Post extraction care. Instructions after tooth extraction. Patient leaflet - what to do and what not to do after a tooth removal and sinus lift procedure.
When do the teeth erupt from the 6th to the 12th year? Variations in the order of eruption of the permanent teeth in the mixed dentition. Creating space for the eruption of the permanent teeth
When do the teeth erupt from the first to the 5th year? Relation and characteristics of the teeth in the primary dentition. What is a mesial step, a distal step and primate spaces?
Teeth abrasion is characterized by loss of tooth structures. Teeth wear can be caused by overbrushing, clenching, bruxing and malocclusion.
What are the amalgam tattoos? Where do they appear and what is their differential diagnosis? How to diagnose the amalgam pigmentation and the dark patches on the gums
All-on-4 implant technique is placing four dental implants for upper or lower jaw and fitting a denture on top. Procedure is quick and can be done in one sitting
Has your baby started teething? Have a look at the symptoms that occur during the teething process.
Operculectomy is a surgical dental procedure which removes the gum tissue flap over partially erupted tooth.
Pericoronitis, also known as operculitis, is an inflammation of the soft tissues that surround a partially erupted tooth.
What is a teething rash? Causes of the skin inflammation and how to deal with the teething rashes.