Dental News

Bitewing radiograph is an intraoral x-ray showing the premolars and molars in a closed biting position. It is a diagnostic method for detecting the initial stage of tooth decay on the aproximal teeth surfaces.

Tongue tattoos are drawings on the top surface of the tongue made of ink and introduced by tattoo needles.

Baby bottle tooth cavities affect the visible surface of the front teeth starting with upper incisors and then spreading to the canines, lower incisors and molars.

Overbrushing can cause gum recession and abrasion lesions on the facial surface of the teeth. Carefully choose your toothbrush and toothpaste and avoid self-made dental tools.

The stages of dental caries start with demineralization and initial tooth lesions, then go through enamel and dentin destruction, pulp infection and abscess formation.

Geographic tongue, also known as benign migratory glossitis, is a harmless condition that impacts the surface of your tongue. It results in patches with raised borders that look like islands.

Dental treatments you are allowed to have during pregnancy.

Dental attrition and abfraction are caused by bruxing, but the damage occurs at different points of the teeth. Abrasion is caused by rubbing against foreign objects and erosion is induced by chemical components.

Enamel wear due to acid activity is known as dental erosion. This condition can be caused by overconsumption of acidic foods or saliva inability to neutralize the low pH in the mouth (dry mouth syndrome).

Teeth wear that is caused by malocclusion and friction is known as dental attrition. It can be due to bad biting habits, clenching and bruxing.