Dental News

Coronectomy, also known as odontectomy or tooth decoronation, is a surgical dental procedure that removes a crown of an impacted wisdom tooth and leaves the roots in place.

Endodontic treatment on milk teeth, also known as pulpotomy, removes the irreversibly inflamed pulp tissues and retains the tooth in the dentition.

Dens invaginatus, also known as dens in dente, is a morphological variation to the anatomy of the tooth - 'a tooth within a tooth'.

Dental implants have gone a long way to become the best solution for replacing missing teeth. Let's have a look at the teeth implant history.

A tongue scraper, also known as tongue brush or tongue cleaner, is an oral hygiene device designed to remove bacterial build up, food particles, and dead cells from the surface of your tongue.

Dens evaginatus is also known as talon cusp or supernumerary cusp. It resembles an eagle talon and is a dental abnormality found on the palatal surface of the anterior teeth.

Gemination of teeth is a dental condition in which one tooth bud has produced two twin teeth. They are bonded together and separated by a cleft in the middle of the crown.

Teeth eruption charts for deciduous (baby teeth) and permanent (adult teeth).

Squirting obturation technique in endodontics is a type of warm obturation technique for sealing the root canal system with heated gutta-percha.

Tips on overcoming dental anxiety and how to control patients dental phobia.