Dental News

Gleeking meaning shooting saliva off the mouth like a spray. Gleeking is also known as gleeting, gleaking, glanding, glything and gleeping

Periosteum is connective tissue layer, which covers the bones and helps nourishing, healing and reconstruction of the bone tissue

Guiding tips on how to run orthodontic dental practice

Buck teeth are teeth which are sticking forward. The dental term for buck teeth is overjet

Quad Helix is orthodontic appliance, made of thin wire, used to expand constricted dental arches

Osteotome is a bi-bevelled dental instrument with two cutting edges on the working end. It is shaped like a narrow wedge. Dental chisel is bevelled on one side of the working end. This is the chisel's active working side

Tooth Mousse is a dental gel used to strengthen the enamel and reduce teeth sensitivity

Leading dentist in UK shares several signs and symptoms, which should be alarming for your oral health

Hand sanitizers based on alcohol dissolves the lipid membrane of the virus and kills it. Hand sanitizers with a soap base disconnects the virus from the surface and mechanically disengages it from the skin.

How to create a personal statement when applying in the leading dental schools