Dental services
Composite Fillings
When a cavity is diagnosed, patients must seek the assistance of a dental professional to address the problem as soon as possible. Early intervention can keep the cavity from becoming more extensive, deeper, and much more damaging to the smile.
Porcelain Inlays & Onlays
Inlays and onlays are just one of many dental restorations used by Artistry in Smiles to restore the smile. These porcelain restorations are made to resemble the appearance of natural tooth enamel and offer a conservative method of tooth replacement for new and existing patients.
Porcelain Crowns (caps)
A dental crown or “ceramic tooth cap” is a restoration used to restore a tooth that may have significant damage to its structure. This restoration is one of the most popular in dentistry. At the practice of Artistry in Smiles of Los Banos, CA, patients will find that the dental crown is an excellent way of repairing a tooth for many years to come.
Porcelain Veneers
Patients who need aesthetic changes to the front of their smile may be advised by their Los Banos, CA, area dentist to consider porcelain veneers. They may use these restorations in many different circumstances. Some patients use veneers for crooked teeth or teeth that are spaced apart.
Tooth Whitening
One of the most popular ways to enhance the smile’s appearance is with teeth bleaching or professional-grade teeth whitening. Dr. Benjamin J. Seaton of Artistry in Smiles of Los Banos, CA, is here to help with custom-made whitening trays that provide excellent results in a short time.