Dental News

Orthodontic braces should be looked after. Here are a few tips to teach your child about keeping the braces or clear aligners sound and effective

Several things you need to consider before the commencement of dental implant placement

How to differentiate cold sores, angular cheilitis, eczema and impetigo from each other

Orthodontic Nance palatal arch is a passive fixed orthodontic appliance, which is used to retain space around the premolar region

Alvogyl or Alveogyl is a medicament used to treat dry socket infections

Tooth bifurcation and tooth trifurcation refers to the anatomical area in between the roots of the premolar or molar. Bifurcation is between 2 roots and trifurcation is the area between the 3 roots

Design ideas for dental businesses

In the field of medicine, dental education abroad is considered popular and prestigious. Let's look at the basics of studying to become a dentist, as well as the best schools in the world

Most commonly performed dental procedures explained in simple terms

Good practices on how to grow your dental practice as a business