Dental News

How to mask and treat body and facial skin scars

Medical devices for doctors and dentists have changed their regulations over the past years. Let see how

Keratinized gingival mucosa is a strong biological barrier consisting of dead and hardened cells. Non-keratinized mucosa is a weaker barrier in the mouth and consists of living cells

Rodogyl is antibacterial antibiotic for dental use containing a combination of two different antibiotics - Metronidazole and Spiramycin

How to recreate shiny white smile in several different ways

Advice on keeping teeth healthy and clean without the active help from the dentist

Health maintenance plans and health savings plans which are worth looking into

Dental leaf gauge is a device for determining optimal occlusion in different parts of the dental arches

A few things you should know before becoming a dentist and dedicating yourself to the profession

Dentinogenesis imperfecta is a genetic condition affecting the structure of the tooth dentin. It makes the teeth darker and weaker