Stellar Dental is a renowned name in the dental services for the last 6 years. We have been constantly providing a state-of-the-art facility in restoring your beautiful smile and improving the quality of your life.
Dental implants, Invisalign, 6-Month Smiles, braces, and other general dentistry procedures are some of the services we are specialized in. We have a qualified team who is absolutely passionate about dentistry and is always try to ensure that our patients have a pleasant visit.
Our main aim is to provide dental services at affordable rates, so that everyone in need can benefit from it. $99 New Patient Exam and X-Rays, $898 First Implant surgery, $500 off on 6-Month Smiles, and Free In-office whitening are some exclusive offers you'll get only at Stellar Dental. We strive to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for all of our patients.
We provide the following specialized services:
Bonding and White Fillings
Bone Grafting
Dental Bridges
Facial Trauma
Night Guards
Oral Pathology
Post-Op Instructions
Protective Mouthguards
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)
Tooth Extraction
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Contact us if you need any assistance for your dental problems. We promise that this decision will surely make a difference in your smile and your life.