Dental services
Dental Hygiene
A review of proper brushing, flossing, and nutrition will also be provided during teeth cleanings. Restorative options, treatment for periodontal (gum) disease, or any other concerns can be discussed at the time of your cleaning as well.
Peridontal Deep Cleaming
Periodontal Deep Cleaning involves a careful removal of tartar below the gums to give the body a chance to heal. Some patients have avoided periodontal care because they had a deep cleaning in the past and it was very painful. With modern techniques and good skills, a deep cleaning can be performed without pain or discomfort for the patient.
Dental Implant Restorations
dental implants provide a strong foundation for replacement teeth that are made to look, feel and function like teeth while also supporting the surrounding tissue and bones that hold out teeth in place. They can be topped by permanent individual crowns or connected to larger devices such as a removable denture.
Partial Dentures
Partial dentures are a great option for those who may have a few teeth in a row that have fallen out or are so damaged that you want them replaced. Most partial dentures are removable and often consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases. Partial dentures may clasp onto the surrounding natural teeth with a metal framework or have other types of connectors that are more natural looking.
Emergency Dental Care
Dental emergencies take many different forms. Some common dental emergencies include:
Broken teeth
Knocked out tooth/teeth
Trauma to the gums, lips, or inside of the cheeks
Damage to or loss of a filling or dental crown
Severe toothaches or infections
Damage to braces such as a broken wire or missing bracket