Dental News

Gingivitis means inflammation of the gums, periodontitis means inflammation of gums + deep periodontal pockets and infection in the bone

Gnathology is a field of study concentrating on maxillary and mandibular jaws and their development, temporomandibular joint TMJ and occlusion - the way that teeth meet together

These are 3 dental procedures and can boost up your confidence

Dental giomer is a restorative tooth-coloured dental material that combines the properties of composite resin and glass ionomer cement

Tips and tricks of writing a dental essay

INR in Warfarin treatment stands for International Normalized Ratio. It is a coefficient that measures how quickly blood can clot depending on the prothrombin time.

Cvek pulpotomy, also known as partial pulpotomy, is a dental procedure of removing the crown pulp and leaving the root canal pulp in order to leave the tooth partially vital.

Ceramic dental veneers can improve the appearance of your teeth by correcting uneven spacing, tooth discoloration and crooked teeth

Products from the oral health supermarket aisle that every one of us needs to maintain proper dental care

Charting and measuring BPE - basic periodontal examination. Codes and probing depth explained