Dental News

Here is a list of the best countries for dental practice managers

Teeth scaling is removing the tartar deposits from the teeth with the help of ultrasonic dental tip or hand scaler

Top affiliate marketing programs in the dental field

Pricing for dental implants in the United States and abroad. What are the alternatives for implant treatment and how do you pay for dental loans and insurance

Essix dental retainer is an invisible plastic suckdown splint with fake teeth. They are used as temporary solution for replacing missing teeth

List of the best countries to work as a dental nurse

It depends - 32 chews to break down a difficult piece of steak, but somewhere around 5 chews to break down a piece of watermelon, which is mostly water anyways.

Dental paranoia is experiencing illusionary toothache. Fear of dentist is a normal apprehension. Dental anxiety is an increased level of stress in the dental chair. Dental phobia is the highest level of fear of dentists.

Which electric toothbrush is better - Philips Sonicare or Oral B? Let's find out.

These are the best countries in the world to work as a dental hygienist.