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It’s very upsetting for any parent to witness their child suffering from any kind of dental discomfort, but sometimes, it’s pretty hard to determine whether the situation is an emergency or not. When it comes to dental situations, a good rule of thumb is to consider any cry of pain as an emergency. Your child may be suffering from a dental issue that is not visible to the naked eye. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to be prepared for situations before they occur. In times of emergency, a quick and appropriate response can make a world of difference. Here are some of the more common dental emergencies in children and how to deal with them before you get to the dentist’s office. What to do when your child has a toothache One of these days, your kids will complain about their aching tooth. When it happens, don’t panic and focus on checking for the cause of the ache instead. Toothaches are a normal experience growing up, but you need to know the root of the problem so you can address it appropriately. Cavities and food impaction are two of the most common reasons your child’s tooth is aching. If impacted food is the issue, ask your kid to wash his or her mouth with warm water and then try to dislodge the debris using a string of dental floss. Afterward, rinse the affected area with salt water. In case of swelling, apply a cold compress. However, if you think a hole or cavity in the tooth is the source of the problem, schedule a visit to the dentist as soon as possible to prevent it from developing into an abscess. To relieve your child of dental pain, you may use ibuprofen and acetaminophen, but never rub aspirin or topical pain relievers on the gum or the aching tooth. What to do when your child loses a tooth Tooth loss is commonly caused by accidents and traumatic events; in which case, your child may be in a state of shock and pain. If it’s a baby tooth that was knocked out, there’s very little reason to be concerned since baby teeth will naturally fall off over time. As much as you want to save the tooth, don’t try to reinsert it to avoid any risks to the permanent tooth forming underneath. Sometimes, it’s better to leave baby teeth to the tooth fairy.  A permanent tooth being knocked out, however, is another story. Loss of a permanent tooth requires more immediate attention. If the tooth is clean and without any fractures, you can put it back in its socket and ask the child to bite on a piece of clean cloth to keep it there while you make your way to the dentist. In case you don't feel comfortable putting the tooth back in its socket, place it in a cup containing milk or the child’s saliva. Be sure only to handle the tooth by its crown to prevent any damage to its roots. While it’s vital to have the permanent tooth re-implanted within half an hour after it has been displaced from the socket, more recent cases have proven that it is still possible to successfully put it back even after being out for a more extended period. What to do when a tooth gets chipped or broken In case of a broken or cracked tooth, the first and most important thing that you have to do is make sure that the child has not swallowed any of the smaller pieces or sustained cuts in the mouth. If the broken part is big enough, save it and keep it moist; the dentist may need it to repair the damage later on. With chipped teeth, a more prompt action may be necessary especially if the child is sensing pain or sensitivity in the affected area. This could mean that a tooth nerve is injured, and more complex dental procedures are needed to save the tooth. What to do in case of jaw injury An injured jaw is one of the more critical dental emergencies you can encounter. In the unfortunate chance that your child is suffering from a jaw injury, bring him or her to the dentist or emergency room at once. The child will have to undergo a series of dental and medical exams to check for any fractures in the teeth or jaw. If the situation is beyond your dentist’s capabilities, you may be referred to an oral surgeon.

Are you suffering from problem of crooked teeth but do not want the alignment process to be noticed by other people? Well, good news here is that it is now possible with the help of options such as invisible braces near me or clear ceramic braces near me. The dental cosmetics has undergone several advancements that has resulted in options such as clear ceramic braces, invisible braces, clear retainers etc. that help align crooked teeth without getting that obvious. When you opt for the optionof invisible braces near me then you are going for the braces that are placed behind teeth and are therefore not noticeable to other people. The process of invisible braces in teeth alignment is similar to metal braces with just the difference that their placement is at the back of teeth. People often go for the option of invisible braces near me since they have several benefits like: Enhance confidence: those having great concerns for their appearance find these braces to be best option available due to their invisibility. Customized design: invisible braces are designed specifically for the patients and therefore offer best fit and comfort. Convenient: Those in the field of music or sports find option of invisible braces near me to be more convenient.  For getting proper teeth alignment, clear ceramic braces near me serves to be another beneficial option due to the look and feel that they offer. Brackets are not used in ceramic braces and therefore added comfort is offered to the user. The problems such as eating difficulties, speech issues and irritation etc. caused by traditional braces are evaded by clear ceramic braces. People also opt for clear ceramic braces near me due to the comfort and convenience that they offer. Irritation is prevented and they get adjusted in mouth without any discomfort. Even the wearer forgets that he is using braces since it does not feel like having something in mouth. Clear retainer for painless teeth alignment: After the duration of wearing braces is over, the orthodontic treatment proceeds towards clear retainer. These are used for keeping the alignment of teeth as such so that there is no drift back. There are options of retainers or traditional metal wire but people often opt for clear retainer near me due to their invisibility. Retainers act as envelop for the teeth and are therefore less visible and give a natural look. The fit and comfort offered by clear retainer serves as another major reason why people opt for these. These dental appliances are custom fitted and therefore give a more comfort feeling while wearing. If the clear retainer is of perfect size and adjusts properly then there is less pain. Also, the combination of acrylic at the inner side and plastic material at the front make the biting surface clear and therefore the pain is eliminated. All these points make people go for clear retainer near me for alignment of crooked teeth in the method that is less noticeable and less painful.

Posted by Dr Ivanov

    If you’re a dentist or a dental office manager looking to grow your practice, two important questions trouble you: Is is necessary to promote your dental office (even if you already have a decent client base)? Should you hire a dental marketing company for these dental marketing services or you can have your own team do it? Let’s take them one by one.   Is is necessary to promote your dental office (even if you already have a decent client base)? Let’s take the case where your dental practice is pretty well positioned and you have a steady flow of customers. Why should you bother marketing your dental practice if you are already almost full of patients? The truth is, you shouldn’t. At least not for the short term. But what happens if more and more practices start popping up in your area? Well, here you need to promote your office if you want patients to choose you and not the dentist next door. But what if you don’t have much competition? What if there are only a couple of dental offices in your whole area? Is it still worth it to market your dental office? It’s pretty simple. Let’s say you want to increase profits. And you simply raise prices. What happens then? How do you convey to your potential patients that they should come to you and not go three blocks further to another dentist? Marketing kicks in. A lot of people don’t think about this because they think marketing it’s just about bombarding people with ads. In fact, marketing is communication. You communicate that you are the best in your field. You are communicating that you are the most trusted advisor of your patients. You communicate the fact that it’s safer to go with you than with your competition. Hence the higher price. For all this, you need marketing. Because people who pass by your dental office won’t know this from the logo that’s upfront your practice. Ok, let’s say for now you started taking into account that you need to promote your dental office. Do you hire a dental marketing company or consultant or is it much more effective to do it in-house?   Should you hire a dental marketing company for these dental marketing services or you can have your own team do it? Since this article is written by a dental marketing consultant, you might expect to go with the first choice - hiring a dental marketing specialist. The truth is, it depends and the answer will shock you a bit. Let’s break this question down to see which option suits you best depending on your team structure.    1) Does your team have the time to promote your office? If your team is already full, don’t expect them to do a good job with this. Patient marketing isn’t just about creating some simple dental ads that say: “hey, we are a dental office. Come visit us. We’re great”. Coming up with creative dental marketing ideas (not to mention putting them into a cohesive dental marketing strategy) takes a lot of effort even if you are an expert in the dental industry. And this leads us to our next question.    2) Is your in-house team or person a dental marketing expert? There’s one thing to brainstorm for marketing ideas for your dental office and there’s a completely different thing to put all these ideas into an dental marketing strategy that works. Only a dental marketing expert with experience knows how to prioritise ideas based on effectiveness AND resources. Let me illustrate. Let’s say your dental office needs patients fast. But someone who doesn’t know the marketing channels very well and doesn’t have the proper experience, might suggest to use SEO to get traffic and patients or guest posts on other websites. SEO is a great way to get new patients. But not in this case. Why? Because it takes time until you rank in Google. Depending on your competition it can take from 6 month to 1 year for your website to show up when someone searches for “dentist in + your town”. A better dental marketing strategy would be to get traffic fast through Google Ads or Facebook Ads while investing in SEO for the long term. To conclude this point, if your in-house team doesn’t have marketing experience, it’s better to hire a dental marketing company. But what if you know someone who is good at marketing, should you still outsource the marketing part? You’ll be a little surprised to hear this from a dental marketing consultant, but the answer is no. It’s better to have someone in-house. Why? Two reasons. 1) That person can concentrate full-time to grow your dental practice. A dental marketing company has other practices to focus on too, so they’ll not dedicate full time for your project. 2) An in-house dental marketing consultant can get live feedback. This is crucial. If a patient is not happy with the services or if a patient is amazed by the quality of the services, an in-house dental marketing expert can get all this feedback and incorporate it in his dental marketing plan.   So, should you outsource your dental marketing to a dental marketing company? The answer is no. If you have a marketing expert who can work 100% in your practice, you shouldn’t. But if you have to choose between having your team handling the marketing part for your dental practice and hiring a dental marketing agency, freelancer or consultant, you should outsource it. In the end it will be cheaper and much more effective. 

Orthodontics has gone a long way since its beginnings in the 20th century. Over the last decade, orthodontic technology has taken great leaps especially in the development of more elaborate mechanisms of straightening teeth and improving people’s smiles. Around 20 years ago, braces were the only available option for those who want to achieve the perfect set of teeth. Although today’s braces have undergone dramatic upgrades especially on account of comfort and aesthetics, there has always been a constant search for more innovative choices that better suit the modern lifestyle, yet are just as effective. Orthodontic braces remain as one of the best methods of dental corrections, but a relatively new option has come to the fore. Invisalign presents an interesting alternative that has less impact on appearance and is more convenient to use. The Upsides and Downsides of Dental Braces The past few years have witnessed a rapid advancement in corrective dental procedures, but braces remain to be the most favored and trusted by many -- and for a good reason. Having been around for decades, braces have helped millions of people around the world with their dental issues. Braces are used to address a bevy of teeth problems including crowding, irregular spacing, protrusions, misalignment, and crookedness. Over a set period, dental braces slowly adjust teeth placement to make them look better than before. The dentist regularly maneuvers the metal wires between the brackets to gradually adjust the teeth and bring them to the desired position. Perhaps the biggest selling point of braces is its reputation. Compared to newer methods, it has been proven to deliver the expected results time and time again. Ironically, the same characteristics that people find inconvenient about braces are its most significant advantages. Metal braces are irremovable, so they stay in place and have to be worn 24/7. Because they can’t be removed, the patient has to put up with them despite the temptation to take them off. As such, the treatment time for more severe cases is often much quicker. What many people find unpleasant about braces, however, is the discomfort. It could be challenging to eat a particular food with braces on. The metal and the bracket can also cause mouth sores. Moreover, braces are tricky to clean, but they require thorough brushing and flossing after every meal. Getting food stuck in braces can rot the teeth and lead to tooth decay. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Invisalign Despite having been the favored solution to orthodontic issues that concern crooked teeth and misaligned bites, there are people who do not see metal braces as the ideal answer to their dental concerns for a variety of reasons. For some, braces simply do not fit into their personal style while others cite the discomfort they cause as the main reason why they shy away from getting one. Invisalign presents a more style-friendly and convenient alternative to metal braces. In fact, it is often dubbed as one of the greatest dental breakthroughs in the last decade. The aligners are crafted from clear, hard-soft plastic that fit and slide over the surfaces of the teeth with very little discomfort. They are engineered to apply the right amount of force, slightly shifting the teeth and gradually moving them into the desired position. Dubbed as "invisible braces," Invisalign helps realize the dream of having a beautiful smile without getting in the way of fashion and cosmetic goals. This is not to say, however, that Invisalign is without its fair share of disadvantages. Invisalign is genuinely a great and useful substitute to metal braces, but as with most corrective procedures, they call for commitment. Aside from being the more expensive choice, Invisalign trays demand discipline from the wearers. It is recommended to wear them for at least 22 hours every day and clean them before reinsertion.  Final Thoughts: Which is better? While Invisalign can be easily integrated into a visible and athletic lifestyle, it is only effective when dealing with teeth misalignment and bite irregularities. Dental braces, on the other hand, cover a wider variety and provide solutions to more serious dental issues. Both dental braces and Invisalign are safe and effective means of fixing crooked and misaligned teeth. The better choice, therefore, heavily depends on the case and situation of the person involved. Consult your dentist to find out which treatment is most suitable for you.

Posted by Dental Studio 101

India’s top Dental Implants destination, Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry, based in New Delhi, now has added another feather to their credentials. To help the patients to get the right advice on their dental issues, they have launched All India Toll Free Number: 1800-11-7272. This service is available from Monday to Saturday from 10 AM to 8 PM. People can call to have a telephonic consultation or to address their queries & even to book an appointment with Delhi’s top dental clinic - Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry. Do you have any concern regarding your dental problems or ongoing treatment? Now dial the India Toll Free Number to get expert advice on your dental issues. Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry, India’s leading Dental clinic based in New Delhi, has launched its All India Toll Free Number - 1800-11-7272, where caller’s dental issues can be addressed by the team of specialists of Dr. Kathuria’s Dentistry, New Delhi. With patients coming from more than 30 countries, the clinic is the most preferred dental tourism destination in India from past 18 years. Dr. Kathuria's Dentistry specializes in all dental treatment procedures including dental implants, to provide comfortable fixed teeth to the patients. It is the most effective treatment option to get rid of the dentures & have a quality of life. Dr Kathuria strongly believes in providing a thorough treatment planning on all the dental issues so this initiative should help the masses to address their dental problems. You can visit Delhi Dental website for further information on dental treatments at the dental center.

Implants are like a device which is used to replace the roots of the missing teeth.There are some reasons which make it important to get your implant done: 1.Having perfect teeth will provide you with more confidence. 2.When you lose a tooth the jaw bone which was initially holding that teeth start to dissolve, so getting your implants done will make sure that your jawline is perfectly in shape. 3.Losing of a tooth can affect your chewing style. 4.Losing of a tooth can also affect your style of speech. And this can affect your self-confidence. There are several good dentists abroad so you can also consider getting your dental implants abroad. You can also check for the cost of dental implant online on their respective websites or official pages. There are several tips or oral care tips which you should follow to maintain your implant- 1.Practice good oral hygiene, brush two times a day. Using proper tongue cleaning process and floss to properly clean your teeth. 2.You should quit smoking, as smoking can weaken your tooth. 3.Regularly visit your dentist. Check with your dentist at regular intervals of time. Have a proper check up from time to time. 4.Avoid eating hard foods. Chewing hard foods increase the risk of gum damage and it may result in damaging your teeth as well. Maintaining proper dental hygiene is important. Proper oral care is important to be taken. Even if you are getting your implants done it is important to maintain it with proper care and attention. 

    Nobody looks forward to a check out to the emergency dentist. Whether you just want a routine cavity filled, teeth cleansing or you have a more troublesome situation like gum tissue trouble or a root canal, appropriate level of dentistry is a crucial part of your entire wellness and also health. Opposite to what some individuals presume, proper level of dental work is not a solution. Earlier than making a decision which certain Toothache Emergency Dentist to use, patients have to do their research study to search a qualified dental practitioner that is near to where they are functioning or living, takes their dental insurance coverage strategy or has cutthroat rates, has a reasonable waiting time, as well as has a tender bedside manner. Searching a Walk in Dentist that is completely fulfill these requirements can be difficult as there are so many to pick from. Most of individuals that are searching a Walk In Dentist Houston would certainly make use of an online directory, phonebook, or ask a good friend for a recommendation. Also as the last 2 would certainly obtain you a huge checklist of expert dental professionals, they do not provide you with any independent info on the dentist's quality of solution, bedside way, waiting times, or whether he is charging reasonable prices or takes your insurance protection strategy. People have to be mainly careful of sites that state to note "leading specialist dental professionals" as well as desire the client to complete a type in addition to their email address and also a few other important information to exposure to the expert dental practitioner. Typically, the simply standard to be perfectly detailed as a finest dental practitioner is to pay the website a small fee, suggesting that the website offers the person say goodbye to worth than if he shut their eyes and selected a Walk in Dentist Near me out of the telephone directory at randomly manner. Also as asking a buddy for a feasible testimonial can be useful for some individuals, a close friend possibly just identifies a couple of dental practitioners. These sorts of dental experts can not take your insurance policy plan, can charge various prices that are really high, or their clinic can not appropriate to where you are functioning or living. Asking some close friends to suggest a dentist is not practical for some of us. The best method to browse the very best specialist dentist is to inspect dental practitioner rankings, evaluations and suggestions composed by your pals and also some others people online. Make use of a service that enables you contact the dental professional to ask some questions regarding prices, insurance policy, appointment times or something else without showing your personal get in touch with details. You can ask your good friends some inquiries concerning the evaluations they have actually stated for more information. At the time, you prepare to evaluate a skilled dental practitioner, make use of a solution which allows you to regulate the discretion of your testimonials thus you can verify that the people who review the evaluations are the only ones that you really feel unwinded sharing them with. Afterwards you have to look a dental professional, make use of a self-determining evaluations solution as well as choose the most effective specialist.    

People experience dental issues all the time. More often than not, those dental issues are of the type that can wait until morning or even a few days before we seek the help of a dental professional. If you have a toothache, for example, it isn’t necessary to drive immediately to the dentist the moment you start feeling some discomfort. The same goes for losing a filling or a crown. Some dental problems, however, require the immediate attention of an emergency dentist, especially when they are causing severe pain or are life-threatening. So what situations are considered as dental emergencies? Knocked-out tooth One of the most common dental emergencies out there is a knocked-out tooth. This dental situation can happen to anyone, from people who play contact sports to children who get tripped on the playground. It can even happen at home, where a lot of accidents happen. Those who get a tooth or more out of their mouths will typically be in pain from the impact alone.  Then the trauma sets in, and the aching and soreness will feel more magnified, especially when it starts to swell. It would be great if you can immediately bring the patient straight to the emergency dentist, but before you leave, make an effort to retrieve the knocked-out tooth. After all, it stands a good chance of being reimplanted as long as it’s done within 30 minutes of the accident. When you do find the tooth, pick it up by the crown, rinse it to remove any debris, and put it in a glass of milk or water. To help relieve the pain, apply a cold compress to the affected area. Giving him or her pain medication like Ibuprofen will also help. Fractured tooth There are a variety of reasons why your teeth might crack or fracture. Any impact to the mouth area from accidents or blows can cause a tooth to crack. If you grind your teeth during sleep, then the pressure will likely do some damage. You’re also bound to suffer a broken tooth if you chew or bite on hard food like hard candy or nuts. Your teeth might also crack due to abrupt changes in temperature inside your mouth, like drinking hot coffee one minute then drinking ice-cold water the next. On the surface, a cracked tooth doesn’t seem that dangerous. However, a crack could easily worsen into a complete break, and the area would be jagged and sharp enough to cut your tongue, which would cause unnecessary pain and possible infection. Speaking of pain, you may also experience a lot of it if the break is close to the nerve. Any pressure you put on it, like chewing on food, may increase your discomfort to intolerable levels. Before you drive to the emergency dentist, relieve some of that pain by rinsing your mouth with warm water. Doing so would also help remove any tiny piece of your tooth that might still be in your mouth. If there’s any swelling, then apply a cold compress to the affected area outside of your face. You can also choose to take pain relievers. Abscessed tooth Caused by a bacterial infection, an abscessed tooth is typically a pocket of pus that may cause a lot of pain. Aside from a nasty and persistent toothache, a dental abscess may also cause fever, tender lymph nodes in the net, and some swelling in the face. There is also a correlation between tooth infections and heart disease, making an abscessed tooth one of the most dangerous dental emergencies out there. Make an appointment with your emergency dentist at the first sign of pain from what you suspect to be an abscessed tooth. Do not delay this, because the infection can spread to your jaw and complicate everything. If you’re experiencing any of the above or any other dental problem that requires urgent treatment to ease severe pain, save a tooth, or address a life-threatening situation, then you have a dental emergency. While regular dentists can help, the round-the-clock availability of emergency dentists makes them the best people to run to when faced with a severe dental situation.

Having wisdom teeth removed isn't usually something teens are excited about, but with some preparation and care, having your teen's wisdom teeth removed can be a relatively smooth process. Read this article provided by Melbourne Dental to learn more Why Get Wisdom Teeth Removed? The average age for the removal of wisdom teeth is 18 to 24 years old but depending on individual development can occur earlier or later. The reason for this window of time is that your oral surgeon wants the roots of the teeth to be close to fully formed to allow for easier manipulation during extraction while your child is also still young enough to avoid many of the dental complications that can result from leaving the teeth in too long. Waiting too long to remove wisdom teeth can cause pain, gum irritation, crowding, and the pressure may adversely affect the health of adjacent teeth. When it is time for your teen to have their wisdom teeth removed, their regular dentist is usually the first person to bring up the need for the procedure. If your teen complains of pain in their gums or teeth in the very back of their mouth, this could indicate that their wisdom teeth are beginning to erupt and necessitates a trip to the dentist for a consultation. Typically, your dentist will order x-rays and if they determine that the time is right for wisdom teeth removal, will refer your teen to an oral surgeon. Proper Preparation Before your consultation, it helps to have a list of questions prepared to ask the surgeon to make sure you and your teen fully understand the procedure and what to expect. Ask your teen what their concerns are before meeting with the surgeon. Often teens can be apprehensive about the surgery but don't mention it to the surgeon during the consultation. Understanding their concerns before the appointment will allow you to to make sure your teen has all their questions answered during the meeting without putting them on the spot. Having a notebook and pen on hand can be useful to jot down any instructions. It is also helpful to have a few dates in mind as options for scheduling the procedure. Every person has a different post-op experience with wisdom teeth removal. Your teen might breeze through the process with little discomfort or swelling. However, it's likely that your teen may need a few days of downtime afterward. Scheduling the procedure at a time when you have few obligations or must-attend events is ideal. Many parents and teens opt to slate the surgery during a break from school to allow for adequate recovery time. Your teen may have limitations on physical activity afterward so be sure to discuss with the doctor any sports or activities your child participates in and when they can anticipate being able to resume these activities. Your surgeon will discuss options for sedation and any additional instructions such as using an antiseptic mouthwash before the surgery and recommendations for eating and drinking beforehand. A day or two before the procedure, you'll want to make a trip to the store to stock up on soft, easy-to-eat foods that your teen enjoys. The doctor will likely recommend soft, not liquid, meals for up to a week after the surgery. Being prepared before the surgery will prevent the need for last minute trips to the store when you want to stay with your teen. Some ideas for soft foods include ice cream, applesauce, gelatin, pudding, soups, smoothies, soft scrambled eggs, and well-cooked macaroni and cheese. The dentist will advise your teen against using a straw, to avoid dry sockets, so be sure to have them eat their smoothies, shakes, and ice cream with a spoon instead. Adequate nutrition and hydration are essential for healing. Surgery Day The day of the surgery, be sure that your teen has followed instructions for refraining from food and drink if that is what the surgeon recommends. You'll want to have them wear comfortable clothes. If they are getting IV sedation, a short-sleeved shirt allows for more comfortable placement. Typically the surgeon will allow you to remain with your child until they are ready to begin. Barring any extenuating circumstances, wisdom tooth removal will likely take approximately 45 to 60 minutes. Your child's procedure may take less time while more complicated extractions may take somewhat longer. Your surgeon will tell you what to expect and when the staff will call you back to the recovery room. Your child will remain in recovery until the surgeon is satisfied that they are sufficiently awake and aware after the anesthesia wears off. While your teen is in recovery, the staff at the office will give you instructions on how to care for your teen in the next hours and days. Their advice will depend on if your teen has sutures at the surgical site or not and other individual factors that are specific to each person and procedure. Aftercare The surgeon will likely prescribe pain medication to take after surgery. Your teen will still be numb for several hours after their appointment, but you will want to give them their pain medication before the numbness wears off to keep ahead of the pain. Your teen will have gauze in place after their surgery. Follow the doctor's instructions on when to change the dressing and how long to leave it in. For most uncomplicated extractions, the gauze can be discarded shortly after returning home as long as the bright-red bleeding has stopped. As with most pain medication, your teen will probably have to take their meds with food, so it is essential to have soft, palatable options on hand. Your teen will likely be tired and wanting to rest; plan for some quiet downtime for the remainder of the day for recovery. As you are well aware, teens have a lot of energy and can balk at any limitations. Your teen may insist they feel well enough to resume their regular activities, but it is a good idea to encourage them to take it easy for a few days. Depending on your teen's interests, you may want to stock up on movies or books or load up the Netflix queue. Your surgeon may have given you a prescription for an antiseptic mouthwash. Follow their instructions carefully to help prevent infection. You will also likely be advised to use a diluted warm salt water rinse beginning the day after surgery. Cold packs are helpful to reduce swelling the day of the operation. Switch to warm, moist compresses the next day to help with any discomfort. Anytime you have questions or concerns about your teen's recovery, don't hesitate to contact your surgeon. Most teens do not look forward to having their wisdom teeth out. However, with proper preparation and aftercare, wisdom teeth removal doesn't have to be something to fear. Wisdom teeth removal is merely another beneficial procedure that can ensure a lifetime of good dental health for your teen. And that is something to smile about!

The state of art technology combined with the expert knowledge and wealth of experience in cosmetic dentistry, East Bentleigh dental is renowned for helping you with challenging decisions in your dental problem.   Professional teeth whitening in East Bentleigh dental not only allow to have a brighter smile but also rejuvenates your teeth. It has helped many patients in Australia to enjoy the sparkling smile forever. The teeth whitening system is a simple and safe method that is known for revealing results up to eight shades brighter teeth in just one appointment.   It’s one of the cost-effective and safe ways to improve your dental appearance. Today, there are a number of teeth whitening option available in the market. It is always a good idea to consult your local dentist, who will suggest you about the best option that suits your teeth.   There is a sizeable difference between the professional teeth whitening services and what you can pick up directly from the local pharmacy.   Over-the-counter whitening may have the following drawbacks:   It can have a weaker bleaching formula. It may cause burn and pain on your gums and other soft tissues. It may have been kept on the shelf for several months. It may be one-size-fits-all.   Professional teeth whitening, on the other hand, has the following health benefits:   It consists of the professional-strength bleaching properties. The whitening gels are carefully applied to the teeth by expert dentists. It’s available in a custom fit that suits your teeth.   In order to make sure that your teeth whitening treatment lasts longer, you need to brush and flush your teeth daily.   If you want to maintain your healthy and beautiful smile, you should make it a point to give a regular visit to your dentist.   If in case there is a discolouration of your teeth within a month following the teeth whitening treatment, East Bentleigh dental recommends you to use the convenient touch-up kit they provide for the healthy maintenance of your oral hygiene.