Dental News

Top medical insurance plans which offer dental cover

How to choose the right dentist for your dental needs

TMJ arthrocentesis flushes the joint with various liquids in order to relieve temporomandibular joint disfunctions and symptoms

How to avoid dental emergency situations while travelling on holiday

Condylography is a diagnostic dental method to trace and record the motions of the mandibular condyles

5 ways of protecting dental patients in the clinic during times of pandemic

Contemporary innovations that will transform dentistry and improve oral health

Bundle bone is surrounding the tooth roots and it is 1mm thick. Sharpey's fibers insert into the dental bundle bone. This bone is the first to resorb after tooth extraction

Algophobia is an excessive and irrational fear of experiencing pain

Elmiron is a medication, which treats interstitial cystitis, also known as inflammation of the bladder