Female Hormones and Their Impact on Your Dental Health

November 14, 2018, Dentistry

Female Hormones and Their Impact on Your Dental Health
Female Hormones and Their Impact on Your Dental Health
In a human body, the work of all organs is connected. If there’s something wrong in one sphere, it will definitely affect the others. Speaking about the female oral health, it has its specific issues connected to hormonal changes. Let’s observe how a woman’s oral conditions change according to the hormonal balance fluctuations.

There are several periods and cases when a woman’s oral cavity is especially vulnerable to dental diseases. Most of them are natural hormonal fluctuations that occur regularly in a woman’s life but not all of them.
Puberty age
When a girls starts turning into a woman, the production of female hormones in her body increases sharply. This may cause a boost of the gums’ blood supply. In addition, the reaction of the gums on oral bacteria can change during this period. A teenage girl’s gums can be reddened, painful, and swollen. In addition, they may easily bleed when flossing.
Some women may notice changes in their mouths during their menstrual period. The change of the hormonal balance can make their gums red and swollen. The salivary glands swell, gums start bleeding and even the canker sores can appear. This condition is called “menstrual gingivitis”. It occurs a couple of days before menstruation and passes when it starts.
Oral birth control pills
Your dentist should always be aware about any oral contraceptives. They contain progesterone that may affect your gums in an unwanted way. Under the influence of increased progesterone, periodontal tissues can get inflamed because of an increased sensitivity to the oral bacteria.
Gingivitis is a very widely spread disease in pregnant women. Hormonal changes together with a weakened immunity make a pregnant woman’s gums more vulnerable to traumas, infections, and damage. To reduce these risks, special attention to oral hygiene is recommended.
This period is special for the oral health because of change of tastes and their perception. An increased sensitivity towards the temperature of food may occur as part of it. In addition, reduced salivation is also not good for oral health; it provokes the development of periodontitis. Bone loss due to reduced estrogen levels can lead to tooth loss.
There are certain medications that cause dryness in the mouth. The saliva moisturizes the oral cavity and helps neutralize harmful acids produced by oral bacteria. Without enough saliva, all these processes suffer. This especially affects the elderly people.
Hormonal diseases
If a woman has any gynecological problems that are hormonally related, she needs to control her oral health and hygiene more attentively. The treatment of PCOS, uterine fibroids treatment or others, should take into account possible problems with oral health, if any.

Stay healthy and keep your teeth clean!


1997 - United Arab Emirates

Its very informative for me Thanks for posting

26 November 2018


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