Top 10 dental cements you can buy online for temporary crown cementation

January 10, 2021

Top 10 dental cements you can buy online for temporary crown cementation
Rely X Temp E dental cement for temporary cementation
TempBond temporary dental cement by Kerr
Freegenol dental cement
Ketac-Cem dental cement for cementation of crowns and bridges
Premier Implant Cement with good radiopacity and superior stregnth

Dentists use temporary restorations to help patients avoid sensitivity, infection, and tooth movement while they wait for the fabrication of permanent restorations. They might also use temporary cementation of permanent restorations as a way to assess the periodontal response, verify dental tissue adaptation, or evaluate the contours and margins. And while provisional cement is only temporary, that does not mean it can be substandard. The temporary dental cement should be strong enough to retain the restoration during function, but loose enough to allow removal of the temporary restoration without causing alteration or damage to the prepared surface. There may not be a single type of provisional dental cement that works for every situation, which is why clinicians often use more than one type.


Important features of provisional cement include:
• Ease of use
• Good retention
• Adequate shelf life
• Adequate working time before setting
• Gentle on soft and pulpal tissue
• Low solubility in oral fluids
• Easy to clean after removal of the provisional restoration
• Will not interfere with the adhesion of the permanent restoration
• Biocompatibility with other restoratives, pulp, and soft tissues


Questions to ask when making a selection
How long is the temporary restoration to remain in place?
How retentive is the preparation?
Is an adhesive technique required for the cementation of permanent restoration?
Is the restoration in an aesthetic zone?


Types of provisional dental cement
Here are five main types of temporary dental cement and the top products clinicians can purchase online:


Zinc-oxide with eugenol (ZOE) temporary cements

The earliest temporary cements were made of zinc-oxide powder and eugenol liquid, which has an excellent sedative and antibacterial effect on tissue. But research shows eugenol permeates the structure of the tooth and inhibits free radical polymerization in resins, preventing a solid setting reaction for acrylic resins. For this reason, more manufacturers have produced eugenol-free provisional cements.


10. RelyX Temp E (3M ESPE)
This product is ideal for provisional cementation. It offers strong adhesion and easy removal, making clean up quick and easy.


9. TempBond (Kerr)
This product is a temporary cement for provisional crowns and bridges. It is available in automix syringe, unidose, and tubde delivery. It withstands mastication yet affords easy removal.


Zinc-oxide without eugenol (ZONE) temporary cements


These temporary cements use zinc-oxide, but replace the eugenol with types of carboxylic acids. These are more compatible with resin provisionals and permanent resin cements. They also provide more retention compared to ZOE cements. However, these products do not have the same sedative effect which leads to more post-operative sensitivity.


8. TempBond NE (Kerr)

This non-eugenol cement is for trial cementing restorations or temporary crowns and bridges. It provides the same flow and retentive properties of TempBond, but will not inhibit polymerization of permanent resin cements and acrylic temporaries.


7. Freegenol (GC America, Inc.)

This non-eugenol temporary cement is safe and compatible with resin materials as well as plastic provisionals. It is easy to use, has a creamy, smooth consistency, and is easy to remove when the time comes.


Polycarboxylate temporary cements

Polycarboxylate temporary cements present low sensitivity, adequate retention, and are easy clean-up. These are a common option for many clinicians when used for longer-term temporaries. Some disadvantages are these cements must be mixed accurately and quickly. They also have a short working time and are not an ideal choice for aesthetic provisionals. Also, much of the cement remains on the tooth instead of on the temporary, so the dentist must chisel it off before placing the permanent restoration.


6. Cling2 (Clinician’s Choice)
This resin optimized temporary cement comes in a paste-paste format. It is versatile and easy to use. It peels off of preparation margins in seconds and the unique properties make it bacteriostatic.


5. Hy-Bond (SHOFU Dental)
This provisional dental cement is developed with SHOFU’s exclusive tannin fluoride additive to help seal dentinal tubules and reduce post-operative sensitivity. It has an extremely low film thickness and high adhesive strength.



Glass ionomer temporization cement

These temporary cements have a lower-viscosity which means a film-thin thickness upon application and complete seating of the temporary restoration. They can be used on metal, resin, or ceramic restorations. These cements also work well for non-cavitated, endodontically treated, or rampant carious teeth (as seen in early childhood cases). The glass ionomer can be opaque or pink. And while pink is not as aesthetically pleasing, it works to remind the patient the provisional is only temporary and encourages them to return sooner for the placement of the permanent restoration.


4. Master-Dent Glass Ionomer Cement (Dentonics)

This glass ionomer cement bonds to dentin to prevent breakdown or loss of enamel. It is primarily used as a permanent cementing agent, but also works as orthodontic band cement, coronal buildup material, or cavity liner.


3. Ketac-Cem (3M ESPE)
This provisional dental cement offers a chemical bond to dentin and enamel. It releases fluoride and has high biocompatibility to tissue. The extremely low film thickness optimizes fit and marginal integrity.


Resin-based dental cement


These provisional cements have high bond strength and provide maximum retention. This does make it a little more difficult to remove. They are also prone to microleakage, odor retention, and discoloration. But they are compatible with most permanent bonding materials as well as resin core buildup materials. This makes them ideal for provisional implant cases because the temporary restoration can be removed without damaging the implant.


2. (Ivoclar Vivadent)
This is a dual-curing composite for temporary cementation of crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and veneers. It has high compressive strength and is particularly suitable for use in the anterior region and temporary cementation of implant superstructures.


1. Premier Implant Cement (Premier Dental Products)
This is a tough, elastomeric resin. The innovative formula generates a tight marginal seal. It flexes under force to absorb shock and resists breaking down under daily occlusal stress. And because it is mechanical retention only, it allows for restoration removal and adjustment. 


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