Come see us for your dental needs and leave with the smile of your dreams. ur uptown dentist charlotte nc use advanced technology to find any issues and develop a personalized treatment plan that give you the best possible experience, leading to radiant teeth all year-long.
You deserve that perfect smile and we are determined to help you get it. That's why our work is focused on your dental health, diagnosing issues before they become serious, making sure that the treatment plan works for you. Our dentist uptown charlotte nc invested in our patients' lives because without healthy teeth, who can live? Don't just take care of your hygiene by brushing twice a day- come see us for cleanings once every six months so your mouth feels great all year long!
We know the anxiety and stress of unmet dental needs. Our skilled dentists provide quality, individualized care to ensure you’ll get the great smile you deserve with clear, healthy teeth. Our charlotte dentist uptown use state-of-the-art technology for a comfortable experience that lets us spot issues early and create a customized treatment plan just for you!
We also offer services such as Invisalign, Cosmetic Services, Wellness Breathing,and more.
Genesis Family Dentistry
1020 E 10th St #1, Charlotte, NC 28204
(980) 272-4700
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