5 Restoration Options For Severely Damaged Teeth

September 13, 2022

5 Restoration Options For Severely Damaged Teeth
Female with big beautiful teeth smiling at the camera - close-up smile photography

As the saying says, “you’re never fully dressed without a smile.” Our dental health is also a significant factor in our holistic physical health and is also one of the things that we need to consider aesthetically. As we consume food and beverages daily, our teeth are used and can be subjected to complications and damage. This can affect not only the way we look but our daily functions, especially when eating food.

Dental problems are very common and inevitable and can cause obvious damage to the teeth that can affect our appearance and can also bring pain. Luckily, there’s a field in dentistry that focuses on restorative dentistry, which aims to restore the proper function and appearance of the teeth. Visiting the cosmetic dentist and allowing them to do a check and advise as to what’s the best option for your teeth is necessary on the first sign of damage or pain, to prevent damaging the teeth further.

Benefits Of Having A Cosmetic Dentist

Having a professional that does routinely checkup your teeth and knows what and how to fix possible problems is a need that most people overlook nowadays. These regular dental cosmetic checkups and procedures can help you enhance your smile, improve your oral health and hygiene, improve the shape and function of your teeth and allow you to eat and use them better. At the same time, having good dental health can positively affect and boost your self-confidence and allows you to look good as well, with a clean, beautiful set of teeth.

Options For Teeth Restoration

There are options available for those with teeth that need restoration due to damage. These procedures are done depending on the demand of the dental examination, and the preference of the patient as well. Knowing which suits the dental needs best allows you to make the best decision that you can tell your cosmetic dentist. Some of these options are:

1. Teeth Whitening

Among other services, the simplest procedure that you can get is teeth whitening. Every food that we consume or anything that passes through our mouths can build up and stain our teeth over time, causing yellowing and having a dark, dull color. This makes the teeth look dirty and many are often embarrassed by this. Many DIY options and over-the-counter solutions are available, but going to a cosmetic dentist and allowing them to use proper tools and chemicals professionally is still the most optimum option. They can use the proper product for your teeth, as these usually don’t cost as much as other surgical methods for tooth restoration.

2. Fillings

Cavities can damage the teeth and cause holes to appear, making them not only look unpleasant but can also be very uncomfortable and painful when eating or drinking. If the natural structure of the tooth can still be saved, cosmetic fillings can be a good option. The tooth is first deeply cleaned and any dirt or foreign objects are removed and filled with cosmetic fillings. These fillings are made of composite plastic resin, giving a natural look while filling the gap due to the hole in the tooth.

3. Inlays and Onlays

If the tooth is too damaged and too decayed to support traditional filling methods, indirect fillings, also called inlays and onlays are used by cosmetic dentists. An inlay is done to cover the center of a tooth, while the only covers either the whole tooth or more than a single portion of it. This allows the natural tooth to be saved as much as the dentist can while restoring its natural function and look.

4. Dental Implants

In cases of a severely damaged tooth, missing one, or if you’re tired of using dentures, getting dental implants is an optimum choice. It’s a prosthesis that uses osseointegration or integrating the dental implant with your jawbone. These imitate the look of natural teeth so they don’t look noticeable. Implants are also tougher and need less maintenance than dentures because they are designed to function like normal teeth. Aside from a single tooth implant, a procedure of having prosthetics of dental crowns and bridges is also available depending on the need. The cost of this procedure can vary depending on the number of implants needed and the initial procedures that need to be done before the teeth implantation.

5. Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are materials made from porcelain or resin composite materials that are placed over the tooth. Veneers can fix the chips, cracks, gaps, and minor misalignment of the teeth and discolorations. These veneers are ensured to be permanent, durable, and can function for a decade or more while keeping a natural look.  Getting dental veneers can be quite costly, but it’s worth the value and the asset if you choose to get them.


There are many options available for teeth restoration, and these usually depend on the need of your teeth, your budget, and your cosmetic dentists’ recommendation. A good set of teeth is a worthy investment both for the function and the aesthetic value that it can provide. Consider these options next time you are planning to go to a cosmetic dentist, talk about your options, and get that beautiful and healthy smile.


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