How to Deal With a Dental Emergency While Traveling

January 06, 2021

How to Deal With a Dental Emergency While Traveling
Dentist Check
Teeth treatment
White even teeth

Imagine, you’re comfortably seated inside a plane, a cocktail in your hand and an airplane magazine in the other. You’re flying to one of your top ten vacation spots to cross out of your bucket list, just enjoying your much-deserved vacation with your friends. With all the work you’ve buried yourself in and the career you’re trying so hard to advance, you don’t even have the time to rest and take care of yourself. You rarely give yourself the time to actually enjoy and destress after working non-stop for so long, it’s the only time you get a chance to relax. Now you’ve let yourself finally let loose and have some fun, but then you find yourself in one of a traveler’s worst nightmare.


Just as you took a sip of your drink, you immediately felt a stinging pain in your teeth. A pain so bad, you felt it all over one side of your cheek. You’ve been feeling a mild toothache for weeks now, but you’ve been pushing it at the back of your head, and it finally took its toll on you and your teeth. You didn’t expect it to get this bad, but no matter where you go, you can never be too prepared for everything that might happen while you’re traveling. What should you do? Here are some ways to deal with a dental emergency while on a trip.

Dealing With Them on Your Own

1. Toothache

Most people would probably disregard a toothache thinking it will be gone soon. Sometimes it does go away on its own. However, this might not be the case for every toothache. Toothaches can vary in their level of pain. Some toothaches may not be that much bothersome and can be put up with, but others can be too much to handle, causing it to spread and cause:

● Throbbing or swelling around the tooth or gum area
● Sharp pain when you bite down or touch it
● Painful tooth sensitivity
● Fever


A common cause of toothache is tooth decay which can develop abscesses in your tooth if left untreated. It is an infection inside your tooth or the pulp in your tooth. In grave circumstances, an infection may reach the brain and become life-threatening but fear not because this only happens rarely. Another cause of a toothache may be Sinusitis which is an infection of your sinus cavity. Because your sinuses are close to your upper teeth, it can cause toothache in this area, confusing you to think that there is something wrong with your teeth when that is not the main problem.


In case of a toothache, an immediate response that you can do on your own is to rinse your mouth and use floss to dislodge anything that might be stuck in between your teeth. Some toothaches can be remedied by taking a pain reliever or painkiller. This is only a temporary treatment. Afterward, if the pain still lingers, it is highly recommended that you get yourself to the dental clinic. In cases of emergencies such as when you’re already coughing up blood or your face is swelling, it is advised to go there immediately and not ignore the pain.


2. Broken or Cracked Tooth

When you think about it, it is sort of unlikely for someone to manage having their tooth or teeth broken in the middle of a trip. You either got yourself in a fight, in an ill-fated accident or maybe you’re just terribly clumsy. If that’s not the case, then it may probably just be because of poor dental hygiene and your teeth finally decided to bail out on you. All it took was one swift nudge, but that’s just it. You don’t really know what may or may not happen anytime anywhere.


No one can really control everything and everyone around them. You can always try your best to be careful but no matter what the cause is, broken or cracked teeth are an emergency that needs immediate attention. If you ever find yourself having a broken or a cracked tooth, here’s what you can do to temporarily alleviate the pain.

● Rinse out your mouth
● Apply a cold compress to help subdue and control the inflammation as well as swelling


While you are doing these, you or someone else can look for and call the nearest dentist in your area and set an emergency appointment for you. Once all set, immediately go directly to the dentist, or if you can’t find any near you, go to a hospital emergency room. It is highly unadvised that you prolong the broken state of your tooth or teeth. It is of utmost importance that you promptly have your dental situation checked. It might not look that serious on the outside but who knows? Your teeth could already be in grave danger, with a high chance of negatively affecting everything near it.

3. Dislodged Tooth

A lost tooth can be a nightmare for anyone, especially for someone in the middle of a trip. You might’ve wanted to show the world your smiles of happiness, showing that you are finally having the time of your life, but instead, they’ll be seeing an incomplete set of teeth with a slight swell accompanying it. That’s as real as expectations versus reality can get. It may not be such a horrid circumstance depending on where the tooth was located. Let’s just hope that it’s not from the front because that would be a different kind of horror for most of us.


Having a lost tooth or even teeth in an unfamiliar place can cause anyone to feel anxious, but don’t panic! What you can do to temporarily address the situation are:

● Locate the tooth immediately
● Hold the tooth by the crown and wash off any dirt from it with cool water, but do not scrub or remove the tissue fragments
● Try to gently place back the tooth in its socket without disturbing the root area and causing further damage
● If the tooth cannot be placed back, the American Dental Association advises storing the teeth in a cup of milk or between your gums and cheek. These are approved methods of teeth preservation.


Once you’ve got these done, locate the nearest dentist in your area and go there at once. To ensure the highest rate of survival of the tooth, it should be implanted by the dentist within an hour. However, the tooth or teeth already lose their chances of being saved after 30 minutes so this is definitely a situation you should see straight away.


Finding a Dentist Abroad

When someone experiences a dental dilemma, the first thought that comes to mind is getting yourself to the dentist straight away and having yourself checked. That would be pretty easy if you’re just in your hometown because you immediately know where exactly you should go. You know where to find your trusted dentist you have been going to for years, but the same can’t be said when you’re traveling abroad.


An unexpected dental problem may cause you a considerable deal of frustration and maybe yell a list of profanities because not only is it painful, but it can also cause problems with your traveling schedule. Having to have a stopover every so often to address the pain can negatively affect your trip, especially when it’s a business trip. You may have everything already planned out and might also be on a strict schedule. An unforeseen mishap can cause trouble on your planned trip, causing a negative domino effect on everything else. An immediate solution to your problem is required.


Fortunately, nowadays there are professional trusted dentists in airports. However, airport dental clinics are not present and available in every airport out there. There are only some airports that have and can provide dental assistance, mostly in major airports. Do a quick inquiry at the information desk first to seek some assistance. A dental clinic might be present at the airport, but if not then do not worry! Most probably there are independent licensed professional dental clinics near the airport where you can go right after you land.


All it takes is a few searches on your phone to find the nearest dental clinic or to make sure of its trustworthiness and legitimacy, it’s better to ask from the information desk directly as well. As funny and unlikely as it seems, dental problems during a long plane trip happen all the time. This is true, especially for those who travel to far-flung locations, such as the Asia-Pacific region or the various cities in Australia. Just like other medical-related occurrences, encountering a dental problem is a common issue faced by many travelers of varying ages. Fortunately, Skygate Dental are near the Brisbane Airport in Australia, and other dental clinics nearby other airports are present as well to provide aid towards unanticipated dental predicaments. After all, you can never be too prepared for anything that might happen on your trip. It’s safe to say that there are dental clinics out there that have your back in terms of dental emergencies.


Preparing Before Traveling

One can never be too prepared for a trip. It is advised that you visit your dentist, even just a quick one just to be sure. Try scheduling an appointment with your local trusted dentist a week or even a month prior to your trip. This way, you’ll be able to make plans around and adjust to it and make sure that you will get your teeth checked. You don’t want a measly dental problem to ruin your whole travel experience, right? Yes, it’s understandable that you want to enjoy your trip, but it’s also important that you prioritize your health over everything else.

1. Insurance plan

You might want to check and read the coverage of your medical and dental insurance plan terms to see the coverage and how it applies as regards to traveling. If necessary, look into travel and dental insurance to make sure that you’re prepared for any unanticipated events.

2. Visit your dentist

A quick trip to the dentist can’t be that bothersome for anyone. It is imperative that one visits their dentist first before proceeding with their trip, especially if it’s a long one. This applies to everyone, especially those who already have a present or existing dental concern. Be sure to tell your dentist your travel plans in order to properly address your current issue.


It’s better to be sure than to regret ignoring the pain you’ve been feeling the whole time you’re on your trip. In addition to that, that small dental issue you’ve been setting aside and brushing off might already be a sign of something much more severe than you think. You don’t want that trip to be your last one, do you?

3. Pack with your teeth in mind

When packing your stuff, be sure to pack over-the-counter pain medicine such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Carry with you oral hygiene products and mouthwash as well so you can look after your teeth while on your travels.


If you will be participating in any sports events or anticipating contact with a rough crowd, be sure to wear a protective mouthguard for your own teeth’s protection and safety. This way, you’ll ensure that your dental health isn’t at risk and decrease the chance of your teeth getting knocked off.


It is important that you’re prepared to face unexpected events, especially ones that concern your overall health. Dental issues might not be that of a big deal for some, but your not paying attention to your dental needs may result in something much more serious than it originally was. It is highly advised that you visit your dentist first before you proceed with your travels to make sure that you won’t be encountering any problem with it while you’re in the middle of your trip.


You don’t want anything to bother you and hinder your chance to finally have a relaxation, right? It’s stressful to deal with these and at the same time, it wastes so much of your time. Instead of enjoying yourself, you’re stuck in a clinic with a stranger dentist looking at the insides of your mouth. That’s not much of a situation anyone wants to be in. It’s better to be prepared than regretting not attending to these later on.


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