Dental News

Shimstock in dentistry is a thin foil used to check the occlusion of the teeth and how tight the opposing teeth meet together

Lucia Jig is a dental appliance which navigates the occlusion into centric relation

Dental tourism in Turkey is booming and is becoming a hotspot for dental tourists

Remedies for toothache - short term, long term and preventive remedies for tooth pain

How to maintain good oral health when you are on a budget

Tooth root exposure which begins from the alveolar margin is dental dehiscence. Root exposure without alveolar margin involvement, looking like window-like root exposure, is called dental fenestration

Keep your toothbrush away from the toilet to avoid bacterial contamination

Best 10 medications which relief toothache

Endo-perio inflammation consists of bacterial contamination within and around the tooth. Deep pocketing and necrotic pulp are present. This tooth will have a poor prognosis and may need to be removed

A list of medicaments and their effect on oral health and teeth