What to Expect at Your Dental Cleaning

September 18, 2024, DENTAL DESIGNER

The dentist clean teeth by using different dentist machine
The dentist clean teeth by using different dentist machine
Dental Designers is a top-rated local dental practice in Rockford for cosmetic, preventative, restorative and family dentistry in Rockford, IL

Dental cleanings aren't just "another check-up." They are a key part of staying healthy overall. Our dentist in Rockford highlights how important these visits are. They help prevent dental issues, check your oral health, and can even spot early signs of other health problems.

Before Your Appointment: Tips to Get Ready

Scheduling Your Visit

To start, you need to set up an appointment for your teeth cleaning. It's best to pick a time that works well for you. Remember, getting dental cleanings done regularly is really important! Our Rockford dentist says it's a great idea to schedule your next visit before you leave the office. This way, you stay on track with your dental care.
Arriving at the Dental Office

If it's your first visit, try to arrive about 10-15 minutes early. This gives you enough time for everything. For those who have been here before, showing up about 5-10 minutes ahead is usually good.

Initial Consultation

Before the actual cleaning starts, you might chat briefly with the hygienist or dentist. This is a perfect chance to ask questions or talk about any concerns you have about your teeth. We always encourage our patients in Rockford to share anything—like how they feel about their oral hygiene, any pain they're experiencing, or any questions about their dental health.

The Dental Cleaning Process

Oral Examination

The first thing during cleaning is an oral check-up. The dentist or hygienist will look at your teeth, gums, and nearby areas for any problems like erosion or gum disease. They might use a small mirror to see all parts of your mouth.

Plaque and Tartar Removal

After checking everything out, the hygienist will clean your teeth by removing plaque and tartar (sometimes called calculus). This step is super important! If this build-up isn't cleared away, it can lead to decay and gum issues. You might feel some "creaking" as tools move around, but there shouldn't be serious pain. If you do feel discomfort or pain, tell the hygienist right away

Expert Flossing

Then comes flossing! The hygienist may show you the best ways to floss properly for better dental health. If what you've been doing doesn't feel right—don't be shy! Ask for help! Here are some tips our Rockford dentist shares:

Don't reuse floss! Cut a new piece each time.
Floss with a "C" shape around each tooth.
Move the floss up & down and side-to-side below the gum line.
The approach used should be gentle so it won't hurt your gums!

Professional Polishing

The last part of the cleaning is polishing your teeth. A special tool called 'prophy' is used along with polishing paste to make your teeth shine bright! This not only gives you a wonderful smile but also removes stains and makes it harder for plaque to stick later on.

Additional Services

Fluoride Treatment

After your cleaning, you might need a fluoride treatment based on what our Rockford dentist thinks is best for you. Fluoride helps toughen up your teeth and protects them from cavities. This treatment is quick & easy—it usually involves painting fluoride gel on your teeth.

Dental X-rays

How often X-rays are taken depends on your oral health and history. Don't worry! Today's X-rays use very little radiation that's mostly harmless. We use digital images here in Rockford which have even less radiation than older film methods.

Post-Cleaning Chat & Tips

After cleaning, our dentist or hygienist will talk with you about what they found during the check-up. This chat may include:
How healthy your mouth looks today.
Tips for better at-home care.
Suggestions if there are any problems.
Details about treatments if necessary.
Answers to any other questions about dental health!
They may even set some goals for your oral health at future visits!

Keeping Your Teeth Healthy Between Visits

You know, regular dental cleanings are super important! But adults, especially, should find ways to keep their teeth clean between those visits.
Here's why it matters:

It helps your teeth stay strong and protects them from sugary & acidic foods that can cause damage.
Try not to eat too many snacks between meals. This way, your teeth won't get hit by acid as often.
Also, say no to tobacco products. They can stain your teeth and lead to gum disease & even oral cancers.
Drinking water while you eat is a great idea! It rinses away food bits and pesky bacteria from your mouth.

○ Yep, water really is the best for keeping your teeth healthy!

You might also want to think about using some extra dental products that our Rockford Dentist suggests, like:

Fluoride rinses. They give your teeth an extra defense against cavities.
Sensitivity toothpaste if your teeth ever feel sensitive or hurt.
Certain mouth rinses can help with specific oral problems.


Dental sessions are not just about cleaning your teeth. They're one of the best investments in your oral health! If you know what to expect during cleaning, there's no need to worry at all. Just try to enjoy it! So next time you book that cleaning appointment, remember all the good things that come from it. Start taking care of those pearly whites now; your future self will definitely thank you later! Our Rockford dentist is excited to see you at your next cleaning session! Here's to having healthy, beautiful smiles for life!


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