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Dental Implants were not always such a mainstream fixture in dentistry. There was a time when dental implants were for all practical purposes experiments in seeing what worked and what did not. In the last 15 years we have really entered a new age with dental implants being almost routine in their nature now. Most dentists cannot imagine a day without them anymore as a treatment for our patients. Dental Implants are an artificial tooth root that a dentist, periodontist, or oral surgeon inserts into your jawbone to hold a replacement tooth or teeth(bridge). Dental implants are the perfect option for people with good oral health maintenance who are missing one tooth or multiple teeth due to periodontal disease, via trauma, or some other reason. Dental Implants in Henderson NV use the most modern materials that dentistry has to offer. Years and years of research have gone into the dental implants in use today. Dental implants are much more tooth friendly than traditional bridgework. Dental implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support nor do the neighboring teeth need to be prepared to be part of the bridgework. With optimal conditions and in the hands of a skilled dentist, dental implants can look as natural as your own teeth. Only you and your dentist would ever know you even have one. This gives patients the utmost in self confidence giving them the ability to broadly smile as well as eat as they choose. People missing teeth are generally self conscious about their smile and appearance. Following successful placement and restoration, dental implant patients can expect them to last a lifetime if they maintain good oral hygiene. Modern dental implants can play a few roles in tooth or teeth replacement. These include: Replacement of one or more teeth without affecting the neighboring teeth. Act as support for a bridge. This will eliminate the need for a removable partial denture. Provide support and stability for a denture. Attaching a denture over dental implants make the denture more secure and comfortable. This is also called an implant supported overdenture. Dental Implants and their advantages over Traditional Dentistry -Cosmetics. When done properly dental implants will look and feel like your own teeth. Another plus is that since dental implants are placed directly in bone they prevent bone loss and gingival recession that happens over time in areas where teeth are missing. No one but you and your dentist will ever know you have a dental implant. -Dental Implants allow conservation of tooth structure. Dental implants allow the dentist to save your adjacent teeth from preparations. A traditional bridge requires the preparation of neighboring teeth. Utilizing dental implants is a long term benefit to the patients dental health by saving their natural tooth structure. -Self Confidence. The wonder of dental implants is that they allow patients to talk and eat full of self confidence. Dental implants offer security and freedom. -Highly Predictable. Dental implants have had a long track record of a very high success rate. Due to this they are an excellent option for tooth replacement. Treatment Any treatment for dental implants begins with a thorough examination to develop a proper treatment plan.  Without a good game plan the treatment will be doomed to fail. As mentioned earlier, dental implants are ideal in the following situations: -Single tooth replacement. Dental implants are an ideal option for patients with the quantity and quality of bone necessary to hold an implant. The dental implant will allow you to maintain the natural tooth structure of adjacent teeth while replacing a lost tooth. -Multiple teeth replacement. Dental implants are also ideal in this situation. If you are missing several teeth, implant supported bridges can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots. -Replacing all your teeth. If you are missing all of your teeth, an implant supported full bridge or full denture (also called an implant overdenture) can replace them. This renders traditional dentures to the curb as dental implants used in this fashion will be more stable allowing patients to eat and talk as if they have their own natural teeth. In some cases, patients will need help to allow for placement of dental implants. Luckily, modern dentistry has developed a few procedures to "help" patients along. These include: -Sinus Augmentation.  Dental implants need a good quantity of bone along with good quality of that bone to succeed. The upper jaw is known to have poorer quantity and quality bone structure as opposed to the lower jaw. The maxillary sinus also plays a role in increasing difficulty in this area. Sinus augmentation can remedy these issues by raising the sinus floor and placing bone grafts in the area to aid in dental implant placement. -Ridge Modification. When the bone is not 100% adequate for dental implant placement, dentists are able to make it perfect by performing a dental bone graft. A bone graft is the placement of bone in the jaw to to build it up. This gives an excellent platform for dental implants. Ridge modification has been shown to improve both appearance and long term success of dental implants. Expectations of Patient Following placement of implants and restoration with crowns or dentures, patients can expect a life long restoration that will be stable and cosmetic. Just because these products are man made does not mean oral hygiene should be forgotten and neglected. Dental hygiene must be maintained at a high level if the patient wants to ensure these restorations last. Follow up dental visits are required just as if you had your own natural teeth. If dental implants are well taken care of the patient should expect them to last a lifetime! 2022 - Cosmetic Dentist Henderson NV

Your big day is fast approaching. You have done all the hard work of planning for the wedding. You have chosen the invitiations, the flowers, the caterer, and even your first song to dance to together. You have left nothing to chance to make this your perfect day to start your new lives together. You are wearing a beautiful, flowing white gown, your hair is perfect and you are carrying a rose bouquet fit for a queen as you stare into your partner's eyes. It's exactly how you always imagined your wedding day to be. Then the photographer says "everyone smile". You begin to panic. Afraid that the gap between your front two teeth or your discolored, uneven smile will forever mar the photos. This should be the happiest most worry free day of your life. Instead you are now being self conscious of your smile and appearance. Your wedding day will be celebrated on your anniversary every year and commemorated in beautiful photos that will last the test of time. It is a special occasion you, your family, and your friends will always remember. But how will you and your family look in those photos? Will it be the way you imagined? You have an opportunity to visit your cosmetic dentist and get makeovers that will make your smiles shine like a movie star, and not only in your album. Your makeover will improve your esthetic appearance, your self confidence, and your oral health far into the future. In a recent online poll, almost 80% of those polled planned on visiting their cosmetic dentist before their big wedding day. For many, this will merely include a thorough cleaning to remove stains and plaque/tarter and freshen both their smile and breath. However, a growing number of brides, grooms, and even parents (and grandparents) are seeking cosmetic dentistry procedures or more specifically, a cosmetic dentistry smile makeover, to transform their smile for their special day as well as their own futures. To create your ideal smile of your dreams, you should schedule a visit to your cosmetic dentist in Henderson NV to discuss your concerns regarding your teeth, goals, expectations and timeline for the big event. A good place to start would be to peruse thru magazines and pick out images of smiles that you consider beautiful and attractive. This will help both you and your cosmetic dentist find out what you find attractive. Each person's definition of beauty can vary greatly from patient to patient. During your initial consultaion, you will become educated on the various procedures available to you. A lot of what can be done for you will be based on amount of time until big day and cost. At a minimum, you will probably need a professional cleaning to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy. You will need to have any cavities treated before doing any cosmetic dentistry work. Sometimes the treatment of these cavities can be cosmetic in nature with the use of tooth colored fillings. If you have not already done so, now is a great time to establish healthy oral hygiene habits including proper daily brushing and flossing. For some subtle improvements we may consider teeth whitening and dental bonding (staples of cosmetic dentistry). Both of these options can take place in just a few office visits and produce very attractive, cosmetic results. Porcelain veneers and porcelain crowns are another option that can provide you with longer lasting results that can last from 10 to 20 years with proper oral health care. Porcelain Veneers and Porcelain Crowns typically require a longer lead time to complete properly. It is important to plan this treatment out as far in advance as possible to ensure you have more than enough time prior to your special day. Another procedure in cosmetic dentistry that can play a dramatic role in improving your smile makeover is something called peridontal plastic surgery. This allows you to improve and change your gum tissues and their relationship to your teeth. Periodontal plastic surgery is performed to improve the look of the gum line prior to restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures. If your teeth look short, or if you feel you have a gummy smile, you can dramatically improve your smile in as little as an hour through a procedure called esthetic crown lengthening (also known as gum lift, or gingivoplasty). During this procedure, excess gum and sometimes, bone tissue, is reshaped to expose more of the natural tooth. This can be done to one tooth, or to several teeth to even your gum line, and expose a wider and more beautiful smile. The following cosmetic dentistry procedures can be used to dramatically alter your smile for your big day: -One Visit Teeth Whitening or at home teeth whitening. Usually completed in one visit our in office teeth whitening procedure is fast, effective, and long lasting. Imagine how wonderful it would be to walk into your cosmetic dentist's office with stained, discolored teeth and walk out with a bright, sparkling wedding picture ready smile. The cosmetic dentist will also give you custom made trays to take home so you are able to maintain that pearly white smile for a lifetime. At home teeth whitening is also available but will take longer than one hour. It generally takes about 2-4 weeks depending on discoloration. -Dental Bonding. If your teeth are badly stained or damaged, your cosmetic dentist may recommend dental bonding to restore them to their natural beauty. Bonding involves the use of a tooth colored material that allows the dentist to shape, contour, and polish to look like your natural teeth. It is very effective if you have just a few teeth that need work. Dental bonding is a durable, long lasting cosmetic dentistry procedure to achieve that amazing look on your wedding day. This procedure can often be performed in one visit. -Porcelain Veneers or Porcelain Crowns. This would be the ultimate cosmetic dentistry restoration available. This is generally reserved for patients with more extensive cosmetic issues. More extensive staining or damage that would be unable to get the result we want with other methods or techniques. A porcelain veneer is a permanent, custom made, ultra-thin shell that is permanently adhered to your natural tooth structure. Each one is custom made to look as good, if not better, than your natural teeth. Porcelain crowns are needed if you need full coverage over your teeth for repair of tooth structure. A porcelain crown gives the advantage over traditional crowns in terms of esthetics as well as not having a dark metal line present along the gum line. -Orthodontics. Braces are not just for children and teenagers anymore. The heavy silver braces you may remember are not the only option anymore. Modern cosmetic dentistry has moved past this to newer materials that are more esthetically pleasing. In their place dentists are able to use clear or even "invisible" braces. Braces can help straighten crooked teeth, reduce crowding or close spaces where teeth do not meet properly. While technology has changed the appearance of braces, they still do not work overnight. Start treatment as early as possible if you want a perfectly straight smile by your wedding day. A Cosmetic Dentistry Smile Makeover in Las Vegas Will Make You Shine On Your Special Wedding Day! Your wedding will be remembered forever by both you and your husband but also by your family and friends. A wedding smile makeover will give you a fantastic new smile that will still look great long after the honeymoon is over. All of this thanks to cosmetic dentistry.

 Periodontal disease (or commonly called gum disease) is a very serious and chronic dental infection of the periodontal tissues that can result in the breakdown of the tissue and the loss of bone that surrounds and supports your teeth. This dental infection disease begins when bacteria and plaque form a sticky biofilm on your teeth and causes periodontal tissue inflammation. Periodontal disease will continue a downward progression if not resolved by maintaining proper dental care and hygiene. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Scientific studies show that somewhere between 75% and 95% of all adults are suffering from some stage of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease and tooth decay (cavities) are caused by different types of bacteria and are considered two separate and distinct conditions. However, you can suffer from both issues. Poor oral hygiene promotes the risk of both cavities and gum disease.  Swollen and receding gums open up the more vulnerable areas of the tooth...The root areas are not protected by enamel and can break down quickly to form root decay. On the flip side, in patients with significant tooth decay, the broken down teeth allow for food trap areas that keep periodontal tissue chronically inflamed. Symptoms of periodontal disease By paying attention to these warning signs of gum disease, you can monitor your oral health. -Red, swollen, soft, or bleeding gums -Gingiva that retracts and separates from the teeth. -Abnormal tooth hypersensitivity, especially around the gingival line. -Tooth mobility and pain during chewing -Bad breath (halitosis) If you notice any of these symptoms, ask your dentist to evaluate them.  "Better Smile, Better Life" Treatment of periodontal disease If you are diagnosed with gum disease, treatment may vary depending on the severity of your case. Some of these gum disease treatments will include: -Scaling And Root Planing Therapy. In the early stages of gingival inflammation or gingival disease, nonsurgical treatment may restore periodontal health. Scaling and root planing can sometimes be referred to as advanced cleaning. Scaling is a deep cleaning technique that gently removes plaque and tartar from the above and below the gumline of the teeth. You may be placed on a three-month hygiene schedule following scaling and root planing until your oral health becomes controlled. The root planing removes plaque and tartar from the root's surface, which is the area of ​​coarse spots that trap and retain bacteria. Once the gums are clean, the gum tissue can begin to heal. -Periodontal gum surgery. Suppose the periodontal pocketing around your teeth is too deep, and it is difficult to clean your teeth with at-home dental hygiene or regular professional care. In that case, you can also choose a procedure to reduce the pocketing. During this procedure, the dentist or periodontist makes an incision in the gums to contract the tissue, perform more effective scaling and root scraping under the gum line, and access the roots to clean up bacterial infections. Scaling and root planing helps to reattach the gingival tissue to the bone. -Gingival graft surgery. As periodontal disease progresses and the gums begin to recede, your dentist may recommend periodontal surgery to reshape the gums or add new tissue to cover the exposed roots of the teeth. During this surgery, periodontists remove tissue from the gums, usually the roof of the mouth, to cover the roots and protect the teeth from tooth decay, bone loss, and even recession. -Regenerative procedures. If periodontitis destroys the bones that support the teeth, regenerative procedures can help repair the damage. After a periodontist exposes the roots and removes the bacteria, he or she transplants bone into the area around the teeth to stimulate your body to repair lost bone and tissue. Once healed, if you have sufficient bone, you may be a candidate for a dental implant.  -Tooth Extraction. In the worst cases of chronic periodontitis, bone loss is so severe that it can no longer support the tooth and requires tooth extraction. Prevention Because you cannot completely reverse the effects of periodontitis and the advanced stages of gum disease, the symptoms of gum disease should be identified and addressed as soon as possible. Your dentist should establish a preventive care routine before the gum disease progresses further than it has. -Practice good oral hygiene with daily brushing and dental floss. If done correctly, remove plaque from your teeth to prevent plaque from accumulating. Also, visit your dentist every six months for professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar that are out of reach. Your dentist or periodontal specialist may recommend more frequent visits and develop a more aggressive oral health treatment plan if you already have gum disease. Other Risk Factors Of Gum Disease -Genetics. Some people are genetically more susceptible to gum disease than others, but that is inevitable. Proper oral care can prevent or control periodontal disease. Your dentist may also recommend orthodontic treatment for misaligned or crooked teeth. Some patients are also born with a weakened immune system which is another factor. -Bruxism. This habit can exacerbate the symptoms of existing periodontal disease by exerting excessive force on the teeth and accelerating the destruction of gingival tissue and supporting bone. Your dentist can create custom mouthguards to reduce pressure on teeth and support structures. -Tobacco Use. Smoking makes it harder for the immune system to fight infections, increases the risk of periodontal disease for tobacco users, and increases their resistance to treatment. Smokers collect more tartar in their teeth, develop deeper pockets to hold bacteria, and lose more bone as the gum disease progresses. Stopping smoking is an important step in the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. -Medications. Some drugs cause dry mouth, and lack of saliva increases the likelihood of plaque sticking to your teeth. Some medications cause inflammation of the gums and increase the chances of catching plaque.  -Systemic Disease. Some illnesses can increase the risk of gum disease and make oral health difficult to maintain. Whether it is a disease like diabetes that lowers the immune response or an inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, the prevention and treatment of gum disease can be more difficult. It is even more important to have good disease control. Rheumatoid arthritis will also hamper oral hygiene due to decreased dexterity in some patients. -Poor Nutrition. Proper nutrition is essential for the immune system and healthy oral function. Severe vitamin C deficiency, commonly known as scurvy, can cause gum bleeding. Poor nutrition is an often overlooked risk factor.  -Stress Management. Stress weakens the immune system, making it difficult to fight periodontal disease-related infections and reducing the effectiveness of treatment. Hormonal-changing hormones change the environment in the mouth, so events such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause temporarily increase the risk of periodontal disease. Other health effects of periodontal disease Unfortunately, the effects of periodontal disease go beyond your mouth, and researchers are increasingly finding an association between gum disease and your overall health. Some of these health problems are: -Heart disease. Periodontal disease increases the risk of arterial occlusion and can worsen the condition of the existing heart. -Stroke. Periodontal disease can also increase the risk of stroke caused by the occlusion of arteries. -Respiratory disease. Bacteria from the mouth can spread to the lungs, causing lung infections and exacerbating the condition of existing lungs. Immunosuppressed adults with periodontal disease are at increased risk of severe pneumonia. -Premature birth. Gum disease during pregnancy in immunosuppressed people can increase the likelihood of preterm birth and low birth weight of the baby. -Diabetes mellitus. Gum disease can make it more difficult for diabetics to control their blood sugar levels than for healthy gums. Gingivitis The earliest stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis (or simply inflammation of the gum tissues). Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontal disease. Symptoms include red, swollen (or puffy), and inflamed gums due to plaque-bacteria buildup. The gums may also bleed easily during brushing or eating hard foods. You can reverse this periodontal disease stage thru proper brushing, flossing, and professional dental care. If the required dental care does not occur, the periodontal disease will progress. Most people with gingivitis do not even know a dental problem exists. This is a crucial period for the patient, as the condition can be reversed (since the bone and connective tissue that hold the teeth in place have not yet been adversely affected) at this point if it is recognized, diagnosed, and properly treated. Gingivitis is commonly seen during puberty, pregnancy, times of high stress, and menopause, as raging hormones can make you more prone to inflammation. As for the rest of the population, poor dental hygiene is generally the most common cause, followed by medication and certain medical conditions. Periodontitis (Advanced Periodontal Disease) As periodontal disease progresses, it is now becoming harder to treat and control. The difference between gingivitis and periodontitis is that gingivitis only infects the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth. At the same time, the periodontal disease process also invades the bone that provides support and stability for the teeth. The bacteria eventually invades past the initial gum line area, and destruction begins to the point that gums may begin to separate or pull away from the teeth (taking away support and connective fibers with it). The results are called periodontal pockets. These pockets allow for bacteria to invade below the gum line.   They eventually become loaded with toxic plaque and bacteria that move and work their way deeper. It begins to erode the bone below the gum line. A patient's bite will be affected (as the teeth shift or loosen) by the lost support, affecting chewing and other daily functions. Advanced Periodontitis (Advanced Periodontal Disease) As the periodontal disease process advances further, the fibers and bone supporting the teeth are broken down and destroyed. At least half (50%) of the bone support (if not more) will have broken down at this late stage of periodontal disease. It does not grow back naturally. Teeth may begin to loosen. Deep root cleanings and surgical intervention are typical at this stage. Further treatment may include cleaning with a periodontal microscope (Perioscope), grafting of tissue, bone, placement of growth factors (Emdogain), periodontal antibiotic regimen (Periostat), placement of antibiotics directly into pockets (Arestin), open periodontal flap surgery, and, possibly even tooth removal. How Do I Know If I Have Periodontal Disease? Periodontal disease can happen to a person of any age. It is most common among adults. Remember, if periodontal disease is detected in its earliest stages, it can be reversed, so it is important to see your dentist right away if you notice any of the following symptoms: -Gums that are red, puffy or inflamed, or tender. -Gums that bleed easily during routine brushing or flossing. -Teeth that appear longer due to recession of gum tissue. -Changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite or chew. -Pus coming from between your teeth and gums -Bad breath odor or a bad taste in your mouth. What Advanced Treatments Are Available? -Pocket Reduction Surgery (also called Flap surgery). In this procedure, your periodontist makes tiny incisions in your gum so that a section of gum tissue can be lifted back, exposing the roots for more effective scaling and planing. Because periodontitis often causes bone loss, Your dentist may recontour the underlying bone before the gum tissue is sutured back in place. The procedure generally takes from one to three hours and is performed under local anesthesia. -Soft tissue grafts. Gum tissue is often lost as part of the periodontal disease process making your teeth appear longer than normal. You may need to have damaged tissue replaced to return your cosmetic appearance to normal. This procedure can help reduce further gum recession, cover exposed roots and give your teeth a more cosmetically pleasing appearance. -Bone graft. This procedure is needed when periodontitis has destroyed the bone surrounding your tooth. The bone graft helps prevent tooth loss by holding your tooth in place. It also serves as a platform for the regrowth of natural bone. -Antibiotics and medicaments - A wide array of antibacterial rinses(Peridex), antibiotics taken in pill form (Periostat), or localized placement directly into the affected pockets(Arestin) can aid in and promote healing of the affected gum tissue. -Guided tissue regeneration. This allows the regrowth of bone that was destroyed by bacteria. Your dentist places a special piece of biocompatible fabric between the existing bone and your tooth in one approach. The material prevents unwanted tissue from entering the healing area, allowing bone to grow back instead. By scheduling regular dental examinations, early-stage periodontal disease can be treated before leading to a much more serious condition. If your periodontal disease is more advanced, gum disease will require treatment in the dental office. Periodontal disease can be managed and controlled for most patients. Following a routine of brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist should be enough for most to keep periodontal disease at bay. 2022 - Cosmetic Dentist Henderson NV

There is a new weapon in the arsenal of the cosmetic dentist in Las Vegas. That weapon is the Snap On Smile. This a quick and easy way to get that Hollywood smile makeover you always dreamed of but were afraid or unable to have the work done. Snap-On Smile is a great cosmetic solution without the typical associated expenses.  It is a painless and simple way to beautify your smile. The end results can be as temporary or permanent as you desire. It is a totally reversible procedure. There is no need for anesthesia, no need for drilling and no need for adhesives. The dental appliance can be worn when eating and drinking and is a great solution for those that have stained, chipped, crooked or missing teeth. The Snap on Smile is ideal for patients seeking a non invasive, reversible and affordable approach to cosmetic dentistry. Patients see an immediate boost in confidence and self-esteem. Patients are impressed with how natural their Snap-On Smile looks and feels. They are amazed that such a cosmetic result can occur in such a short time. The custom made Snap-On Smile is fabricated in as little as 2-3 weeks. Snap-On Smile can be used as an aesthetic temporary for dental implant restorations, as cosmetic removable partial dentures, and even as a long term enhancement of your smile. Snap-On Smile is created from a patented, super thin dental resin that is custom fabricated to create an attractive, aesthetic smile. It can be used to cover both upper and lower teeth.  The easy process required for Snap On Smile procedures is quick and painless, and costs less than dental bridges, porcelain veneers or dental implants. Only two visits to your dentist office are required for Snap-On Smile. One visit to take an impression of your mouth and to select the color and shape of your new Snap-On Smile teeth and a second visit to receive a final fitting of your beautiful new teeth so you can wear them home.  Snap-On Smile can last for up to five years with proper maintenance. Snap-on Smile is an excellent choice for: 1) Spaces or gaps, crooked, stained or patients with missing teeth. 2) Patients who are not ideal candidates for bridges or implants. 3) Anyone interested in a Hollywood smile without the expense and discomfort of extensive cosmetic dental procedures. 4) Patients who have a traditional removable partial denture and wants a great looking, more comfortable alternative. Snap-On Smile may not be ideal for everyone. Please see your dentist to get a full evaluation. As always, please maintain a regular schedule to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you are ready for a smile makeover, contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no cost cosmetic consultation appointment. We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams.

Have you ever caught yourself staring at the perfect smiles seen on TV, in the movies, and in magazines . . . the smiles of  Hollywood actors and actresses, and models? Have you ever wondered, "How did they get that perfect, white smile? Odds are, those celebrities were not born with pearly white smiles.  These smiles were likely designed and created just for them with the help of a cosmetic dentist. The good news? Anyone can enjoy the perfect Hollywood smile, with the assistance of a cosmetic dentist and porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers (also referred to as porcelain laminates) are super thin, custom fabricated shells of tooth colored porcelain designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your smile's overall aesthetic appearance. These shells are adhesively bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, width, and/or length. Versatile and very strong, porcelain veneers are used in a variety of ways to transform your smile, from complete smile makeovers to repairing a chipped tooth. Porcelain veneers are custom made from a high quality dental porcelain that has similar light reflecting properties as our natural teeth. Porcelain veneers are excellent at resisting stains and they mimic our natural teeth's light reflecting properties. They are the cosmetic dentist's greatest tool for elevating a normal smile to a Hollywood smile. Porcelain Veneers are regularly used to fix the following issues: -Teeth that are stained or discolored. Teeth can become stained or discolored from root canal treatment, from tetracycline or other drugs, excessive fluoride, or the presence of large resin fillings that have discolored over time. -Teeth that are worn down from use or grinding of teeth. -Teeth that are broken or chipped. -Teeth that are misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped. Porcelain veneers are sometimes referred to as "Instant Orthodontics". -Teeth with gaps or spaces between them. Porcelain Veneers are able to cosmetically close those spaces. Making the decision to have porcelain veneers is the first step. The entire process usually takes 3-4 visits, one for a consultation and two to make and apply the porcelain veneers. There is sometimes an added appointment following the consultation where the dentist will show the patient a mock up model. This model will be of your teeth where the dentist has waxed onto those teeth what the porcelain veneers will look like on your smile. It is a great visual reference for you to decide the course of treatment for you. This can also be done via software on a computer. One tooth or many teeth can simultaneously undergo the treatment described in the following paragraphs. Consultation/Diagnosis and Treatment Planning. This first step involves your active input. Explain to your dentist what you want in the final result. During this appointment, your cosmetic dentist will examine your teeth to make sure porcelain veneers are appropriate for you and explain to you what the procedure involves and some of its drawbacks. They may take X-rays and possibly make impressions of your teeth as study models. These models will be used by the dentist to do a mock up of the final result. The dentist will prepare the teeth on the model and sculpt wax over them to give you a visual representation of the final product. This is an important step. Preparing the Teeth for Porcelain Veneers. A dentist must remove  about 1/2 millimeter of enamel from the tooth surface, which is an amount nearly equal to the thickness of the porcelain veneers to be added back to the tooth.  Before beginning, you and your dentist will decide the need for a local anesthetic to numb the area. Next, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth. This model is sent out to a dental laboratory, which in turn constructs your custom porcelain veneer. It takes about 1-2 weeks for the laboratory technicians to complete the process. Temporary veneers are placed using a resin material until the final veneers are ready. Dental Bonding. Before the porcelain veneers are permanently bonded to your tooth, the dentist will check for fit and color by temporarily placing it on the tooth. If they fit properly and the color shade is correct the dentist will go on to prepare your tooth, your tooth will be cleaned, polished, and etched (this is a process whereby your tooth surface is roughened up chemically at the microscopic level).  A special adhesive is applied to the porcelain veneers and the veneer or veneers are methodically placed on your tooth. When the they are in the right position, your dentist will apply a special light to the porcelain veneers.  This activates chemicals in the adhesive, causing it to cure. The final steps involve removing any excess adhesive, evaluating your bite and making any final adjustments in the porcelain veneers as needed. Your dentist may ask you to return for a follow-up visit in a couple of weeks. This is to ensure you are happy with the final result as well as checking the gum tissue surrounding the new porcelain veneers. There are some disadvantages to porcelain veneers: -The procedure is not reversible. -Porcelain Veneers are not repairable. If they break, a new one will need to be custom  fabricated in the laboratory. -The color cannot be changed once the porcelain veneers are in place. So both dentist and patient must be sure they are happy with color prior to final placement of the porcelain veneers. It does happen on occasion that the color is not what is desired from the laboratory and they are sent back to be remade. It is of the utmost importance for the patient to be happy and satisfied with the final result. -Porcelain veneers can fall off or chip. The material is very strong but patients who grind their teeth, bite their nails or chew on pencils will be more susceptible to this occurring. -The teeth under the porcelain veneers are still susceptible to tooth decay. Patients need to be made aware of maintaining proper oral hygiene. Porcelain veneers can be brushed, and flossed just like your own teeth. You should not even know they are in your mouth as they are bonded to your natural tooth structure. Imagine. In just a few short visits, you can have an amazing Hollywood smile . . . a smile that has been custom designed just for you. A smile that is straighter and whiter than you could have imagined. You'll be looking younger and feeling more confident. And it's all possible with your cosmetic dentist and porcelain veneers.

Are you concerned about the health of your mouth? Maintaining a healthy and sparkling smile is possible by brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Additionally, the cleaning of your interdental spaces ensures that your mouth will be healthier overall. What are the reasons inter-dental cleaning is needed? It is well known that plaque builds up between the spaces of your teeth, which toothbrushes can’t reach. As a result, you could develop problems like tooth decay, gingivitis, and even bad breath over time. By brushing your teeth regularly, you can avoid this to happen. Inter-dental brushing is a good way to prevent that from happening. What is inter-dental brushing? This is a new concept in terms of oral hygiene, with an interdental brush, you are able to brush the spaces between your teeth that are not accessible by your regular toothbrush. Brushing your teeth twice on a daily basis by using an inter-dental brush, aside from your regular toothbrush, is an effective way to keep your gums and teeth healthy and prevent gum diseases. Cleaning between your teeth may cause your gums to bleed and feel sore, but if there is no improvement after a few days, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist. In most cases, gingivitis is characterized by bleeding gums. Since inter-dental brushing comes in a variety of sizes, it is so hard to decide the one that is best suited for you. That is why it is always a good idea to seek advice from your dentist. Here are some tips that you can consider before you started. As you see your face in the mirror, run the brush between your teeth, and close to your gum line. Work up from the smallest size brush up to the point that the bristles are in contact with your gum line and tooth surface. Brushes should fit snugly, but the wire should not touch the gums or teeth since it is plastic-coated. Avoid forcing the brush into gaps. Once the interdental brush is fully inserted, make sure to rotate it back and forth two or three times. Maintain daily oral hygiene by cleaning all interdental spaces. Depending on your interdental spaces, you may need two to three brushes or a combination of two or three brushes and floss. How should interdental brushes be used? In order to obtain the best results from interdental cleaning, the right technique is important. In general, it is quite simple to use and you will get into the habit of using it, once you get familiar with it, Brush between the front teeth gently with a straight interdental brush. When brushing between gaps, you should not force it, but rather work gently or choose a smaller brush size. Brush your teeth back and forth several times with the interdental brush. For cleaning the back teeth, bend the soft neck slightly and use a small interdental brush. You can use your finger to help you reach your back teeth, otherwise, you can also get an interdental brush with a longer handle. By slightly bending the wire of a larger brush, gives better access to the back teeth. You’ll be able to make the brush use a little longer by not bending it at an angle or hold it straight.

Posted by Contident

$0 down. Payment plans available. Valid Aug 1 - Aug 31 Need dental work but it's not in your budget? Great news! We offer payment plans starting with $0 down. Call our office today to choose the right payment option for you at (225) 755-9603! #gbrdental #prairievilledentist #portallendentist #smilemore #paymentplans #carecredit

Posted by GBR Dental

Valid Aug 1 - Aug 31 Providing top-quality dental care and an exceptional patient experience is our top priority! Right now, we are running a new patient special which includes an exam and x-rays for only $79! Call (225) 755-9603 to schedule your appointment and experience the difference. #gbrdentalclinic #prairievilledentist #portallendentist #smilemore #5starexperience #5stardentist #dentalcare #Selfcare #PortAllen #Prairieville #BatonRouge #Gonzales

Posted by GBR Dental

Patient Referral Contest! Valid Aug 1 - Aug 31 Starting off the month with great specials and prizes! Tell a friend about our $79 new patient special and enter for a chance to win the Oculus Quest 2- a virtual reality game experience like no other. Call (225) 755-9603 NOW to schedule an appointment and increase your chances! #gbrdental #prairievilledentist #portallendentist #smilemore #newpatients #oculusquest2 #chancetowin

Posted by GBR Dental

What is a DentalCAD/CAM Block? Dental CAD CAM blocks are a tool that allows dentists to create 3D models and calculate the treatment plan. This device was first used in 1825 by John Crawford, a dentist who made a surgical instrument. The device would be used to place an image of the user's teeth onto it and then as a guide when taking measurements. Later, dentists used the device to create 3D models for patients' teeth. This was to ensure that they were following all procedures to achieve a good result. Why a TraditionalCAD/CAM Block is not always appropriate for Dental Practice There are many emerging technologies in today's world. One of these is CAD CAM block. A CAD CAM block is software that allows dental practices to design and fabricate prosthetic teeth in their office. Although CAD CAM blocks have been around for some time, what makes them unique from other CAD CAM blocks? They aren't just for one industry, but can be used by all companies and industries. The increasing popularity of CAD CAM blocks has been due to the fact that it allows dental offices to save time and money, rather than buying products from outside vendors. What is a Dental CAD/CAM/CAM Block? Dentists use dental CAD CAM blocks to create and communicate with their patients. These blocks consist of a computerized system with a monitor and a mouse. A dentist can create a model of the patient's mouth using CAD CAM software. Once they have the model, they can create any type of dental prosthesis that they require to make the patient smile. dental wax blocks What are the advantages of using a DentalCAD/CAM Blocks? Dentists can improve their workflow with dental CAD CAM blocks. This is a cost-effective option. These blocks allow dentists to create high-quality digital models from patient's teeth. They can also be used for research and education. Dentists have used dental CAD CAM blocks such as dental pmma blocks since the 1980s, but it has only recently become more common. These devices offer many benefits for your practice. These are just a few of the many benefits that these devices can bring to your practice. 1) Cost savings - Dental camd byr teeth whitening is less expensive than traditional methods such as hand crafting and 3D printing. It provides better detail than traditional methods. 2) Improved workflow: This device allows dentists create high-quality digital models for patient's teeth.  

Posted by Januarydental