Dental News

Jaw teeth lateral excursion is a sideways movement to left or right of your mandible (lower jaw) until disoccluding the top and bottom dental arch

These are the 5 highest paid dental specialists

Dental contrasters are used for taking pictures of teeth, with dark color as background. This allows the dentist and patient to concentrate on the details of tooth esthetics.

Dental compomer is a tooth restorative material used in dentistry. Compomers combine the qualities of resin composite material and glass ionomer cement.

Pacifiers are also known as dummies, binkies, and soothers. They are designed for sucking and resemble a nipple. Teethers are chewing toys designed to help with teething

List of 10 best dental practices in Brooklyn, New York City

Treating bad breath (halitosis) may have several approaches to achieve the final result

How to control dental phobia and fear of dentists

Difference between filtering facepiece masks - FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3

Radiographic imaging available to diagnose temporomandibular joint disorders and variations in the TMJ anatomy