Dental News

Kratom can be taken before dental appointment to reduce anxiety and provide pain relief for anxious patients

Dentistry has evolved to a stage where digital advancements, artificial inteligence and nano technologies can be applied for better dental quality and patient experience

7 cultural ways of improving dental health that show the cultural differencies in several nations

Dental anxiety is a common phenomenon that affects people of all ages, often leading to delayed or skipped dental appointments

Apart from functionality, our teeth can be a source of fascinating facts and stories. Check out these nine shocking things about teeth you didn’t know.

Good dentistry can be achived even on a budget. However, it needs to be planned well to cover certain fundamentals and keep the dental care quality high

Post operative recovery after dental surgery can involve taking pain killers, antibiotics, changing your diet and applying cold compress on the area

Best performing cosmetic procedures according to costemic dentists and their esthetic results

Did you know that CBD vape pens are great not only for stress, pain, and sleep but also for dental health? Learn more about how CBD protects your oral health.

Several tips for dental patients to avoid tooth caries