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#1 Identify Your Fears First of all, you will need to identify your fears. What exactly is it that terrifies or scares you about your work? Is it the fear that you will mess up and damage your patient? Are you scared that you will lose your job for some reason? Do you think you aren’t qualified enough to perform your job well? Whatever it is that you are scared of, you need to recognize it and note it down. You can’t write your essay before you understand what it is that you feel so strongly about. By identifying your fears, you are making the first and the most important step on your way to getting rid of them. #2 Make an Outline Next, you will need to make an outline of your future essay. An outline is necessary to guide you and give your essay structure. It is a way to organize your thoughts before you start writing about your work, your thoughts, and your feelings. If you are struggling to create a comprehensive essay, you can always seek professional help. Hire an experienced writer from the custom writing site Trust My Paper. An expert writer will be able to guide you and explain to you how to make the most of your outline and then use it effectively when writing your essay. #3 Collect Information Then, you will need to collect relevant information. As a dentist, you already know what dental work is all about, but you might still want to get some additional information on the subjects that you are most interested in. Doing such research and collecting information will help you better understand the topic and fully express your thoughts and feelings. For instance, if you are scared of losing your job, try to find statistics on job loss in your industry. This way, you will have a more objective picture of how likely you are to actually lose your job. #4 Remember Your Patients Before you start writing, it’s also a good idea to remember your patients. As scared as you might be of your job, there are patients coming to you regularly who are even more terrified of getting dental work done. You can also hire an experienced writer from the writing services company site Supreme Dissertations who will help you create a customer survey. This way, you can collect feedback directly from your clients and understand what they feel when they are coming to you to get dental work done. Understanding their perspective will give you a different point of view on your job. #5 Write Your Essay Now that all the preparations are completed, you can write your essay. Utilize the information you collected and remember your patients. Try to stick to your outline as closely as possible, but don’t be afraid to stray away from it a little. It’s a good idea to set a word limit – or, on the contrary, a minimum word count you should reach – so that you don’t write more than needed. Treat this like an exercise in your own writing abilities as well as a way for you to overcome your fears. #6 Proofread Your Essay When you finished writing your essay, proofread it and correct any mistakes you find. These can be linguistic mistakes or even factual ones. You could be already writing when in college, so you should have some experience with the process. But if you are lost, you can always use a professional tool like Grammarly that will help you proofread and edit your essay faster. #7 Get Feedback Last but not least, show your essay to other people you trust and get feedback on it. They can help you address your fears connected to your work and eventually overcome these fears. Don’t be afraid to confide in your loved ones like your friends or family members, but you can also approach your colleagues. If you want to get professional help, consider going to a psychologist. Final Thoughts All in all, it’s not that difficult to write an essay about your fears and eventually overcome them. Use the tips and techniques in this article to help you write your own essay about dental work and successfully get rid of any fears you might have as a dentist. Everyone deserves to love their job and be enthusiastic about it!

Posted by Dental Plus

A smile is the first thing that people notice when you meet them, this is why many people want to have straight, white teeth. With advancements in cosmetic dentistry over the last decade, teeth whitening treatment has become safer and more affordable for anyone who is in search of a brighter smile. But is having a white smile an important thing? Well  it may surprise you to know that almost 96 percent of American adults understand that an attractive smile makes you more appealing to the opposite gender, and some think that an unattractive smile can affect a person's chances for career success. This is why having a clean, straight smile makes a person feel confident about enhances their social and career opportunities. This is why teeth whitening dentists in Miami have become so popular as people are looking for cosmetic treatment. This is why it is important to have an experienced and reputable cosmetic dentist in Miami such as those from Miami Modern Dental to handle your teeth whitening treatment. While teeth whitening is a safe, life-enhancing process, the treatment has a positive effect on both the physical appearance and psychological health. In this blog, we share the benefits of teeth whitening in Miami. Boosts your self-confidence One of the main benefits of teeth whitening treatment is that it boosts the self-confidence of people. This is because a smile with bright, sparkly teeth is very difficult to miss even at work, on a date, giving a presentation, or just taking a walk in the street. Also, having whiter teeth may be an indication to others that you take care of your oral health and care about your appearance. Enhances your appearance While people may have the healthiest teeth and the straightest smile, not everyone is immune to the damage that comes from everyday food and drink. Foods such as coffee, tea, and soda commonly cause our teeth to stain over time. This is why it is beneficial to have an effective teeth whitening procedure, as it enhances your appearance as it helps to combat stains that come from our everyday food and drink.  Minimizes the look of wrinkles If you are worried about wrinkles, teeth whitening may be a decent treatment for you. Apart from focusing on wrinkles, a lot of people mainly focus on their bright white smiles. Having teeth whitening treatment helps you draw attention away from the appearance of surrounding wrinkles, acne scars, or even frown lines. Affordable Treatment Teeth whitening is one of the most affordable treatments compared to things such as plastic surgery. To prolong the effect of your teeth whitening only a touch-up kit after an in-office procedure is required. Patients can also combine teeth whitening and at-home enhancers at a small price tag but offer big results. Summing Up Reputable teeth whitening dentists in Miami will help you get the whiter smile you have always wanted, search for a reputable cosmetic dentist in Miami, you can even consider Miami Morden Dental At Dental to learn more about their teeth whitening options. All you need to do is simply request an appointment below and they will contact you.  

Delaying the treatment will only worsen your case. The bacteria might slip in the cracks and cause infection or decay. The best course of action when having a chipped tooth is to see your dentist. Depending on your unique condition and needs, they’ll fix it with tooth restoration treatments, such as dental bonding, veneers, crowns, or implants. But if you have just chipped your tooth and are unsure about what to do, continue reading to find that out! The course of action when you chip your tooth Head to your dentist immediately when you damage your tooth. While going to the dentist, some quick reliefs will help reduce some swelling and pain. This includes taking an OTC pain reliever, rinsing the mouth with mouthwash, and applying an ice pack around the painful area to manage swelling and discomfort. If your damaged tooth has resulted from a severe accident, please visit the nearest emergency room. That being said, here are some ways that the dentist can fix your chipped tooth. 1. Tooth Bonding Tooth bonding can fix minor and simple chips in your teeth. The procedure is straightforward and involves the application of a resin material over your chipped tooth. This way, the dentist creates a mold and then shapes it to look and feel exactly like the part of your tooth. The dentist will then use a special light to make the material hard. This procedure is the cheapest option but not so durable. After the treatment, nobody can tell you have a chipped tooth. 2. Dental Veneers Dental veneers can be the proper treatment for slightly bigger chips. Veneers are porcelain covers placed on your tooth and require a slight removal of your tooth enamel to easily adhere. This treatment is long-lasting than tooth bonding and relatively cheap for one tooth. But you should look for other options when fixing multiple teeth.   3. Dental Crowns Like veneers, dental crowns are also made of porcelain. But they surround the tooth entirely, unlike veneers placed over your tooth’s front side. Dental crowns are a good option when the chip is major, and you lose many tooth parts. Let your dentist know about your needs and goals. They will recommend the best type of crowns.   4. Dental Implants Last but not least, dental implants are an excellent option when it comes to treating the most severe chips, and only a very tiny portion of your tooth remains intact. These implants provide a permanent solution to your chipped or missing teeth problem. It consists of a titanium post screwed into your jawbone, acting as an artificial tooth root. Then, the dentist places an abutment and a crown that restores the tooth’s functionality and appearance. The procedure is time-consuming and costly but gives a lifelong solution to the problem. If you suffer from a chipped tooth or a similar issue, please contact Gatewayfamilydental. Our Bakersfield, CA dentist is ready to help you!  

Maintaining good oral hygiene and health is vital for a healthy and beautiful smile. What you eat impacts a lot when it comes to oral hygiene. Some drinks have a good effect on your teeth, while others are detrimental to your oral health. If you want to protect your teeth from staining and enamel weakening, there are some drinks that you should avoid. This might include some of your favorite beverages. But don’t worry, as we will give you some yummy alternatives that will not only soothe your taste buds but will also help in building better oral health. For this reason, our dentist in Houston, Tx has listed drinks to avoid and their alternatives below. Let’s start with drinks that are bad for your teeth!   Drinks to Avoid Here are some drinks that you should avoid or at least limit their consumption: 1. Alcohol You might have already heard from your physician that too much alcohol is bad for your health. Just like for your general health, excessive consumption of alcohol is bad for your teeth, and it can speed up gum disease and increase the risk of decay. So, the best way to prevent such dental complications is to limit alcohol consumption or avoid it if you can. 2. Coffee Bad news for coffee lovers, drinking too much coffee can stain your teeth and might damage the protective layer. It can also lead to sensitivity issues. So, if coffee is a necessary part of your morning routine, try to drink it less frequently and with more milk and less sugar. 3. Energy Drinks & Soda These drinks contain high sugar content and carbonation, which are detrimental to your teeth. This content can speed up the tooth decay process. Energy drinks might prepare you for the arena if you’re into sports. But these drinks are acidic, which means they can cause enamel erosion. Moreover, energy drinks can cause hyperactivity, resulting in bruxism. Drinks Good for Your Teeth Below are some drinks that are good for your teeth. Try including them in your everyday intake. 1. Milk Milk contains vitamins, proteins, and minerals, making it great for your teeth’ health. Calcium and phosphorus help strengthen your tooth enamel, and they can also repair enamel damage. Get enough vitamin D so that your body can absorb calcium and phosphorus in a better way. 2. Coconut Water The healthiest and simplest option is to drink regular, clean water. But when drinking plain water becomes boring, switch it with coconut water. Not only is it refreshing, but it also has an antioxidant feature. This drink is an excellent alternative to energy drinks. 3. Gin Since alcohol is terrible for your teeth and health, look for a healthier alternative like gin. This drink contains no sugar and the lowest alcohol content. You can also choose soda water in place of bad drinks for your teeth. Conclusion There are some drinks to avoid for better smile and teeth health. Consider choosing healthier alternatives if it’s difficult to cut your favorite beverages. And don’t forget to brush and floss your teeth daily. For more dental advice, contact Hermann Park Smiles or visit us in person. Our dental professionals are ready to help you.

Numbing the area during the procedure makes it easy for the dentist to perform complicated surgeries and helps you avoid feeling pain. The dentist uses sedation or sleep dentistry to numb the surgical site, so you don’t feel discomfort. But once the procedure is over and you want to go home, the numbing effect can make you spend more time at the dentist’s office for your own safety. If your treatment requires anesthesia, you will feel numbness for 1-2 hours in your teeth and 3-5 hours on your tongue, face, or lips. San Antonio, TX dentist, understands that this can be frustrating for patients. So, we have listed five effective ways to get rid of numbness after your procedure. 5 Ways to Reduce Numbness after Sedation Some people avoid going to the dentist and have untreated dental conditions because of the fear of anesthetics and sedation. Here are some practical ways to lower the numbness and manage discomfort faster: Do physical activity Physical activity is beneficial for your overall health and wellness, and it improves healing and blood circulation. You can go for a walk or ride biking to reduce the numbing effects naturally. But ask your dentist whether it’s safe to do such activities after the procedure. If the dentist gives you the green signal, consider participating in some physical activity. The idea is to help your body stimulate blood flow and carry anesthesia away from the surgical site. Falling asleep can help You might wonder if falling asleep is almost a turnabout compared to being active. But to your surprise, taking a nap can help you get rid of the numbness. Sit back and let the numbing effect pass until the sensation goes away naturally. Don’t fight off the numbness. Instead, get past it and don’t worry about it. Massage your skin Massaging the face near your jaw can help with better blood circulation after getting an anesthetic. You can apply a warm compress and massage your lips. Make sure to avoid touching the surgical area directly to prevent irritation. Also, always wash your hands before as well as after massaging your facial skin. It’s essential if you have open wounds or stitches from the procedure. Another injection can reverse the effects This tip could be news to some people. Sometimes, another injection can reverse the numbness caused by general anesthesia. This can even help dissipate the sensation twice as fast as not doing anything. Keep in mind that most insurance companies don’t usually cover this injection. So, the typical price range to expect for a reversal injection is $25-75. Patience is the key Various types of dental procedures require different amounts of sedation. Moreover, multiple factors will determine the duration of numbness a patient experiences, including weight, age, metabolism, etc. it’s better to ask your dentist about how long you should expect to feel numb after the procedure. This will help keep your mind at ease. Contact Rio Dental today for more tips and information about dental sedation and sleep dentistry. Our team is ready to help you in every step of the procedure.  

What is Invisalign? Invisalign is a system of clear, removable aligners that are custom-made to fit over the patient's teeth. There are no brackets or wires; and they are removable, so the patient can take them out to eat, brush, and floss. Some patients may find that braces are uncomfortable and can make them feel self-conscious about their appearance. Invisalign offers a new alternative to braces. These aligners are designed to be easy to use, comfortable, and provide fast results. Here are some orthodontic problems that Invisalign can correct: Crooked teeth Overcrowded teeth Gaps between teeth Over-bite Cross-bite Under-bite How Does Invisalign Work? Invisalign treatment starts with an initial consultation with an orthodontist. If you are eligible for Invisalign, the orthodontist will use special technology to create a 3D image of your mouth. This 3D image is then sent to the lab to produce clear aligners that create a snug fit over your teeth. Clear aligners work by applying gentle but consistent force to the teeth. Depending on the complexity of your dental problem, you may also require certain attachments to wear underneath the aligners. Patient must wear their Invisalign clear aligners for at least 22 hours per day. You can take them out to eat, brush, and floss, but it is important to put them back in after you're done. Every 2 weeks, patients remove their aligner and "graduate" to the next tray in the series. After your treatment is completed, you will need to wear a retainer to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their previous positions. Is Invisalign Right For You? Only an experienced orthodontist can tell you whether Invisalign is a good fit for your needs. For more information, schedule a free smile assessment at Wilde Orthodontics today!  

We all love having a bright, beautiful smile. A whiter smile looks stunning in selfies and makes you smile more at parties. It also boosts your confidence and makes you look tidy and clean. But your teeth might not be as bright as they used to be in your childhood. Is that right? That’s the case majority of the time because of our eating and drinking habits. You may stain your teeth if you drink and eat foods that stain and don’t clean your teeth afterward. Once your teeth look yellowish, it’s common to head to the dentist for a teeth whitening procedure. This procedure is a valuable investment and helps your smile look great. But at the Castaic dental office, our dentists educate you about each side of the story. While you might be aware of the benefits of teeth whitening, here are some downsides of the treatment that you should know. What’s bad about Teeth Whitening? Let’s look at some of the side effects of teeth whitening treatment: Sensitivity after the procedure It’s common to face sensitivity or pain after the teeth whitening procedure. That’s because whitening treatment contains bleaching agents, which makes teeth sensitive. After the treatment, you might feel discomfort as you eat or drink foods with extreme temperatures. But the good news is that this downside is not permanent, and it subsides within a few days. In most cases, you won’t feel any discomfort at all. But if you do, use desensitizing toothpaste to reduce sensitivity. Not for severe discoloration Professional teeth whitening is effective in removing most stains. But that doesn’t mean you’ll have milk-colored teeth after the procedure. Some stains will stay and may require many sessions to remove them. If your teeth are severely stained, cosmetic bonding might be the right choice for your teeth. Not safe when done at home Teeth whitening procedure is completely safe when done by the dentist. But if you’re doing it via at-home whitening strips or toothpaste, avoid extended exposure. Bleaching agents can damage tooth enamel if applied for a longer duration. Temporary results The teeth whitening procedure gives quick and drastic results. But it isn’t a permanent solution to your staining teeth. Your teeth can become stained after the process if you don’t care for them. Usually, the results last from a few months to a few years. But this largely depends on how well you take care of your dental hygiene and what foods you eat. For long-lasting results, make sure to follow your dentist’s instructions. Not covered in insurances Teeth whitening is generally not covered by your insurance provider. That’s because they only cover medically necessary treatments. But to make this procedure affordable for everyone, many dental offices provide discount plans and promotions. Consider talking to your insurance provider and dentist before going for the treatment to avoid surprises. Conclusion It’s essential to understand the procedure completely before going for it. This way, you will be prepared for it at every step and make an informed decision about your dental health. For more information or assistance, please contact Smiles Forever Dental.  

Happy Mother’s Day – Give Your Mother a Gift! Palm Springs Dentistry of Palm Springs wanted to wish all of the Mothers out there a very wonderful Mother’s Day this coming Sunday, May 9! As dentists, we wanted to share a couple dental tips with you to make sure the smiles never end. Remember, You’re a Role Model We celebrate Mother’s Day to honor the hard work that Mothers have endured in raising children. It’s a tough task; we certainly know this first hand. As a Mother you are a role model that your children look up to. If your dental hygiene is sloppy, there’s a good chance your children’s or teenager’s dental habits are just as sloppy. If you believe dental health is important, it should show in your actions. Reinforce the importance of dental hygiene in the home because studies have shown that a Mother’s attitude towards her child’s oral hygiene plays a role in better dental health for the child. #HappyMothersDay #MothersDayGiftIdeas #MothersDayGift #Love #MothersDayPalmSprings #PalmSpringsDentistry #DentistPalmSpringsCA  

Dental Emergencies Special During this pandemic crisis, Palm Springs Dentistry will be accepting all dental emergencies. Give us a call at (760) 320-6506. ✅Tooth Extraction ✅Surgical Extraction ✅Root Canal Therapy #specialoffers #palmspringsdentistry #drguzak #dentalemergencies #dentistpalmspringsca #toothextraction #surgicalextraction #rootcanaltherapy

Dental Emergencies Special During this pandemic crisis, Palm Springs Dentistry will be accepting all dental emergencies. ✅Tooth Extraction ✅Surgical Extraction ✅Root Canal Therapy Give us a call (760) 320-6506 we are OPEN for Dental Emergencies! #PalmSpringsDentistry #DentistPalmSpringsCA #DrTerryJGuzak #ToothExtraction #SurgicalExtraction #RootCanalTherapy #DentalEmergency #DentalEmergencies