Robert J. Gauthier Jr., DMD
Robert J. Gauthier Jr., DMD is a general dentist in Northborough, Massachusetts. He is one of the most highly trained and experienced dentists in the Worcester area, giving patients access to the latest cosmetic and restorative dentistry treatments. In addition, Dr. Gauthier is one of the few general dentists with experience treating complex dental problems like missing teeth, worn teeth, tooth pain and TMJ related problems.
Dr. Gauthier brings patients in Northborough, MA and the surrounding area a superior level of patient care and a state of the art facility. The latest technologies have been integrated into his dental office to ensure that each patient has a comfortable and efficient experience and leaves with a smile that is as beautiful as it is functional and healthy.
Dental Training & Education
Dr. Gauthier is a native of the Worcester area. Raised in Marlborough, Massachusetts, Dr. Gauthier graduated from Marlborough High School and went on to the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. He completed his undergraduate studies in Biotechnology and Music Performance. Dr. Gauthier earned a Doctorate in Dental Medicine from the University of Pittsburgh where he graduated with high honors.
Committed to continuing education, Dr. Gauthier has dedicated countless hours to post graduate training in all facets of general and cosmetic dentistry. He has trained at both SPEAR and the prestigious Dawson Academy, where he received post graduate training in restorative dentistry and treating complex bite problems such as TMJ.
Dental Educator
Dr. Gauthier shares his knowledge and expertise with his peers. He has been invited to lecture on subjects of cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry by colleges, public institutions and private practices. Dr. Gauthier is chairman of the Worcester County Dental Society and a member of numerous colleges, academies and associations including the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.