Dental News

Elevators are used in prying motion, luxators in rotating motion, periotomes - inserting vertical motion, without any force. Elevators damage the tooth socket, luxators and periotomes preserve it.

This is a list of the best electric toothbrushes up until 2020

Dental therapists provide both clinical and therapeutic care while dental hygienists treat various stages of gum disease and gingivitis.

Tips and tricks when cleaning your removable dentures

List of the best pain killers to treat and relieve TMJ symptoms (TMD)

Betel nut chewing can cause gum inflammation, tooth fractures and enamel discoloration

Teeth tartar, also known as dental calculus, is a hard substance formed by calcification of dental plaque. It consists of calcium and phosphates stuck to the surface of the teeth

Aerophagia is a medical condition of swallowing big amounts of air, which results in various symptoms resembling signs of indigestion.

Dental granuloma, also knowns as tooth abscess or dental abscess, is a intra oral infection caused by bacteria

Oral disintegrating tablets are known as meltlets or mouth-dissolving pills. When they get in contact with the tongue, they melt and get absorbed through the oral mucosa to quickly reach the patient's blood stream.