Dental News

Has your baby started teething? Have a look at the symptoms that occur during the teething process.

Operculectomy is a surgical dental procedure which removes the gum tissue flap over partially erupted tooth.

Pericoronitis, also known as operculitis, is an inflammation of the soft tissues that surround a partially erupted tooth.

What is a teething rash? Causes of the skin inflammation and how to deal with the teething rashes.

Can baby teething cause a fever? How to deal with the restlessness of your baby during the teeth eruption

Miswak, also known as siwak, meswak and sewak, is a teeth cleaning twig made of a tree that used in some Muslim societies. It is an alternative to the conventional toothbrush.

Clinical orthodontic cases that require inclined plane. Treating malocclusion with anterior inclined plane.

Dental ankylosis appears when the tooth looses its periodontal ligament and becomes fused to the surrounding bone.

Extraction of the wisdom teeth is recommended in order to improve cleaning around the molar teeth, before orthodontic treatment or due to extensive tooth decay.

List of the dental forums available in Internet.