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People don’t like to visit dentist until they have serious problem with their teeth. There are various motto behind visiting dentist, reason may vary from person to person. some people take appointment for beauty purpose, they will go once only then never go again for a routine check-up. Some people visit dentist because they had been preferred some free check-up. Going for check up on regular basis will help with your oral health. Reason why to visit dentist on regular basis: Prevention is always better than cure. Gum and oral cancer are sum of problems you can have with your teeth. So only professional, suresh kanji patel dental practitioner can help you over come from it. once disease is detected, early cure can be provided. This will be helpful for your teeth. Good oral health can be easily achieved. When you are dealing with expert suresh patel dentist for dental care. While you’re dealing with expert, they can provide dental management which includes proper diet plan, proper dental tools to use, and right things to do to achieve healthy oral. Preventing from bad breath. There are lots of patients who have bad bread without any type of dental or oral disease. Once visiting suresh patel dentist can help provide a cure. And regular check-up help in maintaining fresh breath. Lots of time people also lose their teeth due to unhealthy. You might be hygiene and disciplined with your teeth but still u lose your teeth. If you dont want to lose your teeth suresh kanji patel will help you in that. Dentist will also give you idea how to make your teeth more attractive with latest cosmetic dentistry. Your body organs are interconnected with each other. There is also research on this that shows there is connection between gum disease and strokes and heart attacks. And if u find any disease affecting your dental health and oral. Then it likely to have problem with different party of your body also. And that can be prevented by visiting your dentist. So it’s good to go for regular dental check-up if u have problem which you are unable to feel or see your dentist can check for problem. Early dental check-up can spare you for intense pain in further. And regular dental check-up help you to save your money which gone incur at the time of serious disease. Which is not detected in early stage.

Posted by Metrodental

A marriage is a memory that lasts a lifetime if not more. Our wedding photos will be shown to our family, friends, children, and even grandchildren. Shouldn’t your wedding smile be up to the task to ensure long lasting beautiful memories? A well trained cosmetic dentist can make major and even minor changes that can alter one’s smile to make it more pleasing to themselves as well as others. Below you will fond some common procedures to make you smile shine brightly on your big day. Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures -Dental Bonding. This procedure uses tooth colored dental materials that are adhesively bonded to a tooth. This might be one of the simplest and most cost effective cosmetic dentistry procedures to bring your smile back to life. Dental bonding gives your cosmetic dentist the ability to change shape, size, color, length, and close any gaps that might be present in your smile. Dental bonding can be completed in a short period of time (as little as an hour). The main disadvantages of dental bonding are possible chipping, wearing over time, and staining. The final end product is not as strong as a porcelain restoration and may need to be updated as time goes on. While dental bonding is also used to restore teeth damaged by tooth decay it can also be used as a cosmetic veneer. Dental bonding is a very easy way to make your smile youthful and natural in appearance again for that perfect wedding smile. -Porcelain Veneers and Porcelain Crowns. Often referred to as “instant orthodontics”, porcelain veneers give the dentist the ability to change the alignment of teeth, if the alignment issues are not too extreme. Porcelain veneers and porcelain crowns can be a great way to replace lost tooth structure and alter imperfect teeth creating a more youthful, natural appearance. Porcelain crowns and porcelain veneers usually require more than one visit, but the results will give you a beautiful, youthful smile that lasts for years to come. Porcelain Veneers are custom made, ultra thin, tooth colored shells that are bonded to your teeth, and will not change color over time. This allows the cosmetic dentist to not only alter color of your teeth, but shape and length as well. Porcelain crowns can be used on teeth that either already have crowns or need more extensive work (having prior large restorations or existing tooth decay). Both porcelain veneers and porcelain crowns can as used by your dentist to give the patient a flawless, more youthful and natural looking smile. -Teeth Whitening. This is quite possibly the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure today. It is safe and effective and comes in a few forms. These forms include in office whitening, at home whitening (with dentist provided trays), as well as use of teeth whitening strips, and topical gels. All of these methods are quite effective for most people. It has been proven by research time and again, that people find a whiter smile to be more youthful and attractive.  People tend to feel better about themselves when they are happy with their appearance. Teeth whitening can give patients a dramatic change to their smile with minimal cost and time invested. -Teeth Re-Contouring. This might be one of the easiest cosmetic dentistry procedures of all. It is usually done without the need for anesthesia and can be as simple as filing down a tooth that appears longer or is slightly out of alignment with the others. Most patients are quite surprised at how such a small adjustment can alter their smile for the better. -Gum contouring and Gum grafting. Evening out gum levels can help teeth to look more evenly sized and can make short teeth appear longer. Gum grafts can fix areas where gum recession has occurred to make everything appear even and natural again. -Dental Implants. Dental implants allow cosmetic dentists another option in tooth replacement to recreate a youthful, attractive smile. Whether it is a single tooth or a full mouth restoration, dental implants can fill that need. Missing teeth or open spaces has long been considered a sign of old age. Having a full set of white teeth screams youth especially when they are bright, white, and sparkling. When a person is missing a tooth they have several options. There are partial and complete dentures (including the all on 4 dental implants system), traditional bridges, and dental implants. A dental implant can look and feel just like a natural tooth. It is also easier to keep clean than a traditional bridge. Dental implants are placed directly into bone creating a solid foundation for a natural tooth replacement. -Bite Reclamation. Over time as we age, we tend to lose some height on our teeth. This loss of height of height is also referred to as loss of vertical dimension. Some other factors that cause this loss include acid reflux or teeth grinding (bruxism). Reclaiming a person’s bite utilizing dental implants and porcelain crowns will increase vertical height which will also remove some of the wrinkles around the mouth. These wrinkles develop as our we age and our mouth’s sag from this loss of dimension. Cosmetic dentistry can fix some of this. -Botox and Dermal Fillers. Long the realm of cosmetic surgeons, dentistry has now added these procedures to give what is called a dental face lift. In combination with dental work, removing some of those wrinkles on the face and around the mouth specifically will better frame that beautiful, white, youthful smile. Wedding Smile Conclusion A wedding smile will last a lifetime both in pictures and actual appearance. If you are interested in modifying your smile see your dentist as soon as possible so treatment can be planned prior to your big day. Some treatment can be completed in a short time but other more extensive treatment can take weeks if not months to complete. © 2015, Marielaina Perrone DDS. All rights reserved. Henderson Cosmetic Dentist

People who take Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are twice as likely to have dental implants fail as those who are not taking SSRIs. SSRIs are the most common type of drug for depression treatment. A recent article from the International and American Associations for Dental Research shows that the drug plays a key role in decreasing bone formation and heightening the risk of bone fracture. As bone metabolism influences osseointegration or dental implantation, the article looks at the relationship between SSRIs and osseointegrated implant failures. Discover more in our post entitled: Depression Drugs Are Fatal for Dental Implants: A Study

Posted by Plaza Dental Group

Teeth cleaning remain to be one of the most important parts of the dental care and also the best therapy for oral plaque control. It is very important to control oral plaque accumulation in teeth to avoid oral caries, periodontal illness, all sorts of gum disease and tons of different oral problems. Plaque accumulation provides a favourable environment for the viruses to get efficient and encourage oral infections to grow and damage the wellness of the mouth. Proper cleaning and flossing helps one to avoid the accumulation of the oral plaque, but the solidified oral plaque deposits can be controlled only by getting routine consultant Teeth cleaning solutions. Tooth cleaning is an important aspect of  anyone’s cleanliness and every person must take proper care of their teeth to sustain good oral wellness. The content features some of the important reasons as to why people should get their teeth washed. The primary reasons are: 1. The problem of bad breathing is a huge reason for discomfort at periods. It’s important to control the problem of bad breathing that may be the outcome of oral plaque accumulation, gum disease, periodontal illness,  food trapped between teeth and eating parts or any sort of oral infection. Getting expert cleaning on a consistent basis is one of the most used ways to sustain oral cleanliness and control any sort of oral problem. The problem of bad breathing can be quickly and easily controlled by following a frequent oral cleaning routine. 2. Food that gets trapped in the eating area is the one of the factors that leads to cause tooth corrosion. As 80% of the oral caries occur in the grooves or sets of the tooth, it becomes really challenging to just clean it personally. The food that builds up in the grooves, sets and fissures must be consistently washed from the oral plaque. Going for a frequent oral clean-up solution is key to avoid your teeth from getting corroded. 3. Most people are just not mindful that gum illnesses are the possible outcome of tartar accumulation in teeth that remains the foundation of the build up of teeth and May outcome in agonizing gum illnesses. The virus’s formation in the mouth, due to oral plaque deposits may produce toxic substances and harm the wellness of the gum region seriously. Tooth cleaning becomes important to keep the mouth 100 % free from various gum problems. 4. As oral plaque deposit is one of the greatest reasons as to why the mouth infections  can  easily grow, expert cleaning  no matter the age group come as a protection to keep the mouth one hundred % free from the infections. Oral problems are connected to several wellness problems. The food that we eat, moves through our mouth to our stomach and also successfully pass on the viruses of the oral infections to the other organs of the body. This brings the body to problems. 5. Obviously, a proper and balanced grin is the result of sound oral wellness. Opting for regular cleaning solutions offers perfect and illness one hundred percent free teeth. 6. Poor oral wellness is sometimes connected to sterility in women and a good oral proper care policy can aid most of the women to get pregnant. Getting consultant cleaning on a consistent basis is recommended for women, if they are expecting. Cleaning is sometimes necessary to expecting women in the mid or end of the second trimester in order to just keep the mother and child in a good Healthy.

One of the most important steps when it comes to maintaining a healthy smile is to replace a missing tooth. In case of a missing tooth, those remaining others may change in position or drift into the surrounding space. As a result, the remaining teeth that are out of their proper position could damage the mouth tissues. This makes it difficult for a person to clean the teeth thoroughly, especially in between crooked teeth. But, what’s a bigger problem is that, the person gets the risk of periodontal diseases and suffers the risk of tooth decay. Partial dentures help fill in the space that is created by missing teeth and fills out the smile. At the same time, it helps a person chew food properly, something that is often a difficult task when having missing teeth. Partial dentures consist of a metal framework with plastic teeth and gum area. This framework includes some attachments like metal clasps or precision attachments that will hold the dentures in place. Partial dentures also come in various types such as the following. Conventional Partial Dentures These consist of metal clasps that are C-shaped, Y-shaped 9parts, and I-shaped. These easily fit around the neighboring and natural teeth. They may require shaping in order to help hold the clasps, at the same time, to keep the dentures secured in place. Precision Attachment Partial Dentures This one is similar to a key that fits into a keyhole. A crown placed over the tooth has the “keyhole”. And in this case, these dentures have this so-called key. When putting the dentures in place, this key fits perfectly into the keyhole of the crown. This type is a lot better looking as no clasps are visible and they fit tighter. In addition, it these do not require more skill to be placed in the mouth as the key simply needs to fit exactly into the keyhole. Valplast Partial Dentures This one has a biocompatible, flexible, thermoplastic nylon with some unique physical and esthetic properties. This is translucent that allows patients’ natural tissue color to appear through this material. It also has the advantage of not showing metal, and simply appears to be natural-looking. Moreover, Valplast could also be used with metal in order to increase esthetics and strength. Considering the needs of the patient, the dentist would design partial dentures. Basically, dentures are replacements for missing teeth and they can be taken out and put back into the mouth. While dentures are something that one could get used to, some people feel uncomfortable wearing them. However, with all the advances in modern technology, it’s now possible to create dentures that look and feel just like natural teeth. They are also more comfortable than ever, thus patients feel more confident wearing them. Before making the decision to have dentures, visit your dentist and discuss the possible options or types of dentures that you may have in accordance to your needs, just like fixed partial dentures. This is important to achieve the best results to maintain oral health.

Posted by Azaleadental

You want to make sure that you have a healthy white smile throughout your life. There are simple steps that you can take in your daily life in order to ensure that you achieve this goal. Taking care of your oral health doesn't need to be rocket science; all it requires is a conscious commitment to making simple changes to benefit your teeth and gums. Here are six tips to look after you oral health. Get a checkup and cleaning from your dentist twice a year. Your dentist helps you to safeguard your oral health, keeping your smile healthy and white. You should visit your dentist twice a year to have your mouth inspected and to have your teeth cleaned. Your dentist can identify any underlying troubles with your teeth and the soft tissues of your mouth, including bacterial infections that lead to tooth decay and persistent bad breath. Replace your toothbrush every three months. It is important to replace your toothbrush every three months. Over time, harmful bacteria builds up on the bristles of your old toothbrush. Eventually, the buildup of bacteria prevents your toothbrush from adequately cleaning your teeth, gums, and tongue. Using a toothbrush that is too old can also contaminate your mouth with bacterial colonies from the bristles of the toothbrush, leading to tooth decay. Drink tooth staining beverages through a straw. The harmful sugar and acid particles in beverages such as soda, coffee, and red wine bind with bacteria, breaking down the enamel of your teeth and yellowing your smile. In order to lessen the harmful effects of these beverages, try drinking them through a straw. Do not allow the beverage to wash up against your teeth; instead, enjoy the taste and swallow quickly. Enjoy some ice cold water after you eat. Water is not only good for your body, it is also good for your teeth. Drink a glass of water after eating a meal or a sugary snack. The water helps to wash away harmful food particles that would have stayed on your teeth. You should also follow up a sugary beverage with a glass of water. Eat more crunchy fruits and vegetables. Crunchy fruits and vegetables help you get a whiter smile. The vigorous chewing required to break down an apple, carrot, pear, or celery stalk stimulates the production of saliva. Your saliva is your natural defense against against plaque build up; like water, it helps to wash away harmful food particles that bind with bacteria that product plaque. You can also enjoy the sweetness of a crunchy piece of fruit without the guilt; the high water content of fruit neutralizes its natural sugars. Add more dairy to your diet. Dairy acts as a buffer against the harmful effects of acid and sugar particles in your mouth, neutralizing their harmful effects on your enamel. Dairy also fights off tooth decay by strengthening your teeth. Foods such as yogurt, cheese, and milk are high in calcium and phosphorus; these two minerals strengthen your teeth by replacing minerals that are degraded by plaque.

There are some people who never get to develop their wisdom teeth. However, for others their wisdom teeth normally erupt in the mouth or they grow normally. In case they erupt partially, they are called to be impacted. When this happens, surgery may be required. This procedure is performed in dental clinic. But, in case the tooth is deeply impacted or if extraction is too difficult, an oral surgeon will be recommended. During the Procedure A doctor or an oral surgeon may use some types of anesthesia. The kind of anesthesia to be used would basically depend on the anticipated complexity of the extraction and the patient’s comfort level. The options would include the following. Local Anesthesia- The doctor or surgeon would administer the local anesthesia using one or more injections near the extraction site. Before the patient receives an injection, the dentist or surgeon would apply a substance to the gums that will numb the area. The patient is awake during the procedure. Although there would be some movement and pressure, pain is not likely to be experienced. Sedation Anesthesia- The surgeon or dentist would give a sedation anesthesia through the intravenous line in the arm. This kind of anesthesia suppresses the consciousness of the patient during the procedure and no pain is felt. General Anesthesia- In case of special conditions, the patient may be offered with general anesthesia. The medication is inhaled through the nose and this type of anesthesia makes the patient lose his consciousness and not feel any pain during the entire procedure. A surgical teal will also closely monitor the breathing, medication, fluid and blood pressure, as well as the temperature of the patient. After the Procedure If the patient received a general or sedation anesthesia, he will be taken to a recovery room right after the procedure. If it’s only a local anesthesia, the recovery time will just be in a dental chair. As the patient heals from the surgery, the following instructions should be followed. After the surgery, the patient needs to rest. Normal activities shall be resumed the day after. However, for a minimum of one week, the patient should avoid strenuous activities, which may result in dislodging the blood clot. Plenty of water should be drunk after the surgery. Caffeinated, alcoholic, hot, and carbonated beverages should all be avoided within the next 24 hours. Also, when drinking, it should be with a straw for a week since the sucking suction could dislodge the blood clot from its socket. Only soft foods should be eaten like yogurt for the first 24 hours after the extraction surgery. Hot or spicy, chewy, and hard food need to be avoided as they could get stuck in the socket and trigger irritation. When cleaning the mouth, do not brush the teeth yet, just rinse with a mouthwash. The patient can also use warm salt water and this should be done every two hours and right after meals for one week after the surgery. Result When there are no stitches that need to be removed, complications, or any persistent problem like pain or swelling, the patient may need not have a follow-up appointment with a dentist in placentia california after the wisdom teeth removal and resume his normal life.  

Posted by CDIC Dental

You worry about your risks of heart disease and cancer  – do you work about your risk factors for oral health problems? Many people do not know the risks associated with  their oral health, knowing the risks helps keep you aware of your health, giving you the tools to seek treatment before serious problems occur. If any of these risk factors apply to you, talk to your chula vista oral health team about limiting the effect they have on your teeth. A poor diet. Your diet says a lot about you and a great deal about your health.  Artificial foods and sugary sodas will greatly increase your risk of developing oral health issues.  Other diets may find increased risk, diets high in carbohydrates, low in calcium, and insufficient calorie intake (malnutrition), can all increase your risk factors. Why foods high in sugars can harm teeth, avoiding fruits and vegetables with high amounts of vitamin C can be just as detrimental to your oral health. Make sure you eat a balanced diet and speak with your dentist at chula vista oral health team about how to reduce the effect some foods have on your teeth and gums. Access to treated water Fluoride is an effective way to increase the oral health of the general populations. Those who live in areas that do not have access to fluoride treated waters carry a higher risk of oral health concerns than those in treated areas. If you live in an area that does not treat water with fluoride you should add fluoride supplements to your daily oral health routine. Rural areas When you live in areas without proper access to dental care  it is a large factor in your oral health. While you don’t control where you live; remember, regular visits to a dentist helps reduce the risks of serious infections. Living in an area with poor access to dental care may cause you to opt for more serious and permanent solutions like extractions, rather than fillings or root canals. These solutions, while they seem a good choice, it can negatively affect your overall health by limiting your ability to eat and communicate Quality of life What may seem obvious to some is that oral health becomes an increasing concern for those in lower quality of life situations. Those who live under the poverty line are less likely to seek regular dental cleanings and may only visit a dentist when their teeth hurt or become difficult to chew. This causing larger problems as a few cavities rapidly advance into extractions. Remember if finances are a concern you can seek financial aid from local programs in your area.   Regular tobacco use Numerous studies have shown that if you smoke, you are at a much higher risk for oral health problems than non-smokers. Tobacco smoke causes faster and more resilient buildup of plaque and tartar, also, since smokers do not bleed as much as non-smokers during flossing. The smoker may believe they are healthier than what is true. If you smoke you should always maintain a proper hygiene care of your mouth. Remember you oral health is important to living a health and full life, contact your chula vista oral health team for more information about your risks and how to maintain a healthy smile.

Posted by Aye Dental

In terms of your confidence, it’s important to have teeth that are in good condition. This is possible when you seek help from a Chino Valley best dentist, who can do a lot of things to enhance the look and structure of your teeth.   When Should You Get Help From A Cosmetic Dentist?    Some frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry include who are good candidates for these types of procedures? Generally, if your teeth are severely damaged, such as a chipped or missing tooth, it’s important to seek help from a cosmetic dentist. For chipped teeth, your Chino Valley best dentist will perform a procedure called bonding. This is where a composite material is molded around your tooth. After it has been formed correctly, the material is hardened by a UV light. The material is then painted to match the rest of your tooth, giving you an authentic look. This procedure doesn’t hurt at all, and it will not take too long to complete.   Teeth Whitening   Sometimes after not brushing regularly, your teeth may start to turn yellow. This effect doesn’t have to last forever, though. You can get help from a cosmetic dentist, who will put a special peroxide gel on the front surface of your teeth. This gel contains whitening properties, enhancing the whiteness of your teeth with just one visit. The whitening process takes around an hour to complete. You don’t have to worry about any of the peroxide gel getting on your tongue, as a device called a spacer is placed in your mouth. Your teeth may feel sensitive after a while, but you can brush your teeth with some fluoride toothpaste to get rid of this feeling.   Dental Implants   Another common procedure that is done by a cosmetic dentist is the placement of dental implants. These can go in your mouth to replace any missing teeth. That way, you will have a complete smile again that you are not afraid to show off to the world. The dental implant procedure is pretty lengthy, so this should be taken into consideration.   Usually, it can take around 6-7 months to complete. First, the dentist will numb the gums in your mouth, and then secure the dental implant where the missing tooth is. After months have gone by and your gums have healed, a post will be attached to the implant. Finally, a prosthetic tooth will be secured to the post, giving you a complete smile again.   Dental implants are great for several reasons. For one, they look and feel just like real teeth. You don’t have to worry about anyone noticing that there are implants in your mouth when talking. Also, implants are extremely durable and will last a lifetime if properly taken care of. Some frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry, particularly in terms of implants, are how long will they stay white? They will stay white forever, as long as you brush and floss your teeth often.   If something is wrong with your teeth, smiling may not be something you enjoy. You can get your teeth restored when you seek help from a Chino Valley best dentist. Some frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry are answered above, helping you make an informed decision concerning your teeth.

Posted by horizondds

As far as how long do well-made porcelain crowns on your front teeth last, that will vary depending on many variables which include: Oral hygiene (brushing and flossing habits) Systemic health issues such as diabetes that may weaken your overall dental health Frequency of preventative care visits Your bite and chewing force Condition of your adjacent teeth—the healthier the better Healthy dietary habits Dry mouth conditions caused by certain medications that may cause teeth degradation On a more optimal note, porcelain crowns have the potential to last a life time. After all, the materials that make up porcelain crowns do not decay. As such, the life time of your porcelain crowns is dependent on how they are cared for, professionally maintained and treated over time. The most critical problem you may have with your porcelain crowns that affects life span is the oral hygiene. Proper brushing and flossing is key to protecting gums and bone surrounding crowns from degradation and decay that sets in along the teeth edge which sits against the crown. Besides, you cannot be too rough on your teeth with porcelain crowns by chewing ice and hard things. And you cannot be using your teeth as tool for opening bottle caps, holding hard objects, or biting finger nails. When you have a well-fabricated porcelain crown with design of the prepared teeth having proper thickness of porcelain to maintain strength, having a well-sealed margin between your crowns and teeth, and that your crowns are correctly adjusted to the bite and chewing forces, you are guaranteed a longer life time for your crowns. In other words, you have within an average life time of 10 to 25 years for you to need replacement of your crowns due to wear and tear or aesthetic changes to your surrounding teeth, or maybe not. Most insurance companies will pay for crown restoration after 5 years. A well-made crown should not have any defects that need replacement before 5 years. Strength of your porcelain crowns is only one of the variables that determines the longevity of your crown; careful preparation of your crowns by an experienced dentist with the collaboration of a skilled ceramist who fabricates the crown, as well as proper oral hygiene and preventative care should give you the best long term results for your porcelain crowns on your front teeth. So in general, porcelain crowns are remarkably durable and can maintain shape and function for many years. A crown manufactured to the highest standards, properly fitted to your bite and well cared for, can therefore potentially last a life time.

Posted by Pro Dental Group