more useful as it helps disinfect your mouth.
• Firstly, squeeze the juice from 2 lemons and put it in an airtight container
• Secondly, add 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and 1 or 2 tablespoons of Manuka honey to lemon juice
• Then, pour a cup of hot water to the above mixture
• Cover the lid and start to shake so that all ingredients can be mixed well
• Each time, use 1 - 2 tablespoons of the above mixture to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth
• Gargle your mouth with fresh water for the last step
• Repeat this remedy once a day in several days; you will feel the improvement soon.
3. Lemon Juice And Baking Soda For Bad Breath Treatment
Being considered as an antacid, baking soda can help to balance the pH level to ensure your oral health. When being combined with lemon juice, an ingredient with antibacterial properties, baking soda becomes more potent in removing bad breath and maintaining good oral health.
• Firstly, squeeze a lemon to take the juice
• Secondly, mix one teaspoon of baking soda with a half teaspoon of lemon juice to get a paste
• Then, rub this solution on your tooth surface gently
• Wait for some minutes and rinse your mouth with fresh water
4. Tea Tree Oil For Bad Breath Treatment
Tea tree oil has potent antioxidant and antibacterial properties, so it can help to remove the bacteria that cause oral diseases, especially lousy breath, very fast. Also, using this oil make you feel more comfortable and confident with a healthy mouth.
• Firstly, you have to add 1 - 2 drops of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water
• Secondly, stir to mix the ingredients well
• Finally, rinse your mouth with this solution within 3 - 5 minutes
Another helpful method is to add some drops of tea tree oil to your toothpaste before brushing. This way is also useful in treating bad breath.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar For Bad Breath Treatment
Thanks to the antibacterial properties, apple cider can help to treat lousy breath very effectively and fast. Also, it balances the pH level and enables you to feel better. Here are the directions on how to use apple cider vinegar for bad breath that you should not ignore if this problem annoys you.
• Firstly, you have to mix 1 - 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup of cold water
• Secondly, use this mixture to wash your mouth (gargle with this mixture 3 - 5 times)
• Finally, cleanse your mouth by rinsing with fresh water
• It is better to apply this remedy twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime.
6. Ginger For Bad Breath Treatment
Some people believe that ginger causes bad breath, like garlic, and onion. However, this is not a correct idea. In contrast, ginger is overpowering in reducing bad breath and keeping your mouth healthy. It has antimicrobial properties, which are good at eliminating the bacteria and uncomfortable odor. Also, if you have a sore throat, ginger is helpful to you. Follow the directions below to know how to get rid of bad breath with ginger.
• Firstly, squeeze the ginger root to take the juice
• Secondly, add one teaspoon of this juice to a cup of tepid water
• Finally, stir well and use this solution to rinse your mouth
• Apply this remedy after every meal to treat bad breath quickly.
7. Lemon And Yogurt For Bad Breath Treatment
Yogurt contains good bacteria, which can balance the flora of your oral cavity. Using the mixture of yogurt and lemon will help to both prevent bad breath and maintain your dental health.
• Firstly, mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 - 2 tablespoons of fresh yogurt
• Secondly, apply the mixture to the tooth surface
• Wait for about 5 minutes and then wash off the mixture using clean water for the final step.
8. Salt Water For Bad Breath Treatment
If you want to treat bad breath effectively, you need to neutralize the pH level in your mouth first. For this step, saltwater is useful. Moreover, it keeps your mouth clean and free of bacteria causing bad breath, thanks to the antimicrobial properties. Here are the directions for you to apply this remedy.
• Firstly, you have to prepare a cup of tepid water
• Secondly, add one teaspoon of table salt to this water and stir to dissolve the salt
• Finally, use this saltwater to rinse your mouth.
• You are advised to apply this remedy 1 - 2 times per day to achieve the proper result soon.
Above are eight ways on how to get rid of bad breath naturally and effectively. Hope that after reading this article, you will find the most suitable solution for your problem. All content provided is for informational and educational purposes. We recommend you consult a healthcare professional to determine which method is appropriate for you. 
Author bio:
This guest post is by Emily Pham, a blogger with many years of experience in searching the best natural home remedies for beauty and health issues.


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