Alveoplasty, also known as jawbone reshaping or alveoloplasty, is a surgical dental procedure of smoothing over the alveolar ridge and maintaining a solid and even bone structure.
Brush before breakfast to eliminate bad breath. Brush after breakfast to remove dental plaque and protect your teeth.
Your teeth may get discolored for various reasons. Discovering the etiology of the darkened teeth is the first step to correcting the problem.
Tooth sleuth, also known as Tooth Slooth or Fracfinder, is a bite stick used by dentists to detect the presence of vertical root fractures.
Knocked out teeth are considered a dental emergency. Here are some tips on what to do, before visiting your dentist.
Removing wisdom teeth is a common procedure in the dental office and here are some of the myths revealed.
Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are firm, yellow buildups of debris growing in the tonsil crypts.
Here are some tips you can use at home to keep your gums healthy and avoid gingivitis and gum disease.
Oral piercings like tongue, lip, frenum and uvula piercings may cause dental and health damage. Be aware of the risks!
The enamel pearls, also known as enamel drop and enameloma, are little nodules of hard tissue attached to the tooth crown or roots.