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Your free consultation is the time for you to meet Dr. Guzak, ask your questions, and learn more about how we can enhance your smile and dental health which includes complimentary dental imaging. Please call us for details. #specialoffers #drguzak #dentistpalmsprings #cosmeticconsultation #complimentarydentalimaging

Dental Emergencies Special During this pandemic crisis, Palm Springs Dentistry will be accepting all dental emergencies. ✅Tooth Extraction ✅Surgical Extraction ✅Root Canal Therapy Give us a call (760) 320-6506 we are OPEN for Dental Emergencies! #PalmSpringsDentistry #DentistPalmSpringsCA #DrTerryJGuzak #ToothExtraction #SurgicalExtraction #RootCanalTherapy #DentalEmergency #DentalEmergencies

During this pandemic crisis, Palm Springs Dentistry will be accepting all dental emergencies. ✅Tooth Extraction ✅Surgical Extraction ✅Root Canal Therapy Give us a call (760) 320-6506 we are OPEN for Dental Emergencies! #PalmSpringsDentistry #DentistPalmSpringsCA #DrTerryJGuzak #ToothExtraction #SurgicalExtraction #RootCanalTherapy #DentalEmergency #DentalEmergencies

During this pandemic crisis, Palm Springs Dentistry will be accepting all dental emergencies. Give us a call at (760) 320-6506. ✅Tooth Extraction ✅Surgical Extraction ✅Root Canal Therapy #specialoffers #palmspringsdentistry #drguzak #dentalemergencies #dentistpalmspringsca #toothextraction #surgicalextraction #rootcanaltherapy

In its early stages, lip cancer is difficult to detect, but that’s when it’s easily manageable. By the time a lip tumor becomes evident, cancer calls for more invasive treatment and might quickly spread to other parts of your body. This article highlights the symptoms and causes of lip cancer as well as how it is diagnosed and treated. Who gets lip cancer? According to the American Cancer Society, researchers are not sure what exactly causes oral cancers, including lip cancer. That said, as your dentist in Redwood City will tell you, several factors can amplify your risk of developing cancer. A lot of sun exposure (UV radiation) is one of the leading causes of lip cancer. Also, certain habits, such as chewing tobacco or smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol, increase the risk. When combined, tobacco and alcohol use produce a considerably higher risk of oral cancer than either factor individually. Additional risk factors for lip cancer include being fair skinned, being infected with certain strains of HPV, having a weakened immune system, and being over 40 years old. Men are more prone to lip cancer than women, probably because they are less likely to use lip balms. Also, they may be more likely to have consumed excess alcohol or smoked in the past. Symptoms of lip cancer In the early stages of lip cancer, you may spot a somewhat swollen patch of discolored lip skin. The lesions may first look like a cold sore, the only distinction being that cold sores usually disappear within a few days. Lip cancer sores take a while to heal and can last for a few weeks. Generally, lip cancer symptoms include:        White or red patch on the lower or upper lip        Lump, ulcer, or sore that lingers        Swollen jaws        Bleeding lips        Numbness or pain in the lips Diagnosis for lip cancer As we mentioned, lip cancer may be hard to detect during the initial stages. However, a qualified dentist can easily pick up the early symptoms during a routine checkup. When your Redwood City dentist suspects signs of lip cancer, they may advise you to have one of the following diagnostic tests to be carried out. Physical assessment: The dentist inspects the lips and other parts of your mouth for abnormalities. Also, they may examine your lymph nodes for signs of swelling or inflammation. Soft tissue biopsy: This procedure helps to confirm the diagnosis of lip cancer. Usually, a small tissue sample is extracted from the affected lip area. The sample is further examined under a microscope in a lab. If the biopsy reveals lip cancer, more tests will be performed to ascertain how advanced it is. Endoscopy: An endoscopy may be carried out if the dentist believes the cancer cells have spread to other parts of the mouth. The process entails passing a flexible camera down your throat to check for cancer signs. Image test: In addition to endoscopy, your doctor may suggest a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scan, chest X-ray, or positron emission tomography (pet). The findings of the imaging test will show the extent of the cancer spread. Complete blood count (CBC): A CBC may be carried out whenever there is a considerable fluctuation in blood cell count. This test aids in diagnosing many conditions, including cancer. Lip cancer treatment Usually, lip cancer is treatable, and the majority of patients have a great outcome after treatment. According to National Cancer Institute, surgery is the most common treatment for lip cancer. In this procedure, the surgeon carefully removes tumor layers and a portion of tissues surrounding it, examining each layer for cancer cells. The surgeon ends the procedure when the cancer cells are no longer visible under a microscope. Removing the affected cells helps prevent cancer from spreading to other parts of the mouth. Advanced cases are often treated by an ENT doctor. Here, chemotherapy or radiation may be employed together with surgery. How to prevent lip cancer Follow the steps below to protect yourself from lip cancer: Limit or quit drinking and smoking: As we mentioned, these two habits, when combined, put you at much more risk for oral cancer than either habit alone.  Avoid strong direct sunrays: Schedule outdoor activities when the sun is skin-friendly. Wear lip balm and skin protection with an SPF of at least 30: Wear it every time you go outside. See your Redwood City dentist regularly: Dentists are better positioned to detect lip cancer; thus, ensure you undergo routine cleanings and exams. If you suspect any unusual changes in your lip, don’t panic. Seek help from the best oral dentist in Redwood City immediately. Early detection is crucial for effective lip cancer treatment. 

A dental crown is a cap on a tooth to protect it from further harm. These caps not only strengthen the teeth but also realign crooked ones. Crowns made from porcelain materials are resistant to discoloration. Anyone looking to improve their smile should consider getting porcelain veneers. In what ways may a dental crown benefit me? There are a lot of scenarios in which you'd want the assistance of the best dental crowns in Miami services: Preventing the loss of a fragile tooth Fix a tooth that's been knocked out of alignment Secure dental bridges Restore a dental implant Cover a tooth that has been broken or has decay Lighten a tooth that has become stained Protect a tooth that has been filled What to Expect from a Dental Crown Procedure Firstly, on your initial visit, the expert dentist will take an x-ray of your tooth to examine it and make a diagnosis. After that, they will talk to you about the necessity or not to have crowns. Which one is best for you will depend on several variables, including where your crown will go, the health of your gums, and the type of porcelain materials. In the next step, A specialist can remove the cavity if necessary. After that, the tooth is shaped so a crown can be placed over it. At the last visit, when your dentist is satisfied that the crown fits perfectly, they will use a cement to attach it to your tooth. It usually takes three visits to  complete the entire procedure. At Sharp Dentistry the whole procedure can be completed in three hours due to an in-house dental laboratory. All work can be completed in the same visit. Benefits of Crowns A long list of positive outcomes can occur when dental crowns are used. Because of this, they are among the best restoration choices available today. Some of the benefits are listed below: Crowns relieve tooth damage pain Crowns placed by dentists in Miami, FL, are frequently used to cap off restorative procedures or repair cosmetic damage to teeth. Pain from chewing and swallowing can be excruciating if you have a root canal infection or enamel damage from a chip or crack. The best course of action is to seek the advice of professionals at Sharp Dentistry & Associates promptly. Improved Chewing and Eating Losing or damaging teeth might compromise their function and ability to chew. This is all possible because of advances in dental technology. Dental crowns are built using durable materials. You can keep eating all your favorite meals without worrying about breakage. Safety Dental crowns are used to cover up damaged teeth. It may be cemented in place and fits snugly over the top. Dental crowns in Miami are a great way to prevent additional decay or infection in a damaged tooth. Flexibility After having a root canal done, a tooth may need a dental crown to protect and strengthen it. A dental crown can treat various dental issues, depending on your specific case. If a tooth is damaged beyond repair or lost, a crown can be utilized in conjunction with dental implants or as an abutment for a bridge. Assists in Creating Brighter Smiles A dental crown may cover a variety of flaws, such as discoloration, chipping, and staining. Another option is to have it crafted to blend in with the rest of your teeth for a more attractive grin. Book Your Appointment Now Are you still wondering how much do caps for teeth cost? If that's the case, you should stop worrying about it. Visit our qualified employees at Sharp Dentistry & Associates in Miami, FL, to discuss dental crowns. Make an appointment by calling 305-857-0990 or submitting an appointment form.  

Dental bridges can be a solution to replace missing teeth. They function as a false tooth which can fill in the gap created by missing teeth. It is connected to dental crowns that are on either side of the tooth that is missing or teeth and looks similar to an implant dental. It is actually bridges from one tooth one to another. They are an aesthetic dentist procedure that can be used as alternative treatment to dental implants. They give patients the chance to restore the full function of their mouth particularly with regards to eating and speaking. They can also help prevent further cosmetic issues, such as your teeth becoming further separated because of the gap created by missing teeth. Type Of Dental Bridges The three most popular bridge types are: Traditional The crown is positioned on the opposite edges of the space, while the replacement tooth is placed between. The tooth is typically constructed from porcelain that has been which is fused to either metal or ceramic material. Replacement teeth made of plastic are fitted with the aid of wings made of metal that are bonded to natural teeth that are on either side. Maryland bridges are similar to a resin-bonded Bridge. Cantilever Bridge: This bridge is similar to the standard, but is different in that the tooth that the bridge is attached is located adjacent to the gap.   Traditional dental bridge Maryland dental bridge Maryland dental bridge The process of fitting dental bridges typically involves two visits. The first time the temporary bridge is installed while impressions of the actual bridges are taken. At the next visit the temporary bridge will be taken away and the permanent bridge is installed. The temporary cement used is to keep the bridge in place . over the coming days, your bridge will be checked with your dental professional to make sure it is in good shape and if adjustments should be made. As with any procedure, there are problems after or during the procedure. While dental bridges could be used to replace ones natural teeth they're not really real. Common Problems Linked To Dental Bridges The necessity of consulting a licensed dentist isn't not enough stressed regarding dental bridges. It is essential to ensure that you purchase an individual-designed bridge to fill in the gap created due to missing teeth. Incorrectly fitted bridges can cause discomfort but this is only the beginning. Over time the false tooth could cause irritation to the gums, resulting in infections, boils, and gum recession around the bridge. It is recommended to see your dentist whenever you experience the slightest hint of discomfort or issue with how the bridge is fitted. In order to ensure that the issue doesn't grow to become more grave. Tooth decay When you have dental bridges, you should ensure you take care of your oral hygiene. It is normal for people with bridges to develop dental decay around the tooth on the area where the crown of the bridge is installed. If this occurs the tooth becomes sturdy enough to function as the base to support the bridge. To prevent this from happening issue, make sure you follow a regular oral hygiene regimen that includes twice a day brushing and flossing at least every other day. Going to the dentist regularly is important as they can make sure the bridge and teeth surrounding it are in good state. Sensitivity It is normal for patients to feel some sensitivity their gums and their teeth at the end of the bridge within a couple of weeks after it is placed. Your mouth is becoming accustomed to the crown, and is more sensitive. If you experience any sensitivities after 2 weeks, you must speak with your dentist. There could be a problem that result from the bridge, such as it being poorly fitted or not suitable for your needs. Bridge damaged A tooth-replacement option available in dental bridges are typically constructed from metal, porcelain, or a combination of ceramics. They're not indestructible, and that's why your dentist will advise that you eat with the utmost attention, and avoid eating food that is hard or sticky. If the bridge's structure is damaged, you'll need to replace it, otherwise it could cause additional oral issues, such as gum disease or infection. Teeth cracked Although it's not often but there is the possibility of teeth cracking which act as anchors to the bridge. Even the smallest crack can result in a myriad of issues. The most frequent of these is sensitiveness. If you don't treat cracks this can become a pathway for bacteria to enter the tooth's nerves gums, teeth, and the rest of your mouth. This can lead to an infection. The earlier a tooth that has cracked is found the more effective. Certain dental bridge problems are inevitable, such as a broken teeth or poorly-fitted bridges due to the fact that they are more connected with the process than how you take care of the bridge. To avoid other problems of the problems, you must incorporate the best method to clean bridges in your daily routine: Clean the bridge using an appliance to clean the bridge instead of toothbrushes or an aggressive cleaning product since they can scratch the bridge's surface. Be sure to use an easy-bristled brush that is gentle. In the event of too much force, you could cause the bridge to be displaced. If you are rinsing your mouth, make sure you use clean, cool water. The hot water can cause warping of the bridge. Don't leave the denture cleaner in the refrigerator overnight unless directed by your dental professional. Dentures are mostly made of metal, making them susceptible to rust if exposed to the cleaning solution or water for long periods of time. If you ever have a problem with dental bridges, make certain to seek out professional assistance from our highly experienced dentists close to your home. The team at our office is ready to assist you and can provide urgent dental services for problems connected to bridges. To make dental treatment more affordable we also accept Medicare as well as other major insurances since we believe that every person is entitled to the million-dollar smile.

Posted by Wellness Dental

Start your journey to a better smile. We are now a certified Invisalign provider. Call us for more details or ask at the reception at your next appointment. #SittasonFamilyDentistry #InvisalignProvider #DrDavidSittason #bettersmile

As the name suggests, a family dentist treats patients of all ages, from toddlers to young adults. Your family dentist should be able to treat you no matter what your dental health requires, as they should provide preventative, cosmetic, and restorative services. Advantages of Visiting a Family Dentist What qualities should you look for in a family dentist in Miami FL, and should you still visit one if you don't have kids? Let's consider the below 6 advantages: One Dentist for Everyone Family dentists are more convenient and cost-effective than individual children and adult dentists. You can get everyone taken care of at once, and you must keep track of information for one provider. Quality Dental Care in Case of Emergency   The sudden arrival of excruciating pain or tooth loss due to trauma can be very frightening dental emergencies. If you or your child already have regular dental care, you won't need to stress about finding a dentist open on short notice.   Consistent Care at the Same Dental Office As you become older, you'll likely have different dental care needs, so it's crucial to have a dentist you can trust. The same holds true for pediatric patients, who can keep the same dentist from the time they get their first tooth all the way into their twenties and beyond.  Complete Dental Health Care Family dentists offer specialized care and are trained in cosmetic and restorative dentistry and general services such as filling cavities, performing checkups and cleanings, and performing root canals. They can help you achieve your dental health goals, whether they involve getting a whiter, brighter smile with teeth whitening or switching from uncomfortable dentures to dental implants. Track Dental History Easily Changing dentists or transitioning from a pediatric to a general dentist can result in losing crucial medical history. Having the same dentist for the entire family makes it easier to keep track of everyone's dental health records. Personalized Care The most significant advantage of establishing and maintaining a relationship with a family dentist is developing trusting, caring connections with patients and staff. If you stick with the same dentist for a while, you can build relationships and receive individualized care. Book Your Appointment with the Best Family Dentist Today! Check out Miami Modern Dental if you need the services of a general dentist for the entire family. They are proud to offer comprehensive dental treatment and take satisfaction in being named Miami's best dentist. To make an appointment, you can call 305-267-1709 or fill out the form at

A dental implant is a dental prosthesis inserted surgically into the jawbone to replace the tooth's natural root. In addition, unlike fixed bridgework or dentures, implants will not slip, generate noise, or cause bone injury because the titanium merges with your jawbone. Teeth that are badly damaged, broken, or otherwise unusable may benefit from dental implants. Teeth with dental implants look and feel completely different. Because the mouth is the first part of the body that food touches, and because food that has been tampered with can spread easily from there, most people nowadays suffer from oral illnesses. Prevention of dental implants requires meticulous attention to oral care. Having dental implants isn't the worst thing ever, but any foreign object can be a nuisance. Procedures involving dental implants typically include the dentist cutting into the gums. Injecting local anaesthetic reduces discomfort during the implantation process by dulling the nerve endings in the area. Teeth are supposed to last a lifetime, but sometimes that just doesn't happen. To maintain oral and overall health, it's crucial to replace missing teeth. In addition to losing the ability to chew, missing teeth can cause the surrounding teeth to shift position, become crooked, or crowd. It's easy to see how problems like low self-esteem and a lack of grooming could arise. A missing tooth can be replaced with a dental implant in Miami, Florida. Dental implant treatment has been used to replace lost teeth for over fifty years, proving its efficiency as a treatment option. Verifying Your Eligibility Anyone lacking one or more teeth due to injury, disease, or natural decay can be a candidate for dental implants, and grafts may be the best option for these patients. Patients who can no longer use removable dentures will benefit greatly from their hands-on approach. After carefully reviewing your dental and medical history, your dentist will determine if you are a candidate for alveolar transplants. Finding a competent dentist who can perform implant surgery is always a possibility if you learn that you are a good candidate for implant therapy. Whether or not they have adequate bone In order for the transplant to take hold, it is crucial that you have enough bone density. Bone shortage can be treated in a number of effective and safe ways. If additional bone material is required, your dentist can assess the situation and provide advice. This will allow the dentist to choose the most appropriate strategy and method for your specific instance. The ever-increasing sophistication of dental restoration methods implies that missing or broken teeth are no longer causes for despair. The current status of affairs Time is the one thing that has always meant the most to everyone. A dental procedure is not something anyone wants to spend too much time on, and everyone is aware of the passage of time. Dental implant treatment times vary according to the severity of the underlying problem. The duration of treatment depends greatly on your individual needs. Dentists can provide you with an anticipated treatment schedule and total time needed after thoroughly evaluating your individual situation. Reaching a Final Verdict This facility's initial recommended appointment is with a dentist. Education, experience, and credentials of the dentist are crucial. Miami Dentists offer a wide range of services, from routine checkups to more advanced procedures like dental implants in Affordable prices.

Posted by Sher Dental