Dental News

It is not recommendable to smoke after tooth extraction

When toothache is caused by dental abscess, Amoxicillin will remove the toothache. If toothache is caused by pulpitis, Amoxicillin will not help with the pain

Kala Namak is a salt derived from India with a brown to black color. It is used in cooking, medicine and dentistry

Peg teeth appear smaller than the adjacent teeth and are most commonly caused by microdontia. Lateral incisors and wisdom teeth have the highest incidence of pegged teeth

Dental midline, also known as teeth midline, usually lines up in both top and bottom jaw. When both midlines do not correspond, the condition is called teeth midline shift

Dentists, dental technicians and dental hygienists use vibrations from motorized dental equipment, which can cause a condition called Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)

How to do donning and doffing of personal protective equipment in medicine and dentistry

This is how to improve the look of your smile on selfie pictures

Best baby teether toys on the market

Orthodontic treatment without traditional braces to correct wonky bite