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Dental implants treatment aftercare    Dear patient: Congratulations on your new Dentium Implantium Dental Implant, this implants are designed to last a lifetime, and proper care is essential to help ensure the longevity of your Dental implant. After the surgery phase, you will experience some disconfort, our dentists in tijuana want your recovery to be as smooth and pleasant as possible. It is vital to follow these instructions very carefully, if you have any concerns or questions regarding your progress, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at  or also thru our Websites and  or by phone from Tijuana (664)6881086 from USA (619)488-4747 and (1866) 264-7756 we will very happy to help you! do´s and don´ts after dental implant surgery: Do: Bite down gently but firmly on the gauze that have been placed over the surgical area and make sure they remain in place. If active bleeding persists after 30 minutes, place another new gauze to obtain pressure over the surgical site for another 30 minutes. The gauze may then be changed as necessary (typically every 30 minutes). Do Not: Disturb the surgical wounds, spitting, or touching the surgical site on the day of surgery. Do  not rinse vigorously and avoid Smoking, smoke will retard healing, causing increased discomfort and increased chance of infection. We strongly discourage smoking during the healing phase (at least 7-10 days) Do: MOUTH RINSES, Good oral hygiene is essential to good healing, Keeping your mouth clean after surgery is essential. Use the mouth wash (bexident post) or (Chlorhexidine mouth rinse) as prescribed and gently rinse at least one minute each time, then spit it out, Repeat as often as you like, but at least two or three times daily. Do Not: eat or drink after you have applied the gel (bexident post) on the surgery area for at least one hour. Do: BRUSHING, Begin your normal oral hygiene routine as soon as possible after surgery. Soreness and swelling may not permit vigorous brushing, but it is extremely important to clean your teeth within the bounds of comfort. Maintaining a clean environment adjacent to the healing surgical wounds is required for optimum and speedy healing.   Do Not: Wearing your Prosthesis Partial dentures, full dentures or any other forms of tooth replacement generally should not be used immediately after surgery. You will receive individual instruction regarding this in case you need it. Do: If you have been prescribed medicine for the control of swelling, be sure to take it as directed. Swelling is a normal occurrence after surgery and will not reach its maximum until 2-3 days after surgery. It can be minimized by using a cold pack, ice bag in a towel and applied firmly to the cheek adjacent to the surgical area. This should be applied twenty minutes on and twenty minutes off during the first 24 hours after surgery. Unfortunately most oral surgery is accompanied by some degree of discomfort. You will usually have a prescription for pain medication. If you take the first pill before the anesthetic has worn off, you should be able to manage any discomfort better. Remember that the most severe pain is usually within six hours after the local anesthetic wears off, If antibiotics were prescribed, finish your prescription unless you experience adverse reactions or develop an allergy, in which case you should contact us. Not all patients and not all procedures require antibiotics. If you have been placed on antibiotics, take it as directed. Discontinue antibiotic use in the event of a rash or other unfavorable reaction. Contact us always if you have any question. Do Not: Exercise after surgery, Exercise in the post-operative period may also result in increased bleeding, swelling and discomfort. Exercise should be avoided for 3-4 days following surgery, after the surgery you should only rest for the rest of the first day. Bending, lifting, or strenuous activity will result in increased bleeding, swelling and pain. Do: Eat any nourishing food that can be taken with comfort. the first days intake to liquids or pureed foods (soups, puddings, yogurt, milk shakes, etc.) About healing abutment: Following your surgery in some cases you will notice a small shiny button protruding through the gum tissue. This button is your implant healing abutment. In some cases, swelling may cover the healing abutment for a few weeks until the swelling subsides.  The healing abutment is a temporary part of your implant and will hold the gum tissue back from the implant until your dentist is ready to place the final crown. It should be cleaned daily with your toothbrush and bexident encias mouthwash. The healing abutment is only tightened to light finger pressure and may, on occasion, come loose or even fall out during the healing period. If this occurs please call the office and it will be tightened or replaced. Loosening or loss of the healing abutment will not damage the implant if it is addressed promptly. Failure to inform us of a loose abutment could cause infection or even loss of Dental implant if ignored Do Not: Avoid chewing anything hard with your “healing cap” or a temporary tooth (in case you wear it). A healing cap is placed on the implant to allow your mouth to heal.. This will help the implant to heal safely in preparation for the next step of your treatment. Avoid extremely hot foods. Do not use a straw for the first few days after surgery. Avoid chewing food until tongue sensation has returned. It is best to avoid foods like rice, nuts, sunflower seeds, popcorn, etc., which may get lodged in the surgical areas. Over the next several days you may gradually progress to solid foods. It is important not to skip meals! If you take nourishment regularly you will feel better, gain strength, have less discomfort and heal faster. If you are a diabetic, maintain your normal eating habits or follow instructions given by your doctor. also Avoid alcohol, nicotine, coffee, black tea for the first few days after procedure. Do: contact us, If  you experience increasing pain and swelling after dental implant has been placed, you must return to the office as soon as possible, so that we can ensure you are not beginning to develop an infection. About The stitches: for implant surgery ussually are not dissolvable and need to be removed one or two weeks after surgery has been done, it is normal If they are uncomfortable or annoying but they should be not removed before (7-10 days) after surgery if that happen please contact us as soon as possible.     once your stitches has been removed your implant is ready to heal on your natural bone, that phase ussually takes 12-16 weeks you just have to wait and you will be guided trough the next step to follow in order to attach your final restoration on your new dental implant. Remember that Your case is individual, no two mouths are alike. Discuss any concerns or questions you may have with us, we will very happy to help you. websites: email: phone: in Tijuana (664) 688-1086 from USA (169) 488-4747  and (1866) 264-7756 Tj Dental Care / Dental implants Tj Jose Clemente Orozco #2230 edificio Torre 7 second floor suite 205 Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana B.C 22010

Do you have crooked, crowded or misaligned teeth? Maybe you need orthodontic treatment. To give you an idea: Dental braces are designed to help, an orthodontist or a dentist practicing orthodontics, correct certain types of abnormal bites (or what we call "MALOCCLUSIONS") such as an OVERBITE, CROWDED TEETH and GAPPED TEETH. The types of braces you'll need depends on the type and severity of your malocclusion. Here are the types of Dental Braces: TRADITIONAL BRACES - they are made from a high-grade stainless steel and have metal brackets that are attached to each tooth using a type of cement. CERAMIC BRACES - these work in the same way as traditional braces, but the brackets are made from a clear, transparent ceramic material. The braces are less visible to others, which makes them a popular choice for adults who need orthodontic treatment. SELF-LIGATING BRACES - this type of braces provides gentler treatment and requires fewer dental visits. These braces produce faster results because the teeth can move on their own without needing to be adjusted. This causes less friction and pressure on the teeth, so movement is less painful.

Posted by Ohana Dentistry

If you have braces, then you know how difficult those little suckers are. Having braces is one of the most annoying times of your life, not only because of how unattractive they might look. There are tons of food pieces that can get stuck in your braces and even further dental nightmares if you happen to get an infection thanks to not cleaning your braces properly. That’s why you’ve got to learn how to properly take care of your teeth while you have braces. You are just a couple of missed brushes away from a trip to the dentist’s office. Keep reading down below for the top tips for taking care of your teeth with braces. 1. It’s Best To Brush With An Electric Toothbrush When you brush your teeth in the traditional sense, you might be missing a ton of extra food particles and bacteria that are hiding in your braces. Because these metal contraptions have tons of small spaces between them and your teeth, this provides many places where food can hide. And when you don’t get those food particles out, plaque and bacteria can easily fester and cause infections in the future. It’s best for you to use an electric toothbrush that’s going to guarantee that you get rid of all that gross junk in your braces. Ask your dentist what kind of electric toothbrush they recommend you getting! 2. You Have Got To Floss Your Teeth Every Single Day Flossing is one of the most important things you can do for your oral health, especially when you have braces. Now, it might be tougher to floss your teeth with braces, but it’s something you’ve got to do. If you don’t floss your teeth, there’s no way you’re going to get rid of all those food particles that are stuck between your teeth. And when anything is left between your teeth for long periods of time, that’s when bacterial infections can spring up. Be sure to speak with your orthodontist about the proper ways to floss with braces on. 3. Try Out A Mouth Rinse Just to make sure that you get rid of all that bacteria, it’s also a good idea to invest in a mouth rinse that will get rid of all that extra junk. A mouth rinse is going to get into those nooks and crannies of your teeth that flossing and brushing can’t. You will use this rinse as the third step in your regular oral health routine. 4. You Might Need To Get Toothpaste That’s Prescription-Strength, Just In Case If you want to be extra sure that you are having the healthiest mouth possible, you can speak with your dentist about what recommendations he or she has for prescription-strength toothpaste. This toothpaste is going to be much more powerful when it comes to cleaning off your teeth and protecting them against infections. There are plenty of options out there, so your dentist is going to know which one is best for your teeth! 5. Whenever You Drink Water, Rinse Your Mouth Out A great precaution to take whenever you have braces is to quickly rinse your mouth out with water on a regular basis. Whenever you take a swig of water from your water bottle, just rinse the water around your mouth to loosen up those small food particles. This is no replacement for brushing or flossing, but it’s a good way to break up any gunk that might be in your braces. There you have it! Having braces can be one of the most frustrating things in the world, but you can also have a super healthy mouth while you have them!

Do you hate to smile because of your teeth? Are they broken, chipped, crooked or stained? Want to change this? This article, thankfully, has helpful tips for getting a healthy smile. Natures Smile Gum Balm for receding gums treatment: Learn these tips and techniques for maintaining good oral health. Some foods can fast damage your teeth. Don’t eat sugary foods if you can help it. Coffee, wine, and beverages that are very hot or cold can all contribute to a less than a white smile. Drinking through a straw minimizes contact with the teeth. Do you often experience anxiety while having your teeth cleaned by the dentist? If so, then you need to utilize some relaxation techniques. When you find one that helps you out, do it before, during and after your visit. Using these techniques can help the process go more smoothly. TIP! Get a soft-bristled tooth brush and make sure it is a good size. To prevent dangerous bacteria from starting on your toothbrush, let it air dry when you are not using it. Keep your toothbrush clean. You should rinse it after brushing and dry it naturally. Get toothbrush holders for your whole family, so toothbrushes do not rest on your bathroom sink. Storing the brush in the bottle or on a counter encourages bacterial growth. Avoid this. Get a new toothbrush if yours looks dirty. You must definitely be brushing your teeth on a consistent basis. At a minimum, you should be brushing twice daily, and after every meal is recommended. Do it for at least 2 minutes each time. Be sure to use a good toothpaste and of course don’t brush your teeth too hard. After you brush your teeth, floss. You can use a special mouthwash or tablet to help you determine if you are getting your teeth clean when you brush them. Use this revealing mouthwash or tablet right before you brush your teeth. The tablet or mouthwash will leave a stain on any plaque buildup. Only use these types of products if you have sufficient time to remove all traces of them. If you are in a rush, leave the tooth dying for later.TIP! You should try using hydrogen peroxide to bleach your teeth. To use peroxide safely, pour a bit into the cap and then dip your toothbrush inside of it. Usually, most teenagers are rather lazy about caring for their teeth. Remind your teen that they should take care of their mouth, so they don’t have bad breath. This may inspire your teen to develop proper oral hygiene. Do you secretly long to have your tongue pierced? Well, think twice before you do. Germs are rampant inside your mouth, and even a meticulous cleaning cannot eliminate them all. Tongue piercings can end up chipping your enamel or even breaking your teeth. Ignoring signs of an gum disease can lead to severe consequences, including disfigurement. TIP! Your teeth show your age. For crooked, missing, or yellow teeth, see a cosmetic dentist. If you have a tooth that is causing you pain, you should contact your dentist immediately. Severe pain that is prolonged might indicate an infection, so this should be addressed without delay. Talk to your dentist immediately and follow his advice. Have your teeth checked out twice every year by a dentist? Dental cleanings are essential. Your dentist can thoroughly clean and check your mouth for any possible problems. What you eat can affect the health of your teeth. Avoid consuming too many sodas and other sweets. Both of these things have a lot to do with dental issues, especially if teeth are not brushed immediately after eating and drinking these things. You must avoid coffee if you want your teeth to be white. Coffee significantly discolors your teeth. Receding Gums Treatment TIP! If you have problems with sensitive teeth, use a toothpaste designed to deal with that problem. One common sign of sensitive teeth is feeling pain or discomfort upon eating food that is unusually hot or cold. Eating healthy snacks that are not full of refined sugar can minimize the potential for tooth decay. If you must have sugar-laden snacks, be sure to finish them fast and brush your teeth immediately. Doing this will reduction the possibility of cavities in the future. Care for your teeth well, and you can smile with pride. Regular brushing and using floss can ensure that your teeth stay healthy. Consuming lots of calcium and vitamin D ensures strong teeth. Try using a straw whenever drinking beverages. Drinking with a straw helps keep the drink off of your teeth. This will keep the stain causing beverage away from your teeth. Inexpensive straws are available in large quantities at your local store. TIP! Don’t forget to brush your tongue as well as your teeth. The food you consume can collect on the tongue, making it a breeding ground for bacteria. Natures Smile Gum Balm For Receding Gums Nature's smile Gum Balm not only provides effective removal of plaque and strengthens the enamel structure, protecting teeth from decay, but also has a beneficial effect on the gums and soft tissues of children and adults by preventing inflammation and toning mucous. The classic taste of Natural ingredients refreshes the mouth. Nature smile Gum Balm made from natural herbs ideal for receding gums treatment. Read here Reviews on Natures Smile

Posted by Oral Health

What inspired you to get into dentistry? It was not one person or one factor that inspired me. It was more like a process of elimination in pursuit of a career that fits my personality and strengths the best.  It started with love for biology, which I ended up majoring in college at UCLA.  Then, I started weighing my options in health professional field. Dentistry  just happened to be the best option for me, because I felt that I had good manual dexterity and perceptual ability, with my interest in human body and biology. Where do you see the future of dentistry headed? Artificial Intelligence! Maybe it will take some more time before that happens, but we already use a lot of digital information for diagnosis and treatments. I think the advancement of computers and robotics will change the field on one hand, and biological research such as stem cell research will contribute on the other. Artificial Intelligence should be able to perform procedures when my eyes and hands get too old, and new research can help replacing missing teeth with actual teeth instead of dental implants. It's pretty exciting to think about it, other than the fact that dentists can lose jobs just like other professions (hopefully in the very distant future). What advice would you give to someone opening up a practice today? Please open far, far away from Miracle Mile Comprehensive Dental Center (Laughs)!  

Have you noticed how beautiful people become when they smile? If you haven’t then I suggest you look in the mirror and give it a try! A smile is a universal welcome; it simply tends to melt away the boundaries that might exist between people. Also, it is a great way of showing your confidence. It shows how much you believe in yourself and are ready to brave through anything.   Now to actually feel more confident and have a charming smile, I am sure you will want to have a pearly set of teeth. And there comes the impasse, especially for people with a sweet tooth. I mean for a person like me who just loves to have candies all the time, it is quite a job to maintain oral hygiene. But let me assure you it is not impossible. With a little bit of awareness and care, your teeth will last you your lifetime as they are meant to be.   I have tried to compress all the huge books of oral hygiene into a simple guide that will help you in your quest against the deadly decays and pathetic plaques. So, let’s begin our arduous journey.   Well the first line of business is brushing your teeth. Do it twice daily for at least two minutes. It should involve sturdy rigorous movements with the brush. If you brush in the night, then it’s a better idea to brush next morning after having your breakfast. This gives your brush something to clean, rather than just brushing for no apparent reason. Remember to change your brush as and when its bristles start bending. This helps in maintaining the effectiveness of the brush. Also, your toothpaste should contain good amounts of fluoride, which keeps your teeth healthy.   Flossing is another crucial thing. Do it at least once a day, preferably twice after brushing. This removes the food bits lodged in your teeth. This reduces bacterial attacks by over 50 percent. Mouthwash is also an effective way of reaching parts where the brush cannot. Also, it gives you a fresh breath to keep you happy. Trust me; your teeth will thank you later for it!   Now I know for a candy lover this is going to be hard to hear, but you need to. Gorging on too much of sugary candy and drinking sugary drinks will destroy your teeth. Probably you might even start losing teeth before you hit thirty! I am not telling you to quit on candies but it is certainly healthy if you can control what you are eating. Instead of a bar of chocolate, try to eat some fresh fruit. It’s natural and simulates a healthy immune system. You should also check some candy reviews to understand what you are up against! Perhaps you can try some sugar-free gum. It induces saliva which is teeth friendly.   There are some ways to predict your oral condition. They help you in initial identification of the problem, so that you can better deal with them. One of them is a dry mouth. It indicates poor saliva production and hints at bad oral health. Bad breath is another sure indicator of bad oral hygiene. These things might seem trivial but they are actually important. If you face any of these issues then you should go to your dentist at the earliest. You can prevent the onset of a bigger problem.   Now another important thing for a good set of teeth is a good dentist. Try to stick with the same dentist all the time as it keeps the dentist familiarized with your dental history. I realize those shiny dangerous looking tools might scare you away, but they are actually your best friends. Do not be scared to visit the dentist. Your dentist can only help you if you reach out. Go for a dental review at least twice a year. Always check your teeth for any blackish regions. If there are then immediately book an appointment and go get it checked out! Always remember, prevention is better than cure. Keep smiling.

If you have crooked or uneven teeth, orthodontic braces are the ideal solution for correcting your bite and smile. Most people think that these dental appliances can only be used to realign teeth during childhood, but that isn’t really the case. Modern dental solutions include various types of braces used in orthodontic treatment for adults as well. Choosing the right type isn’t very complicated either. When you visit your orthodontist for a checkup, he or she can recommend braces that suit your alignment needs, convenience and requirements. While the primary consideration is how effectively they realign your teeth, certain appliances are also designed to be less noticeable than others. 5 Popular Types of Braces and How They Work Here are the 5 most common types of braces used in orthodontic treatment: 1. Traditional/Metal Braces – These orthodontic braces are composed of two basic high-grade stainless steel parts. The first is a metal bracket that lies against the tooth, and the second is a flexible metal wire threaded through the brace brackets to apply continuous but gentle force to the tooth. The pressure applied to teeth by these braces moves them back into place over time, and they often take the least amount of time to realign teeth. Heat-activated archwires also cause less pain, and kids or teens can personalize their braces with different colors of elastic bands. Metal braces are quite inexpensive, and newer designs are far smaller and less noticeable than older versions. 2. Ceramic Braces – In the past, ceramic braces used to be popular among dental patients because they were less noticeable than metal braces. While these braces are the same size and shape as traditional braces, their brackets are made of a ceramic material that can be colored to match existing teeth. Archwires can be colored to match the natural tooth as well, and clear ceramic used instead of colored material. Ceramic also mimics the texture of natural teeth, and this brace type is still used by some orthodontists for patients who want nearly-invisible braces that are still effective. Ceramic braces work faster than clear plastic braces, but are usually more expensive than metal braces. 3. Lingual Braces – These are almost the same as traditional braces, but installed on the inside of the bite rather than the outside. Since they are not applied to the outer surface of teeth, they are almost invisible from outside the mouth. Even when you open your mouth, the wires/brackets will be less noticeable. Lingual braces work almost as well as metal and ceramic braces, but they are generally unsuitable for severe orthodontic issues and require more upkeep. They are quite difficult to clean since they’re placed on the inside of teeth, and could make normal speech harder to manage than other types of braces. Since they’re more expensive than metal braces and may take longer to show results, lingual braces are rarely used today. 4. Self-Ligating Braces – These braces are also designed with a bracket-and-wire system, which makes them very similar to both traditional and ceramic orthodontic appliances. The difference is that they use a slide mechanism with doors or clips to hold the archwires of the braces in place, rather than rubber bands. As opposed to the rubber band tie system, clips and doors may be less painful to use as well as easier to clean since they trap less food. Self-ligating braces may require fewer trips to the orthodontist for adjustment than other types of braces, and reduce the time required for treatment. Self-ligating braces are available in both metal and ceramic, but they may not be suitable for every patient. 5. Clear & Removable Aligners – Clear aligners have become a popular choice for orthodontic treatment, with custom-fitted appliances that look like mouth guards. These devices are practically invisible and can be removed while cleaning your teeth, before a meeting, etc. Clear and removable aligners are not ideal for every dental patient, though. In addition to being unsuitable for serious orthodontic problems, they are usually more expensive than other types of braces. Still, they offer a flexible and convenient option for simple realignment as well as ongoing correction. You can use clear aligners on an ongoing basis, to maintain the alignment of your teeth after orthodontic treatment. When you’re considering which types of braces to get, consult an orthodontist for suggestions based on the severity of your problem as well as your lifestyle, diet and other factors. Emily found the perfect fit for herself as the Online Marketing Manager at Thurman Orthodontics in Fresno CA as she believes that a great smile does more than just make a person look great – it makes them feel great as well. The power of a smile has always been a mystery to Emily that she solves by researching and writing about. She loves to write about everything to do with a healthy bite and beautiful smile - whether is it ways to achieve it or the importance of it in the various aspects of life. What brings a big smile on Emily’s face is her family and surfing. She also likes to bake and her children and co-workers call her the cookie fairy!

People from all walks of life want to maintain a healthy smile which forms a vital part of their overall personality. A confident, bright attitude is made up of a healthy smile with sparkling white teeth. But it is obvious that confidence level will go down if the teeth get stained with unhealthy habits. What we consume has a major impact upon our overall health. It is generally advised to regularly brush the teeth two times a day. But failing to maintain healthy habits leads to stained teeth as well. Whether a person will be able to smile boldly do depends on the color as well as health of teeth in his oral cavity. Discoloration of teeth is caused because of several different reasons which are discussed below: Unhealthy Eating Habits It happens that people cannot consume healthy food as per the kind of lifestyle they follow. When there is excess of work life pressure, people either forget to eat or eat unhealthy food without considering how it will affect their oral health. Depending on the constituents of food that is taken in, discoloration of teeth occurs. There are acidic components as well as artificial chemicals found in the unhealthy food stuff sold in the markets which are responsible for teeth staining. Products like tea, coffee, soft drinks, candies, burgers and pizzas increase the chances of germ attack in the mouth with excessive use over time. Effect of Aging over Color of Teeth Both internal as well as external factors are responsible for teeth discoloration as you grow older. The upper layer of teeth gets eroded with age and the yellowish color of dentin inside the teeth begins to show up. Habit of excessive smoking and drinking liquids high in sugar content also contribute to stains over teeth. Expert Dentists to Help You Smile For stained teeth and other health related problems, it is best to visit qualified and experienced dentists for teeth whitening services as well as for complete dental examination. They have the expertise to treat minor as well as critical dental ailments with the best techniques used in dentistry.

Posted by Floss Dental