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At Aquila Dental, we understand that dental appointments can be intimidating, whether it’s a filling or the placement of a dental crown. If you’re wondering whether sedation would be a good option for you during your upcoming visit, here are a few things to keep in mind: who is a good candidate for sedation? As long as you have good overall health and do not have any issues such as a history of drug abuse or any medical conditions that may make sedation dangerous, you can be sedated at Aquila Dental. We offer laughing gas, which is ideal for minor procedures like fillings and helps reduce discomfort and anxiety. For more extensive dental procedures, such as tooth extraction or the placement of a dental implant, we offer a stronger oral sedative or IV sedation if you would prefer to sleep through your appointment. is sedation available for every procedure? Sedation dentistry can be used during any kind of appointment at Aquila Dental if you feel that it will make you more comfortable. By combining local anesthetics and sedation dentistry, the team at Aquila Dental can completely eliminate discomfort during your procedure. If you have dental anxiety and are nervous about an upcoming cleaning, don’t hesitate to ask us about your sedation options before your appointment. when should i consider sedation? The most common reason patients choose sedation is dental anxiety. By some estimates, going to the dentist makes more than 58.8% of people feel nervous. Sedation can help you feel more safe, relaxed, and comfortable if you have dental anxiety. However, sedation can also be helpful for a number of other reasons, including: A strong gag reflex – If your gag reflex is very sensitive or strong, sedation can help mitigate this issue and make it easier for Dr. Higgs to work around your rear teeth. Fear of needles – Fear of needles is very common, and it can be difficult for Dr. Higgs to numb your mouth properly if you are very anxious and scared of needles. Sedation can help eliminate this fear and make it easier to numb your mouth. Enhanced comfort during long procedures – Even if you’re not afraid of the dentist, sedation can make you feel more comfortable if you’re undergoing multiple procedures, such as having several fillings placed. contact us today for sedation dentistry in chandler At Aquila Dental, Dr. Higgs focuses on ensuring the comfort of each and every patient. Whether you have dental anxiety or are interested in sedation for any other reason, our team is always here to provide caring, patient-focused dentistry. For more information or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at (480) 428-3935, or feel free to stop by our office in person at 3175 S Price Road, Suite 140, Chandler, AZ 85248.

Posted by Aquila Dental

At Aquila Dental, we understand that dental appointments can be intimidating, whether it’s a filling or the placement of a dental crown. If you’re wondering whether sedation would be a good option for you during your upcoming visit, here are a few things to keep in mind: who is a good candidate for sedation? As long as you have good overall health and do not have any issues such as a history of drug abuse or any medical conditions that may make sedation dangerous, you can be sedated at Aquila Dental. We offer laughing gas, which is ideal for minor procedures like fillings and helps reduce discomfort and anxiety. For more extensive dental procedures, such as tooth extraction or the placement of a dental implant, we offer a stronger oral sedative or IV sedation if you would prefer to sleep through your appointment. is sedation available for every procedure? Sedation dentistry can be used during any kind of appointment at Aquila Dental if you feel that it will make you more comfortable. By combining local anesthetics and sedation dentistry, the team at Aquila Dental can completely eliminate discomfort during your procedure. If you have dental anxiety and are nervous about an upcoming cleaning, don’t hesitate to ask us about your sedation options before your appointment. when should i consider sedation? The most common reason patients choose sedation is dental anxiety. By some estimates, going to the dentist makes more than 58.8% of people feel nervous. Sedation can help you feel more safe, relaxed, and comfortable if you have dental anxiety. However, sedation can also be helpful for a number of other reasons, including: A strong gag reflex – If your gag reflex is very sensitive or strong, sedation can help mitigate this issue and make it easier for Dr. Higgs to work around your rear teeth. Fear of needles – Fear of needles is very common, and it can be difficult for Dr. Higgs to numb your mouth properly if you are very anxious and scared of needles. Sedation can help eliminate this fear and make it easier to numb your mouth. Enhanced comfort during long procedures – Even if you’re not afraid of the dentist, sedation can make you feel more comfortable if you’re undergoing multiple procedures, such as having several fillings placed. contact us today for sedation dentistry in chandler At Aquila Dental, Dr. Higgs focuses on ensuring the comfort of each and every patient. Whether you have dental anxiety or are interested in sedation for any other reason, our team is always here to provide caring, patient-focused dentistry. For more information or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at (480) 428-3935, or feel free to stop by our office in person at 3175 S Price Road, Suite 140, Chandler, AZ 85248.

Posted by Aquila Dental

DO YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW SUFFER FROM BAD BREATH? BAD BREATH, ALSO KNOWN AS HALITOSIS, CAN BE CAUSED BY NUMEROUS REASONS LISTED BY THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION (ADA): 1. Using tobacco can cause bad breath   by drying out a person’s mouth. Tobacco use can also cause irritated gums and increase your risk of other oral problems such as cancer. 2.  Certain foods such as onions and garlic can cause bad breath as they are digested in the body. 3. Dry mouth can cause bad breath due to the fact that  there is low salvia production and saliva actually helps clean your mouth by clearing away any left behind particles of food. 4.  Gum disease, which is related to poor oral hygiene, can cause bad breath due to bacteria growth from lack of proper brushing and flossing. 5.  Medical conditions such as sinus infections, diabetes, liver, and kidney disease can cause bad breath. So, if your dentist has ruled out all of the other causes then it is important to seek your healthcare provider to help you pinpoint what exactly is causing your bad breath. HOW CAN YOU FIGHT THE STINK? Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly to keep your teeth plaque free and those gums healthy. It also may be important to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste with you when you decide to eat pungent foods, so no one has to be victim to your stinky breath. Using a tongue scraper and mouthwash too, is important to make sure all food particles have left your mouth so no bacteria can start to grow. Living a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods such as celery or carrots that make you have to chew more help to keep the salvia flowing through your mouth. Also, quitting smoking is not only going to benefit your breath but also your overall life. Visiting us at Aquila Dental regularly can help you pinpoint the cause of your bad breath. Dr. Higgs can detect any problems that may be causing the stink and help stop them before any more serious problems arise. Contact Aquila Dental today at (480) 485-3368, or feel free to stop by our office at 3175 S Price Road, Suite 140, Chandler, AZ 85248 to schedule your appointment.  

Posted by Aquila Dental

Who wouldn’t want to have pearly whites all year round? Here at Aquila Dental you can make that dream a reality, by taking advantage of our Whitening for Life program. For more information or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at (480) 428-3935, or feel free to stop by our office in person at 3175 S Price Road, Suite 140, Chandler, AZ 85248.  

Posted by Aquila Dental

There are many people have the missing teeth-  may they have applied for the dental implants in Ahmedabad. For many folks, dental implants are a semipermanent, fuss-free means of substitution missing teeth, but it is more than that and It is good to get the treatment from a good dentist in Ahmedabad.  Most Of The Adults Are Concern About The Smart General Health And With Healthy Gums Are Able To Replace Missing Teeth Mistreatment Dental Implants. As per the study, It is said that “Dental Implants Became The Highest-Quality And Healthiest Technique Of Substitution Broken, Missing Or Lost Teeth.” So, it is not easy to make it out. Dental implants are usually utilized in clinical things for replacement of natural teeth. And their many dentists use the different type of the materials as well as techniques for the implant style as well as these are the factor will become causes for the failure. Despite several advances failure may be a vital concern for the tooth doctor as well as the patient. There are 2 main factors for implant   failure: 1. lack of Osseointegration 2. Peri-implantitis Occlusal overloading and medical standing of the patient, smoking, and implant characteristics are among the opposite causes of implant failure. The aim of this crisp review is to debate the aetiology of implant failures by highlight the varied classification place forth by completely different authors and formulating a brand new classification. Although implant failure is kind of rare, if you go at the expert of the dental implants in Ahmedabad then may don’t face the failure of the dental implant surgery.  But, still, it is vital to grasp that implant failure isn't the results of the body rejecting the implant before you go for the implants. What Makes Dental Implants Fail? Dental implant failures will occur for numerous reasons and on several levels. If you consider the short term failures then you can consider the- Osseointegration as we already discussed.  This sort of failure is often related to general factors, like smoking, uncontrolled polygenic disorder. These short-run failures will typically be treated by removing the implant, repairing the surgical website with a bone graft and permitting it to heal before making an attempt to position another fixture. Another one is  Peri-implantitis. The Following Are The Common Causes Of Implant Failure: • Peri-Implantitis – This is an important point to be discussed, and- an infection that forms around the implant and within the gums. This infection is commonly the results of poor dental hygiene following implant surgery. This is inflicting more bone loss and implant failure. • Nerve Of Tissue Harm – if you find the brink of the nerve after the implant surgery by any dentist in Ahmedabad then patients could expertise chronic pain, or tingling,  symptom in their tongue, gums, cheek, chin, or lips. The nerve harm may well be either temporary or permanent and also the implant may have to be removed. Final Thought, There are many completely different potentialities which will cause dental implant failure,  but as we show you they are most common signs you can consider. The discomfort and chronic pain can give the signs whether your implants fail or not! Author source: Dental Implant Failure- Common Causes Are Disclosed  

I know, it is tiresome to remove unwanted hair every week or every two weeks for flawless skin. In the last article session, we have discussed the benefits behind the laser hair removal in Ahmedabad services. We all are glad by knowing such treatment possibility where we can get rid of shaving, plucking, and waxing for the unwanted hair. Because, we all want to have smooth, beautiful skin. What about the glowing, acne-free, and fair skin? Is there any way to come out of the situation? Have you heard the chemical peeling treatment in Ahmedabad? Do you know anything about the chemical peels and how can it help to make the skin smooth & fair? Heading To The More Information About Chemical Peels!!! Few Information About Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are something that can be used by cosmetic treatment for applying on the face, neck, and hands. Through the service, you can improve skin appearance. Through handling the procedure, you should apply the chemical on the affected area for the treatment. There are many reasons that you can get chemical peels. Acne Scars Wrinkles Fine lines Sun damage Redness or uneven skin tone Few Risk Factors And Side-Effects You Should Never Ignore The Chemical Peel There are common side-effects that include burning, redness, dryness, and swelling. Through the deep peels, you can lose the tan ability permanently. However, you may have more risks and side effects that remain permanent. Darkening or helping of the skin shading. These can be increasingly regular in individuals with darker skin. This can be lasting. Individuals with herpes simplex may experience flares following a treatment. In all respects once in a while, compound strips can cause contagious or bacterial diseases. Heart, liver, or kidney harm. The phenol utilized in profound strips can really harm the heart muscle, kidneys, and liver, and cause sporadic pulses. What are The Entanglements or Potential Symptoms of a Synthetic Strip? Temporary or perpetual change in skin shading, especially for ladies on contraception pills, who accordingly turned out to be pregnant or have a background marked by tanish facial staining. Scarring Reactivation of mouth blisters What would I be Able To Expect In The Wake Of Having a Compound Strip? All Strips Require Some Subsequent Consideration: Superficial strips expect one to seven days to mend. Treated skin will at first be red and may scale. Moisturizer or cream ought to be connected until the skin recuperates, trailed by day by day utilization of sunscreen. Cosmetics can, as a rule, be worn the following day. Ending lines! Are you satisfied with the laser hair removal in Ahmedabad services? I hope, you like this article and you are going to share this guide with people who are looking for a way to make their skin glow and acne-free. Get ready for the chemical peeling treatment. Source: A Straight-Forward Guidelines On Chemical Peeling Treatment  

Posted by Pushya Hospital

 Understanding the right way to brush your teeth, and the right tools to use could be the only thing standing between you and tip-top oral hygiene.   Consider the following oral hygiene pointers to help you achieve a better dental care routine: I. Pick the Right Brush According to the International Dental Health Organization, most adults require a small sized to the medium toothbrush. Lane DDS Cary, NC advises that you should ensure that you buy a brush whose head and bristles are small enough to reach the crevices of your molar where food debris often remains. A larger brush would definitely not be as effective. II. Floss Properly Unless done the right way, the poor flossing technique could just be a waste of your time.  Use an 18 inches long piece of floss to ensure that you use a fresh area of floss every few teeth without reinserting bacteria where you just removed .also, the floss should rub against the teeth in a backward-forward motion to wrap the floss around each tooth.   III. Use a Mouth Wash A mouthwash can go to every corner of the mouth to rid of food debris.  Food debris is the real culprit to gum line irritation, whose outcome is gingivitis. Consider adding a mouthwash to your dental care routine to get the most out the regimen.   IV. Brush your Tongue The mistake some do is to assume that oral hygiene is all about the teeth. Well, it is not. Your tongue determines the freshness of your mouth as well. Always ensure that you scrap or brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth. Not only will it eject bacteria, but it will significantly give you a fresh breath.   V. Change your Toothbrush Bristles deteriorate will usage and time, hence using the same brush beyond a few months could only lead to futile oral hygiene attempts. Ensure that you change your brush every three to four months- or at every dental checkup.   VI. Brush Enough   Brushing regularly and brushing enough are two different things. You could be brushing twice to thrice a day, but the time taken at the sink is just not enough.  Make sure that you brush your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day.   VII. Clean your Toothbrush Cleaning your brush is not rocket science. In fact, you do not need any equipment to clean it. Simply rinse the brush after every use and allow it to air dry. Refrain from covering your brush as this can breed bacteria, which are then introduced into your mouth. Oral health is crucial for overall body health. Ensure that you follow these oral hygiene tips to keep your mouth cavity and odor free. 

Dental Care is multi dimensional and so as to take care of optimized oral hygiene and healthy teeth, a personal must incorporate several sensible practices in routine life. Studies have found that almost all individuals even fail once it involves correct brushing; despite the actual fact that we have a tendency to all square measure instructed the steps in childhood itself. Thus there's Associate in nursing imperative got to produce awareness, particularly in wake of modified food selections and habits. However, once it involves gestation, then the attention becomes all the lot of necessary and specialists have place up reasons for this. Throughout gestation, the secretion profiles amendment considerably Associate in Nursing this will increase probability} of the many teeth conditions and issues as well as an augmented chance of tooth loss! Some essential hygiene tips are necessary to possess adhered if the transmission of infections to the craniates and new born is to be avoided. Dentists even opine that the girl ought to begin taking precautions even before the onset of pregnancy! Here square measure some important tips and counsels during this regard. Reasons why oral Care is important during Pregnancy Oral care is particularly necessary throughout physiological state for many reasons: Frequent Eating - During physiological state, ladies are doubtless to eat and drink additional overtimes throughout the day. And with the additional frequent sugar intake comes associate exaggerated risk for cavities, therefore it’s particularly necessary to stay with a sound tooth brushing and flossing routine. Hormonal Changes - some ladies could also be additional doubtless to develop red, puffy gums throughout physiological state as a result of the extra quantity of the endocrine progestogen within the body causes a robust reaction to traditional amounts of plaque. If your gums are particularly sensitive, attempt a soft floss that slides simply and well between teeth or a specialty interdentally cleanup tool. Radiation Avoidance - Although some pregnant ladies could have a dental emergency that needs a dental x-ray, taking excellent care of your teeth throughout physiological state reduces the percentages that you just can want dental x-rays, and you'll avoid exposing your baby to radiation. However if you are doing want x-rays, don’t panic. Your dental skilled can minimize your exposure by having you wear a leaded apron and leaded band around your neck to safeguard your thyroid. What is ptyalism or hyper salivation? Ptyalism" may be a strange-sounding word for excessive secretion. Salivation will occur in anyone; however it's quite common for pregnant girls to expertise this condition, particularly throughout the primary trimester. Salivation is presumably to occur in pregnant girls UN agency area unit plagued by extreme nausea and sickness (called regurgitation gravid arum). The exact reason behind salivation throughout maternity remains unsure; however ever-changing hormones most likely play a job. Also, girls UN agency feel noisome could build a shot to swallow less that permits secretion to make up within the mouth. And therefore the symptom and nausea will prompt the secretion glands to supply a lot of secretion to coat the passage and defend against the irritation of the mouth and throat that happens with frequent puking. There is no single cure for salivation. However a number of these methods may assist you place up with the problem: Brush your teeth. you ought to be following a daily oral care routine throughout maternity anyway to forestall gum malady, and brushing your teeth and exploitation solution many times each day will facilitate keep excessive secretion unfreeze by creating it easier for you to swallow. Drink water. Taking frequent, tiny sips of water will assist you swallow the surplus secretion while not exacerbating your nausea. Eat right. Attempt to eat smaller however a lot of frequent meals and check out to avoid to a fault starchy foods, like white breads. Grab some gum. Chew dry gum or consumption on laborious dry wildly can build it easier for you to swallow excess secretion. How to avoid Gum Disease The best thanks to forestall gum sickness throughout physiological condition is to develop an identical oral health care routine before changing into pregnant, therefore you'll establish your sensible oral health habits early. Brush totally a minimum of doubly on a daily basis, ideally within the morning and at night Take your time; you must pay a minimum of 2 minutes brushing your teeth Be bound to use anti-plaque dentifrice to assist defend your teeth from decay and gingivitis Rinse totally when brushing to induce eliminate microorganism in hard-to-reach places Remember to floss daily to assist avoid the build-up of bacteria Eat a healthy, balanced diet Avoid sweetened snacks Continue to go to your dental practitioner often (once it's safe for the baby). When to tell the Dentist you're pregnant Don't skip the dental practitioner throughout pregnancy Following a regular oral health care routine is particularly vital for pregnant girls for many reasons. Pregnancy changes the hormones within the body that place pregnant girls at inflated risk for disease that is that the most severe variety of gum sickness. This is often why pregnant girls, or girls UN agency area unit considering physiological state, ought to see a dental practitioner for normal check-ups to catch any potential oral care issues before they become severe. In fact, regular dental check-ups area unit suggested so as to assist manage plaque build-ups and to spot and treat gentle cases of cavity or periodontitis before they become severe. When attainable, visit your dental practitioner before physiological state thus you'll be able to take area unit of any pre-existing dental issues before you conceive. Mumbai Dental Clinic is the best Dental Clinic in Udaipur, Providing all dental treatment like Dental Implant, Cosmetic Dentistry. Call us- +91-8107259893 Visit -

Get Answers To Your Dental Implant Questions When you ask someone what their favorite aspect of their body is, the smile is one that doesn’t come up often. That’s because many people in the world feel self-conscious about their teeth. This can be due to a variety of issues including dental shape, alignment, coloration, or anything else. Regardless of the reason, due to medical and dental technological advances, there are many ways to improve the look and feel of your teeth. If you’re one of the many people in the world that struggle with imperfect teeth, specifically due to missing or severely decaying teeth, a dental implant could help you get back to your normal life. Because the topic of dental implants can be confusing, we laid out all the information you’ll need to know about them below. What Is A Dental Implant? A dental Implant is an implant that replace empty gaps, spaces, or decayed teeth in the mouth. There are two different variations of implants – permanent or removable. Majority of the time, your dentist will opt for a permanent placement, as they are more reliable and last longer. Permanent implants must be rooted in the bone of your jaw. This allows for a sturdy placement similar to the function of a normal, real tooth. The fake root is made of a metal that screws into the jaw, and there is a piece that sticks out of the gumline. This piece is called the abutment and is where the faux tooth is fastened after placement. Your fake tooth is matched to the shape, size, and color of the surrounding teeth to ensure a seamless match. Once the entire process is complete, you’ll be left with a fake tooth that looks just like a real one, but the functionality of it will improve significantly! Dental Implant Procedure The process of a dental implant is lengthy. It can take time for your implant to be properly placed and healed. Keep in mind, you won’t be dealing with a lot of pain during the procedure, but it does take time for optimal results. After you are placed under general anesthesia to avoid any feeling in your mouth, your dentist will cut into your gum to expose the jaw bone underneath. Following this, a hole will be drilled where the post, acting as an artificial root, will be placed. It must be placed deeply, as this will secure the rest of the tooth. After this is completed, your dentist will wait to continue until the bone surrounding the root is healed. After that’s complete, they will go back in and place the abutment and prepare for a dental crown. When the whole process is complete, you’ll then be left with a faux tooth in place of the previous! Benefits of A Dental Implant After identifying if you’d be a good candidate for a dental implant, it’s important to identify why getting an implant would be beneficial for you. There are many reasons including improved oral health, appearance, and functionality. First of all, your oral health will improve because you will no longer have a damaged, missing, or decayed portion of your tooth there which often draws bacteria. Next, self-confidence and appearance would improve, as there would not be a section of your teeth missing or looking different than the others. Lastly, you’ll be more comfortable performing daily activities like eating and talking, since the pain associated with the area would be removed. If you qualify for a dental implant, you should highly consider getting the procedure. Schedule Your Free Consultation With Dr. Todd Shatkin Today! If cost is your concern, the Aesthetic Associates Centre can help you out. Many cosmetic and implant dentists require a paid consultation before you begin, but with us, we offer you a free and complimentary dental consult. During this appointment, we will identify the work you may need completed and how to proceed with treatment. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Todd Shatkin for a free consult and information about a dental implant today!

Posted by Todd Shatkin DDS

Can you think of business sectors that are more competitive than dentistry today? If you can, then that would probably be a pretty short list because as far as competitiveness is concerned, dentistry is right there at or near the top. Look around your city, and you will probably see a dental practice office in every corner. The more of them in operation, the more the competition becomes intense. After all, they are targeting practically the same people to become their patients, and they are, in all likelihood, implementing a variety of dental marketing strategies to win that contest over everyone else. Whether you’re practicing regular dentistry or cosmetic dentistry, you know that you need to engage in online dental marketing to get a leg up on the competition. However, you need to be a bit more discerning with your tactics and strategies because dental marketing myths abound, and you could be falling for them right now just like many other practicing dentists. Here are some of those dental marketing myths you should ignore. You can run successful dental marketing campaigns on a tiny budget There is some truth to this myth, but only if you have an entire city or town to yourself or with at least one or two other dental offices. However, as stated earlier, there seems to be a significant uptick in the number of dental professionals establishing their practices. What’s more, these same dentists are not skimping on their dental marketing campaigns. Whether they’re employing traditional means of marketing their business or sallying forth with digital campaigns, these dental practices are going all out in their efforts to get more people to come through their doors. In an industry as competitive as dentistry, a bigger marketing budget would serve a dental practice better. Spending for PPC advertising, for example, will typically require more spending on the dentist’s part, but the results in terms of traffic will be so much faster compared to the months of waiting that you will have to do if you stick to regular, organic, and cheaper SEO. The results of online dental marketing come instantly It’s but normal for companies offering SEO services to toot their own horn a little bit, but if you hear them bragging about having provided instant results to its other clients, then consider yourself being scammed into hiring them because there is no such thing as instant results in the world of organic SEO. Quick results are possible, especially if you go for PPC advertising, but SEO and other online dental marketing approaches need some time before significant results come in. Come to think of it, no one marketing technique, dental or otherwise, is in a position to promise instant results. After all, other factors impact your rate of success, including location, prevailing market conditions, the degree of your online presence, and how fast you can adapt to the ever-evolving digital environment. Word-of-mouth is tops Let’s be clear about something: Word-of-mouth is a pretty potent way to get a buzz going about anything, including your dental practice. Once a patient talks to other people how exceptional your dental services are, they will likely repeat what they heard, and that’s great for your practice. Word-of-mouth, however, just isn’t enough to get your name out there at a level that will attract as many patients as possible. Because even if people hear about your practice from someone, you cannot assume that they will believe it. In all likelihood, they are going to do some due diligence online. That means they will have to read content—whether official information from your website or online reviews from former patients—that will confirm or belie what they have heard about your practice. What we’re saying is that while good word-of-mouth is beneficial, it would be more effective if it works side-by-side with a well-conducted digital dental marketing campaign, which will provide the information people need when doing their research. Just hire a dental marketing company and forget all about it Dental professionals these days can consider themselves fortunate that there is now a myriad of companies specializing in dental marketing that can help them get the word out about their practices. However, just hiring a dental marketing company and letting them do all the work won’t cut it. If you want to maximize your results, you need to work closely with them. They will need your input from time to time to fine-tune a campaign. And if they’re marketing your practice as a service-oriented business, make sure your staff is as helpful as possible when answering phone inquiries. Your billing should also be up to par so your dental marketing team can credibly trumpet it in their campaigns. When hiring a dental marketing company, you must think of it as a partnership in order to get the best possible results.