How to maintain good oral health when you are on a budget
Tooth root exposure which begins from the alveolar margin is dental dehiscence. Root exposure without alveolar margin involvement, looking like window-like root exposure, is called dental fenestration
Keep your toothbrush away from the toilet to avoid bacterial contamination
Endo-perio inflammation consists of bacterial contamination within and around the tooth. Deep pocketing and necrotic pulp are present. This tooth will have a poor prognosis and may need to be removed
A list of medicaments and their effect on oral health and teeth
Hemosinus occurs after breakage of the sinus walls. Blood vessels supplying the paranasal sinuses rupture and the blood fills up the sinus. Maxillary and frontal sinuses are the most vulnerable to hemosinus
What are your option when it comes to financing your dental bill
Aerosol generating procedures AGP in dentistry are ultrasonic scaling, 3 in 1 dental syringe, air polishing and piezo handpieces
Osteoinduction is the stimulation of bone formation caused by bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Osteoconduction is bone formation within a graft material, which acts as a scaffold for the newly formed bone