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An orthodontist won’t necessarily recommend treatment at this stage, but they can produce a treatment plan identifying the optimal age for your child to wear braces. If your child does have early orthodontic treatment, it may involve using pre-eruption guidance appliances, which are different from ordinary braces. How Can an Orthodontic Evaluation Help My Child? An orthodontist is a dental specialist and can analyze your child’s teeth and jaws, quickly determining if there are any problems or if any issues are likely to develop in the future. Our orthodontist can provide the most up-to-date and effective treatment to straighten crooked teeth and at the most appropriate times, often taking advantage of jaw growth and development. They can design and fit braces for kids, including affordable braces options. It is common to see teens with braces, and there are several types of dental braces available for teenagers. Seeing an orthodontist will ensure they receive the best braces for their needs. What Is the Advantage of Having Orthodontic Treatment? Orthodontic treatment will give your child a more cosmetically perfect smile and can also help to create a nicer facial profile by guiding tooth and jaw development. Although braces can help to create a more aesthetically appealing smile, this is often not their only purpose. Orthodontic treatment can create a healthier smile too. Straighter teeth are much easier to brush thoroughly as the toothbrush can easily reach all visible tooth surfaces compared with teeth that are crooked and overlapping. Flossing is also much easier as tightly packed teeth or teeth which are overlapping are often difficult to floss effectively. Read more: Working Hours : Monday: Closed Tuesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Wednesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Thursday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Friday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday: Closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards. Pediatric Dentistry Center 2148 Ocean Ave, Ste 401A Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-339-1810 Web-address: E-mail: Google maps: Nearby Locations: Midwood | Marine Park | Madison | Homecrest | Mapleton 11230 | 11234 | 11229 | 11204

When your child has a toothache, both of you want help as quickly as possible. A same day appointment for the patients with pain remains an important goal for your dentist who provides pediatric urgency care in Brooklyn. Not only does the best pediatric dentist work to schedule a same day appointment for all emergency or urgent needs, but you can call for emergencies that occur after hours. Because injuries or toothaches often don’t occur conveniently, during regular dentist’s office hours, your special needs pediatric dentist at Brooklyn Pediatric Dentistry Center provides a kid-friendly environment to soothe and alleviate your child’s pain. An emergency dentist for kids is a role that’s highly specialized and always in demand. Same Day Appointment for All Emergency or Urgent Needs Understanding what your emergency pediatric dentist does and how he helps your children makes a stressful situation more bearable. Call your pediatric dentist in Brooklyn to find out what precautions you need to take before bringing in your child for treatment. Some steps, like packing the injury with gauze, may be easy to remember, but others, like finding the broken piece of tooth and placing it in a glass of milk, may be new to you. Some of the more common reasons you may need to bring your kids to a pediatric urgent care in Brooklyn include: Toothache or ear pain. This can occur for a number of reasons, including impacted food, referred or direct pain from a cavity or infection of the gums. Your emergency pediatric dentist quickly and efficiently examines your child’s tooth and determines the best course of action that might involve antibiotics or dental fillings. Tooth pushed into jaw due to trauma. Falling, getting hit with a bat, stick or racket or an unlucky elbow during an impromptu wrestling match can shove a tooth up into your child’s jaw. As long as any bleeding is controlled, ice packs and Tylenol help with any pain and swelling until your pediatric dentist in Brooklyn can examine the area. After x-rays, the emergency dentist for kids may advise pulling the tooth Tooth knocked out. Rough and tumble play — and most contact sports — occasionally result in your child losing a tooth. Time is critical when a tooth comes out. Recovering the tooth, keeping it moist and making sure to avoid touching any root material gives your emergency pediatric dentist a better chance of reinserting and healing the natural tooth. If the tooth can’t be saved, your emergency pediatric dentist may discuss implant options. Tooth displacement. Just as a tooth can be pushed into the jaw or knocked out from an injury, a tooth can also be knocked crooked after a blow. Same day appointments for the patients with pain help assess the best method for saving a misaligned tooth. Your child may require hardware or braces to straighten the tooth. Root fracture. Your child’s tooth might fracture at the root due to a blow or a weakened condition from decay. Call for a same day appointment for all emergency or urgent needs. Your dentist always tries to save the tooth with a root canal or other methods. Read more: Working Hours : Monday: Closed Tuesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Wednesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Thursday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Friday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday: Closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards. Pediatric Dentistry Center 2148 Ocean Ave, Ste 401A Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-339-1810 Web-address: E-mail: Google maps: Nearby Locations: Midwood | Marine Park | Madison | Homecrest | Mapleton 11230 | 11234 | 11229 | 11204

Wherever possible, Dr. Khabensky DDS and Dr. Kim DDS prefer to try to save baby teeth, so they remain in place until adult teeth erupt. We only suggest removing a baby tooth if the dental pulp is severely infected or too badly damaged to save. If the surrounding gum or bone is affected by an infection, our dentists advise that removal might be the best option as well. When Would My Child Need A Pediatric Root Canal? Your child might need a kid’s root canal treatment if they develop pain in a tooth for no apparent reason. Other symptoms include having a tooth that is very sensitive to temperature changes and which could make it uncomfortable or even painful for your child to eat hot or cold foods. If your child breaks a tooth, it can expose the pulp, so it becomes inflamed or infected by bacteria naturally present in the mouth. Why Treat a Baby Tooth? Some parents may question specialized kids dentists why it is necessary to treat a baby tooth that may soon fall out and whether it is better just to remove it. Baby or primary teeth remain in the mouth for quite a few years before they eventually fall out to make room for the permanent adult teeth. Even though baby teeth are not permanent, they have an important role to play in helping your child’s growth and development. Without baby teeth, your child could struggle to eat properly, and poor nutrition could affect their health. It’s also very difficult to speak clearly without teeth and especially when you are just learning. Baby teeth have another important role because they keep open enough space for the permanent teeth to erupt. When a child loses their baby teeth to soon, the neighboring teeth can move into the space left behind. Unwanted tooth movements can prevent permanent teeth from coming in properly or could cause them to come through crooked. At our Pediatric Dentistry Center in Brooklyn, wherever possible, we prefer to try to save baby teeth, so they remain in place until they are ready to be shed naturally in preparation for adult teeth to erupt. Read more: Working Hours : Monday: Closed Tuesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Wednesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Thursday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Friday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday: Closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards. Pediatric Dentistry Center 2148 Ocean Ave, Ste 401A Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-339-1810 Web-address: E-mail: Google maps: Nearby Locations: Midwood | Marine Park | Madison | Homecrest | Mapleton 11230 | 11234 | 11229 | 11204

We all have been taught about dental hygiene since our childhood. Here’s the moment of truth, most of us never do as we are told, as a result, the oral disease affects almost 3.9 billion people worldwide. Quite a figure right?   I am one of them too. My irresponsible behavior towards my teeth caused me a couple of bucks and a visit to a good dentist near me as I met with him for my dental cleaning appointment. There, I came to realize what mistake all of us have been doing that might cause us to lose our very precious smile too. One of them being our reckless, and bad brushing skills.   As mentioned before, we all are well aware of the brushing routine and hygiene since our childhood. That is in the morning as well as before going to the bed. How many of us do actually follow that routine? We all know the answer. During my visit to the dentist, I came to know about the various brushing techniques and procedures. Further being more surprised by the fact that most of us do not know the correct brushing techniques and therefore, aren’t brushing our teeth well at all. Every care begins from home itself.   Thus, in this article, I will be educating and enlightening you about the best kind of dental care possible along with the best possible brushing techniques that I advocate in order to keep your teeth looking as good as a pearl keeping them healthier for longer.   Modified Bass Brushing Technique   Among the few brushing techniques that the dentists suggest, I find the Bass brushing technique most effective. Oh, and not only me, but this technique is also recommended by most of the dentists situated all across the world. Since this method is most suitable for the removal of biofilm and plaque completely. Not only that, but it can also be used to successfully clean the area found under the gingival margin along with helping in controlling the periodontal infection.   How to perform the Modified Bass Brushing Technique   Having so many benefits here are the steps for how you should be performing the modified bass technique for effective results:   Place a toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gum line such that some of the bristles are touching your gums. Moving of the brush with short strokes in a circular motion, 2-3 times on each tooth. Flick the brush in a way that the bristles move down and away from the gum line. Make sure that you brush all your teeth and surfaces in this way. (including the inner, outer, and topmost surfaces of the teeth). Similarly, use the same bass technique brushing motion movement over your tongue as well.   Note: make sure you brush your molars the same way as you brush your front teeth.   Lastly, floss your teeth daily too. Hope this article will help you in understanding the best technique for brushing your teeth in order to protect your teeth. Happy Brushing and flossing! Article Source :-  

Posted by URBN Dental

Children start to get their baby teeth at the age of six months. When they reach the age of six or seven years, they begin to lose their first set of teeth.  They are replaced by secondary permanent teeth after some time.  Children are required extra dental care to stay away from different oral problems. Most often an oral problem that is seen in children is tooth decay. Most children are found suffering from teeth cavities due to their carelessness.   According to the dentistry for children, care tips that parents should follow may include:   If your kids still have no teeth, you should wipe gums twice a day with a soft clean cloth. When teeth start to come in, start brushing your kids’ teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Consult the dentist on your baby’s first birthday. When your child has permanent teeth, make them brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Make them drink tap water that should contain fluoride in it.   Factors that cause tooth decay in your children’s teeth:   It can be genetic that means family members like brothers and sisters or parents also have cavities. They are habitual of taking sugary food and drinks like soda, candies, especially between meals. If they wear any oral appliances such as braces.   If any one of these is happening with your children you may need to talk childrens dentists near me.   How do children suffer from Tooth decay?   The children suffer from tooth decay when bacterias in the mouth make a sticky covering called plaque on their teeth surface. When kids intake any sugary food items like cola or candies, the germs feed on the sugar and produce an acid that damages the tooth surface. With passing time, the acids take away the tooth enamel and create holes called cavities.    In that case, parents need to walk in delta dental pediatric dentist immediately. Tooth decay may cause severe pain and infection which can affect children’s growth. If your child is suffering from severe tooth decay problems it can harm your child’s nutrition, speech, and jaw development.   Consequences of tooth decay:   Extensive pain and discomfort. Treatment may be complicated and expensive depending on the problem. he/she may be a little anxious during the treatment.   Role of pediatric dentist miami:   A  pediatric dentist should be a kid friendly dentist as kids are not always cooperative to the treatment. Being a pediatric dentist they should know the better ways to treat children in a way that they feel comfortable during the treatment.  Furthermore, they should use kid friendly tools so that kids should cooperate with patience. During the treatment, the dentist removes the decayed part and replaces it with a filling. The material helps to restore the tooth. A pediatric dentist provides a variety of treatment options as he is an expert to cure your child’s teeth, gums, and mouth. They make sure that your child should get the best possible care. So, if your child is having any dental problems you should not hesitate to visit them. Article Source :-

Posted by Dr Ivanov

There is usually some confusion on the child’s age in respect when you can take him to the pediatric orthodontist. Many factors could spur the need and orthodontic attention for help. It is suggested to all the parents by the orthodontic care specialists that age 7 is perfect for the treatment. The best pediatric dentist appointment is good when started on time.   What are the reasons to see the best pediatric dentist near me   A checkup should be taken on priority in every case. Generally, it should be in your the most important task as this decides the upcoming dental health of the kid   Dental checkup in every quarter Dental alignment Dental cleaning and polishing Cavity care and cleanup Dental crowns Emergency service    At what age pediatric dentist near me that accepts Medicaid can help your kid   1: Initial treatment (2-6 years old)   Starting the pediatric treatment at this age is extremely beneficial for your kid. The early orthodontic strategy aims to guide and help the teeth or jaw alignment. At this age the main thing, pediatrics is focused on is to provide adequate area for the permanent teeth to come in the desired way. Children who should see the doctor are those who cannot bite properly, children who are suffering from a severe dental cavity, children dealing with jaw-related problems, bruxers, and breathing issues.   In the initial treatment period, your pediatric dentist goes with parents and children to take care of the bad dental problems, like using a pacifier and bottle mouth. The dentist childrens near me may also give numerous solutions through which your child has the proper space in the mouth to develop permanent teeth, the famous one is (space maintainers), or to limit the teeth from “shifting” into the awkward alignment.   2: Second part of the orthodontic care (6-12 years old) At this stage, most children have their permanent teeth so the main focus of general dentistry for kids is on correcting the bad bites, and this is a tender age straightening misaligned permanent teeth is very easy for the best orthodontist.  Middle dentition revolves around the soft and hard tissues that are easily moldable. Nevertheless, the dentist may suggest the dental appliance.  Common ones are (like braces) are fixed and others dispensing upon the issue other than alignment.  Irrespective of the appliance, the child will still be able to talk, eat, and chew in a regular manner.  Nevertheless, children who are on the orthodontist appliances treatment should take extra seriousness towards dental hygiene as they are likely to cover the entire teeth and the gum. Problems like staining and other issues can come into the picture due to negligence in dental care.   3: Adolescent dental care (13+ years old)   Adolescent dental care is the age when people think of taking their kid to the dentist.  At this age, pediatric dentists are more solidly concentrated on straightening the permanent teeth and bettering the aesthetic appearance of the grin. At this age taking your child to the pediatric dentist Medicaid is the best option to get the vital treatment at the reasonable price. Article Source :-

Posted by Dr Ivanov

The American Dental Association estimates that athletes who don’t wear mouthguards are sixty times more likely to suffer dental injury than those who do. The use of a mouth guard can prevent more than 200,000 injuries to the mouth each year. That’s why I highly recommend mouth guards for my pediatric dentistry patients. Over 25 percent of dental injuries we treat in our Upper East Side children’s dentistry practice are sports-related. And the majority of these involve the top front teeth. Dental mouth guards typically cover the upper teeth and also protect the soft tissues of the tongue, lips and cheek lining. I consider wearing a mouth guard mandatory in contact and collision sports including: Football Lacrosse Boxing Wrestling Basketball Hockey Soccer A mouth guard can also prevent injury in non-contact sports, such as bicycling, skating, skateboarding and gymnastics. Hits to the face in those sports may be accidental, but they are just as damaging. How prevalent are sports-related dental injuries? In 2012, the National Youth Sports Safety Foundation forecast that more than three million teeth would be knocked out in youth sporting events that year! Read more: If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, visit our NYC kids dentistry center or call Upper East Side pediatric dentist Dr. Babich at (212) 988-4070. Working Hours: Monday: 9AM-6PM Tuesday: 9AM-6PM Wednesday: 9AM-6PM Thursday: 9AM-6PM Friday: 9AM-4PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards. Pediatric Dentistry: Dr. Sara B. Babich, DDS 116 E 84th St, New York, NY 10028 (212) 988-4070 Web-address: E-mail: Location on the Map: New York Nearby Locations: Carnegie Hill | Yorkville | Lenox Hill | Upper East Side | Midtown Manhattan 10029 | 10028 | 10021| 10044, 10065, 10075, 10128 | 10022

The Earlier the Better All special needs children need dental care. Unfortunately, a variety of factors keeps many of them from getting the care they need. The earlier the dental visit, the better the chance of preventing dental problems. Deep cavities and toothaches can be a cause for behavioral outbursts. It’s tough for a child experiencing dental pain to sleep, concentrate and eat. Getting your child to the dentist can help him/her thrive in daily life. Unfamiliarity with surroundings, unpredictability of procedures and physical invasiveness are challenges of a dental exam. Going to the pediatric dentist can be stressful for parents and special needs children. Early visits with a well-trained special needs dentist like Dr. Sara goes a long way toward alleviating these anxieties. Early intervention and prevention are key. Instruction in correct brushing, flossing, limited snacking and regular visits with a special needs pediatric dentist is essential. For more information about prevention and early intervention please call Dr. Sara, NYC dentist for special needs and a leading kids specialist in New York. Read more: If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, visit our NYC kids dentistry center or call Upper East Side pediatric dentist Dr. Babich at (212) 988-4070. Working Hours: Monday: 9AM-6PM Tuesday: 9AM-6PM Wednesday: 9AM-6PM Thursday: 9AM-6PM Friday: 9AM-4PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards. Pediatric Dentistry: Dr. Sara B. Babich, DDS 116 E 84th St, New York, NY 10028 (212) 988-4070 Web-address: E-mail: Location on the Map: New York Nearby Locations: Carnegie Hill | Yorkville | Lenox Hill | Upper East Side | Midtown Manhattan 10029 | 10028 | 10021| 10044, 10065, 10075, 10128 | 10022

Prophylaxis and Why It Will Help Your Kid If you regularly visit a pediatric dentist then it’s likely you have your teeth professionally cleaned at least twice a year. This is to remove any hardened plaque or tartar from teeth which helps keep your teeth and gums in great shape. Prophylaxis reduces the risk of gum disease and tooth decay and your kid needs regular professional dental cleanings for exactly the same reasons as you. During this appointment, it’s also possible for the hygienist to identify any areas your child might be missing whenever they brush or floss their teeth. This will allow your dentist to provide personalized oral hygiene instructions to help your child brush in the most effective way possible. If they do need any tuition on how to brush and floss then you can be sure it will be done in a way that is entertaining and fun. Treatments to Protect Their Teeth Regular brushing and flossing will do a lot to keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong there are treatments that can help provide a little more protection. Fluoride Varnish Fluoride is a great way to protect young teeth as it helps to harden tooth enamel, reducing the risk of cavities. Your pediatric dentist can apply fluoride topically to tooth surfaces in the form of a varnish. This is a quick and painless treatment as the varnish is simply painted onto newly cleaned teeth. It must be left in place for several hours or even overnight before your child can brush it off. During this time, they will still be able to eat and drink normally. Read more: If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, visit our NYC kids dentistry center or call Upper East Side pediatric dentist Dr. Babich at (212) 988-4070. Working Hours: Monday: 9AM-6PM Tuesday: 9AM-6PM Wednesday: 9AM-6PM Thursday: 9AM-6PM Friday: 9AM-4PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed Payment: cash, check, credit cards. Pediatric Dentistry: Dr. Sara B. Babich, DDS 116 E 84th St, New York, NY 10028 (212) 988-4070 Web-address: E-mail: Location on the Map: New York Nearby Locations: Carnegie Hill | Yorkville | Lenox Hill | Upper East Side | Midtown Manhattan 10029 | 10028 | 10021| 10044, 10065, 10075, 10128 | 10022

Invisalign is the world’s best and leading clear aligners. Behind the making of every clear aligner are a great team of engineers, scientists, and orthodontists who meticulously design and innovate clear aligner sets to help improve your journey to get a better smile. But what are Invisalign aligners? Invisalign makes use of transparent aligners that set your teeth right within months. Invisalign braces treatment is truly outstanding to solve the issues of overcrowding, gaps between the teeth, deformed teeth, overbites, underbites, and crossbites. Invisalign additionally incorporates the dental process of clear aligners, ceramic braces, bonding, crowns, dental implants, teeth veneers, teeth brightening, and bridges. It is smooth, has no sharp edges, and needs no tightening, unlike braces. It is affordable and a fast process making use of 3D printing technology. It is done with 25-40 aligner trays used to shift and move the teeth resulting in faster alignment. You don’t need to go to your doctor frequently which saves plenty of time, energy, and money. Getting Invisalign aligners is safe, effective, has a lower risk, no side effects along a speedy recovery. At the same time, certain points need to be kept in mind. To allow this treatment to go smoothly, you need to follow the exact steps given by your best orthodontist. Avoid doing self-treatment without consulting the doctor first. Ask questions if confused. Retainers need to be worn once the treatment is over so make sure to carry out all instructions as per the dentist’s advice. The orthodontist will make the right treatment plan for you as per the requirements and the braces you need depending on the problem you are facing.

Posted by invis India