Dental News

Useful guide if you decide to pursue a career in sports medicine

Concussion of a tooth refers to the mildest forms of tooth injury. Following a traumatic impact, the tooth is not displaced or mobile but only sensitive on touch or percussion

Tooth subluxation is a trauma condition in which the tooth-supporting structures are injured, leading to tooth loosening within the socket. However, there is no change in the position of the tooth

Endodontic treatment explained in layman terms. Advice what to do after root canal treatment

Life expectancy of dental fillings and when they need to be replaces with new ones

How to handle 5 different types of emergency situations in dentistry, which involve discomfort and toothache

Four reasons to choose Thailand as a tourist destination and dental care provider

Time-wise there is a suitble moments in life to have your dental veneers. Have a look at the best times to think about this cosmetic option

Six food we need to avoid in order to keep good dental health

Four conditions that require urgent dental attention and are classed as emergency situations