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Self Starter Online Diploma Courses in Orthodontics


AFO Course-in-a-box package contains the Course Manual, Lecture and practice videos, Typodont and practice materials and the basic instruments.

Price : 3,000

SELF STARTER EDUCATION IN ORTHODONTICS? IS THIS POSSIBLE? Yes. All you have to do is select the course best suited for you and pay the course fee. We will then send you the AFO Course-in-a-box package which contains the Course Manual, Lecture and practice videos, Typodont and practice materials and the basic instruments. The Course Manual is a handbook / ready reckoner providing you with just enough theory and the practical steps for use in most of the routine cases. You will read this first and then watch the Lecture Videos. Once you have done this, you are now ready to try it on the Typodont. Using the basic instruments and the practice kit, you will watch the step by step practice video and can then practice bonding, placing the wire etc any number of times on the typodont. You can then take photographs of the exercises you have done and send it to AFO for discussion of your doubts using the 5 - 10 hours of quality time you get with AFO Faculty. For this you will have to have a multimedia computer (with webcam) and a broadband (above 250kbps) internet connection. Now you are ready to start on patient cases! You can use the Case Discussion forum on the website (available to course participants only) to discuss each case with AFO Faculty and with all the AFO course participants from all over the world!
Product by Dental company ACADEMY OF FIXED ORTHODONTICS | India, Cochin, Kerala, 09961658186


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