Dental services
Six Month Smiles
Six Month Smiles braces are a short-term orthodontic treatment that can straighten your smile in about six months.
Dental Crowns & Bridges
A dental crown is a small tooth cap that covers the entire tooth up to the gumline. Because it’s made of durable ceramic, the crown absorbs chewing forces to protect the damaged tooth.
Porcelain veneers conceal cosmetic flaws like chipped, broken, and crooked teeth and blend into your smile for a natural appearance.
TMJ & Bruxism Treatment
Teeth grinding and bruxism can lead to TMJ pain, headaches, and recessive tooth wearing, but we can provide the relief you need.
Cosmetic Dentistry
With cosmetic dentistry, we can fix chipped teeth, brighten stained or yellow teeth, or give you a full smile makeover for a fresh new look.