Dental services
Teeth Cleanings and Exams
Professional cleanings, exams, x-rays, and periodontal care provide the foundation for strong and lifelong oral health.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Are your teeth and gums healthy and strong, but you aren’t delighted with your smile? Don’t let your smile hold you back; getting the smile you want is easier than you think. Our Bastrop dental team is here to answer any questions you have about different dental services and cosmetic procedures we provide.
Dental Crowns and Bridges
Even if you maintain good oral health and regular visits to Dr. Cole Smith, your smile may still be lacking the beauty and function it once had. Whether you have a weakened or cracked tooth, or simply need to improve your smile, we have many dental options that can benefit you.
Dental Extractions and Root Canal Therapy
At CS Family Dentistry, our goal is to prevent dental issues from growing. Through routine dental cleanings and exams, we can catch many oral health issues; but there are times when life gets in the way.
If you start experiencing tooth or jaw pain, please contact our Bastrop dental office as soon as possible. You may be experiencing a dental emergency or might need root canal therapy. Your oral health is tied to your general well-being, so it’s essential that you seek professional treatment before things get worse.
Dental Implants
Most people do their best to keep their smile healthy and clean, but sometimes life gets in the way. Regardless of how a tooth is lost, the emotional impact is still the same. Having a gap in your smile can affect the way you eat, how you speak, and how you look.