All on Four Implants - Revolutionizing the Way We Replace Missing Teeth

February 23, 2024

All on Four Implants - Revolutionizing the Way We Replace Missing Teeth
All on Four Implants - Revolutionizing the Way We Replace Missing Teeth

All on Four implants are an innovative new method for replacing missing teeth, using fewer dental implants than traditional methods.

This procedure permits dentists to treat patients suffering from severe atrophy without resorting to more invasive regenerative procedures that increase morbidity and treatment costs.
All on four implants differ from traditional ones in that they are placed at an angle in the bone, enabling the dentist to place them more precisely in locations where bone grafting would otherwise be necessary.

No More Dentures

All on four dental implants use four precisely placed implants instead of individual ones to support a fixed denture (arch of teeth), thus helping many patients avoid bone grafting procedures.
All-on-four implants may provide stability to those suffering with loose traditional dentures, enabling you to enjoy foods without discomfort caused by conventional dentures. With proper care and hygiene, these implants may last 40+ years! For more information, schedule a free consultation with your dentist to learn about how this treatment could change your life; often dental insurance or financing plans make the procedure even more cost-effective.

No More Preparing for Dentures

The All on Four Implant procedure offers a permanent solution for individuals suffering from severe tooth loss and edentulism, known as edentulism. Designed to maximize patient outcomes while keeping costs within limits, it aims to maximize results while simultaneously decreasing expenses associated with treatment.
The procedure also eliminates the need for bone grafting and sinus lifts, making for a simpler procedure that typically takes just two visits to complete.

At your initial consultation, the dentist will thoroughly assess your teeth and medical history to determine whether All on Four implants are right for you. This may involve X-rays, digital 3D scans and physical exams of your mouth; additionally, third party financing options may also be available to help pay for treatment costs.

No More Preparing for Implants

The All on Four implant procedure offers an efficient and affordable means of replacing an entire arch of teeth. Unlike traditional dental implants, which use multiple titanium posts for support of each individual tooth, All on Four uses four titanium posts which support all of your dental implant posts simultaneously and requires less surgery/recovery time than a typical full arch replacement procedure.

Your dentist will perform a consultation and examination, reviewing your medical history as well as conducting an in-depth assessment of your oral health utilizing x-rays, digital 3D scans, physical exams and more.

Your dentist will perform an exam to detect potential impediments to healing such as uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension, which may impede recovery. They'll also give tips for speedier recuperation.

No More Preparing for Bridges

With the All on Four implant bridge, only four implants are necessary to support your upper and lower dentures, drastically cutting down surgery time and healing times as well as costs.
Implants should also be strategically positioned to distribute bite forces evenly across your jaw, minimizing risk of individual implant failure and helping extend the lifespan of replacement teeth as well as improve oral health overall.

If you are considering All on Four implant surgery, make sure to discuss it with your dentist first and discuss whether you are eligible. If you suffer from poor health conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes or periodontal disease, alternative treatments may need to be provided before implants can be placed.

No More Preparing for Crowns

Dental implants generally require sufficient healthy and strong jawbone to secure them successfully, however if an individual has poor-quality jawbone this may necessitate additional work such as bone grafting to strengthen it enough for implant insertion.

The All-on-4 treatment approach offers an innovative solution to this dilemma. Without needing sinus augmentation or nerve repositioning procedures, this solution is less invasive and more agreeable for patients who fear surgery.

Before beginning All-on-4 procedure, an intensive consultation and examination with patient is conducted. This will include reviewing their dental health and medical history as well as receiving x-rays, digital 3D scans and physical inspection of their mouth.

No More Preparing for Veneers

All-on-4 dental implants provide a restorative solution that replaces an entire arch of teeth without individual replacements. The procedure involves inserting four titanium posts into your jaw that serve as anchors for an entire set of artificial teeth; over time these implants fuse with living bone tissue to form strong and long-lasting foundations for these artificial replacements.

Studies have proven that All-on-Four treatment of an atrophic jaw provides reliable results with notable quality-of-life benefits while eliminating costly and time consuming regenerative procedures.

Your dentist will provide post-surgery instructions and tips to speed your recovery after surgery. They may suggest drinking plenty of water, taking pain relievers as needed, and attending follow-up appointments to speed recovery.


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