When Should Parents Start Taking their Child to the Dentist A Handy Parents Guide to the First Visit

March 27, 2019, Dental Magic Ltd

There are so many firsts that your child will go through in life. Some will be huge like baby’s first steps or first words, whereas others may be a little smaller in scale. One first that parents will want to be aware of is when they should schedule their child’s first visit to the dentist. Many parents may be surprised to learn just how early that first visit is suggested, as it’s not when your child has a mouthful of teeth.

Here we’ll take a look at when you should start with regular dentist visits, as well as what to expect at that visit and moving forward.

Know the First Time for the First Visit

The most common question parents often have about their young child and the dentist is when the right time is to schedule the first visit. Dentists recommend that as soon as their first tooth comes in, it’s time to make an appointment. At the same time that first visit should be no later than their first birthday.

By scheduling their first visit so early in life, the dentist can actually take a look at how their teeth are growing and coming in, and give useful advice to parents regarding oral hygiene, potential problems that may pop up, and even tips on how you can put an end to thumb-sucking.

Find a Dentist that Has Experience with Kids

You will also want to be sure that you pick a dentist that has experience with kids. Kids are unique in that they don’t always sit still, they can feel scared or anxious, they tend to be pretty curious, and their oral health issues will be different than that of adults.

Take Aesthetic Dental in Santa Clarita, California as an example of a dentist practice that has plenty of experience with patients of all age groups. This specialty center features a comfortable relaxed atmosphere that helps put patients at ease. Exactly what parents want for their kids. During that first visit they will work to create a follow-up plan for the child that is specific to their needs and health.

Talk to Them and Prepare Them At Home First

If your child is a bit older, toddler age and up, and you are getting ready for that first dental visit it’s a good idea to talk to them about what to expect beforehand. You can discuss what a dentist does, what sort of tools they will use, talk about the chair they will sit in, how they will need to open their mouth and let the dentist examine their teeth and “poke around”, and basically take away any fear or uncertainty they may have.
It can also be helpful to show them some videos of kids visiting the dentist, pick up a couple books, and even schedule a walk through or meet-and-greet at the dental office before their visit.

Making Sure their Oral Care is Top Priority

By using these tips you’ll be working to ensure that your child’s oral care is a top priority and that they don’t have any fear about visiting the dentist. 


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