Our compay is a private school that offers an afforbale training program for individuals interested in becoming a Dental Assistant.
In todays busy world and with the available technology we have developed a course for todays learners. Our school is unique in that we offer our courses in a hybrid format with the instructional portion of the course taken online and the clinical hands on training given in our facility.
Our objective is to offer the best possible education in a short amount of time at a price that is affordable. It is our mission to prepare individuals with the knowledge and skills that will allow you to become immediately employable in a dental office upon graduation.
Become a Detnal Assistant in 12 weeks - $2495
Step 1: 12 Week Dental Assistant Training Programin our Facility (Tampa, Forida)
Step 2: 200 Hour Internship in a Denal Office
Step 3: Student Awarded Floirda EFDA and Dental X-ray Certifiations
For already trained Dental Assistants we offer Florida EFDA and Denal X-ray Cetifications Courses Minimum 3 months on the job training required.
Florida EFDA Certification Course
Florida Dental Radiology Certification Course